"Master, this storage ring belongs to one of the top kings of the demon heart sect. He was killed by wild animals together with the two top kings of the sect." Pick up one of the remaining seven storage rings and point out the unique logo of the magic heart sect, Chu Zhongtian said.

"You know!" Seeing that Chu Zhongtian pointed out that the king's top strongman of the magic heart sect was killed together with the two king's top strongmen of the sect, Jiao Enjun was not surprised, but said with some emotion.

"You already know!" Seeing Jiao Enjun who was not surprised at all, Chu Zhongtian asked in surprise.

Since it was known that the law enforcement peak and the people in the merit hall hooked up with the evil heart sect, why not join hands with the sect's main peak and the elders' regiment to destroy them and let them destroy the sect unity and weaken the sect strength.

"Although the law enforcement peak and the merit hall are supported by the supreme level strong people, with the strength of the sect leader and I, it is not impossible to destroy the law enforcement peak and the merit hall. The reason why we have been afraid to do it is because the evil heart sect is an old monster that has not been born for a long time." Seeing that Chu Zhongtian already knew the relationship between the law enforcement peak and the merit hall and the evil heart sect, and that Chu Zhongtian's idea had transformed into a divine idea earlier than his cultivation, Jiao Enjun finally revealed some secrets that Jiao Enjun didn't intend to disclose in advance.

"Isn't that old monster a strong man with the title of supreme class?" Chu Zhongtian asked curiously when he heard Jiao Enjun mention the old monster of morxinzong.

You know, with Jiao Enjun's lawless character, few people can make him feel afraid, unless the other party is a powerful person with the title of supreme level, which is an existence he can't resist at all.

"That's right!" Nodded, Jiao Enjun said in an unusually dignified tone: "if it's just an ordinary title supremacy, we're not afraid, because the patriarchal senior brother broke through the title supremacy 30 years ago, but the old monster is the top power among the title supremacy, and its strength can be ranked in the top three among all the title supremacy in the whole southern region."

"So strong!" Hearing Jiao Enjun's evaluation of the old monster of the evil heart sect, Chu Zhongtian was shocked and almost stood up from the stone chair.

In addition to being shocked, a trace of incomprehension came to his mind.

If the old monster of magic heart sect is so powerful, why does magic heart sect rank behind Liuyun sect and Huashan sword sect among the nine forces!

You know, apart from the strength of the young and middle-aged generation, the most important reason for determining the strength of a power is the top power, which is also one of the keys for the eternal mainland to upgrade to a higher level.

If the old monster of morxinzong is the top power in the southern region, why doesn't the supreme power of morxinzong even have the courage to refute when facing the oppression of the Qin Empire!

If no one of Liuyun sect can suppress the old monster, why didn't law enforcement peak and merit hall have too much advantage in the competition with the sect leader for hundreds of years!

As if aware of the doubt of Chu Zhongtian, Jiao Sijun continued to explain: "thirty years ago, when the senior brother of the patriarch was promoted to the supreme title, the Qin emperor of the Qin Empire suddenly came to the magic heart sect and named the old monster challenging the magic heart sect."

"Facing the challenge of the Qin emperor, the old monster of the demon heart sect didn't pay attention to it at the beginning, because the Qin emperor was a person of the same age as me and the younger generation of the old monster. There was a difference of hundreds of years between each other."

"However, the old monster didn't know that there was a genius better than him until the two sides really got to know each other. Because Emperor Qin's strength was not weaker than him, but even better than him. The two sides tore up and killed for nearly two days and two nights. Finally, Emperor Qin defeated and wounded the old monster, which led to the old monster's latent healing until now."

When explaining here, Jiao Enjun picked up the tea cup on the stone table, drank a cup of tea water, and then said: "Chu boy, the battle between the Qin emperor and the old monster is the top battle in the southern region. With my supreme strength, I can't see the battle between them."

"Fortunately, the patriarchal elder martial brother just broke through the title of supreme. With his strength, I can barely see the process of the two people fighting. It is also the persuasion of the patriarchal elder martial brother that I have been suppressing hatred for decades and didn't really kill the peak of law enforcement."

"I see!" Through Jiao Enjun's explanation, Chu Zhongtian finally understood why the patriarch and Jiao Enjun had been allowing the law enforcement peak and the hall of merit and virtue to act recklessly.

Put away the storage ring on the stone table and leave only the storage ring with three treasures. Chu Zhongtian briefly introduced the process of refining his secret land of the wilderness, but the introduction was not as detailed as before.

Jiao Enjun didn't care about this.

With the transformation of Chu Zhongtian's consciousness and mind, the physical grade has broken through six grades, and the breakthrough of the divine soul period is close at hand. With his current cultivation and strength, he can participate in the real core secrets of the southern region. When some less important things can be passed.

"Shifu, the reason why I say insulting words is because I don't want you to have too much contact with the supreme power of the Qin Empire and keep her attention on us. The reason is that I got the three treasures that the Qin Empire has been looking for." Chu Zhongtian always kept Jiao Enjun in mind and wanted to explain to him that he described Jiao Enjun as a patient who forgot to take medicine when he went out.

"Oh! What kind of treasure is it that makes Qin Xinling not hesitate to fight with me and search your treasures!" Hearing Chu Zhongtian's initiative to mention the three treasures in the secret place, Jiao Enjun asked with great interest when he thought that Qin Xinling was crazy to search the treasures.

"Master, please start the guard array of other hospitals!" Without taking out the three treasures in the storage ring immediately, Chu Zhongtian first motioned Jiao Enjun to start the array defense.

Then, he consulted with the old Huang in his mind, and then he personally arranged a set of five grade defense array outside the stone pavilion by using some spirit stones, waste stones and some precious materials.

After Jiao Enjun started the defense array of other hospitals and old Huang arranged the five grade defense array, he took out three treasures from the storage ring.

"This is the best barren stone!" Because the raw milk and fat were in the pill bottle, Jiao Enjun was attracted by the 100 best raw stones at the beginning.

"Yes, this is a hundred top-grade barren stones, which can improve your body by three grades, which is completely equal to the cultivation level!" Chu Zhongtian hasn't come and explained yet. Old Huang took the initiative to break away from his knowledge of the sea, and then introduced him.

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