A year ago, in a remote pub in purgatory City, old Huang realized Chu Zhongtian for the first time because of the guidance of the baby daughter of the owner behind the scenes of purgatory city.

At that time, the cultivation of Chu Zhongtian had only two peaks in the body training period. Later, with the help of the exotic animal stew carefully adjusted by Mrs. Rong, he barely broke through the three peaks in the body training period.

Now, more than a year later, he has not only broken through the two great realms of gas transformation period and gas sea period, but also reached the great realm of breaking through the spirit period, which has blocked hundreds of millions of talented martial artists.

In the spirit period, the realm stained with the word of God is enough to illustrate the extraordinary nature of this realm!

Huang felt a little afraid of the speed of Chu Zhongtian's cultivation. His desire to reshape his flesh filled him with infinite expectations.

"Huang Lao, the breakthrough of the divine soul period is not urgent!" Shaking his head, Chu Zhongtian directly rejected Huang Lao's proposal, and then explained in detail why he was not in a hurry to break through the soul period.

After hearing Chu Zhongtian's explanation, Huang smiled and said, "Chu boy, the two reasons you just mentioned are easy to solve in my opinion."

"First, you are worried that when you break through the spirit period, the strong men of the law enforcement peak and the merit hall will sneak attacks. You can rest assured."

"First of all, your master Jiao Enjun is at the peak of the supreme level. If he didn't want to enter the realm of half step title, he would have achieved half step title."

"In other words, in the realm of the supreme level, he basically belongs to the top. As for your Liuyun sect, I'm afraid no one is his opponent."

"Secondly, I will help you arrange the three-level defense array first, which can block any attack below the supreme level when breaking through the divine soul period, and then arrange three sets of four-level self explosion array, which is enough to kill all the strong people below the peak of the imperial realm and seriously hit the strong people of the supreme level."

"At the same time, I can barely use the supreme corpse of the wild beast. With the help of the five best waste stones and tens of thousands of upper level waste stones you gave me, I can give full play to the supreme strength and help your master resist foreign enemies."

"Finally, your master went to the suzerain peak in person for his precious apprentice to successfully break through the divine soul period, and planned to ask the suzerain of the highest rank to protect the Dharma for you in person, so the first problem you worry about will not be the problem."

Hearing the preparations made by Huang Lao and Jiao Enjun to break through the divine soul period in advance, Chu Zhongtian was moved and didn't say anything. He just kept this kindness in his heart and will repay ten times and a hundred times in the future.

"Chu boy, as for the second problem you're worried about, it's not a problem to wait for the expansion of God's mind to reach 9999 meters."

"Do you think that after the soul is promoted to the divine product, it is only the improvement of soul and state of mind, and there is no increase in the divine mind!" Although Chu Zhongtian didn't say anything to thank him, Huang could clearly feel the change in his mood.

In this regard, while deeply relieved, he continued to eliminate Chu Zhongtian's concerns.

"Huang Lao, do you mean to say!" Chu Zhongtian asked in surprise.

"Chu boy, when your mind is completely restored, you can try the extended distance of your mind!" Without too much explanation, Huang intended to let him personally feel the changes in his mind after his soul was promoted to divine products.

Because only by personally feeling, can he realize the changes after the promotion of his soul!

"Yes!" Nodded, Chu Zhongtian took out a pill specially used to restore his mind from the storage ring and planned to restore his consumed mind after taking it, but old Huang suddenly interrupted.

"Chu boy, restore your mind first. I'm discussing with your master to see if you need more preparation when you break through the spirit period."

"Please, Mr. Huang, thank you for me, master!" Holding the pill to restore his mind, Chu Zhongtian sincerely thanked him.

However, in the face of Chu Zhongtian's apology, Huang didn't reply, as if he had quietly left after telling him just now.

After taking the pill in his hand, Chu Zhongtian began to recover his consumed mind.

Five days later, Qianlong peak, the peak is not in the hospital!

The stone pavilion originally used to drink tea and chat was temporarily removed, the medicine field planted with precious medicinal materials was temporarily removed, and the room used to rest was temporarily removed.

At this time, the whole courtyard is like a neat football field!

A set of complete edition gathering soul array with grade up to grade five is erected in the center of other hospitals. At the point of the gathering array, Chu Zhongtian sat inside with his knees bent and motionless.

Jiao Enjun, Shen Fengxing, Tian Jun, Huang Fuqi, Dongfang Yongping, Dongfang Yuner, shitliang, Zhang Qian and Wang Zhongning were staring at Chu Zhongtian in the array. Everyone showed a different look in their eyes.

For Jiao Enjun, his eyes looking at Chu Zhongtian are full of appreciation and comfort.

In a short period of more than a year, his cultivation has successively broken through the period of body cultivation, qi transformation and Qi sea. Now he has reached the point of breaking through the period of God and soul. With such an excellent disciple as Chu Zhongtian, he feels that he will be more successful in the first half of his life and in the second half of his life.

For Shen Fengxing, the leader of Liuyun sect, his eyes looking at Chu Zhongtian are full of appreciation and regret.

At the beginning, when Chu Zhongtian broke through the qi transformation period, he showed his demonic talent. Although Shen Fengxing was very excited and had personally solicited, the solicitation was not strong. Because in his opinion, although the talent of the demon level in the middle of Chu is very excellent, zongzhufeng is not without better demon level disciples.

Now, looking at Chu Zhongtian who is about to break through the divine soul period, thinking about his youth ceremony just over the age of 18, and thinking of the strange sound of jiuzhuan Zhenyuan pill from the whole southern region, he envies Jiao Enjun for being able to get such an excellent disciple of Chu Zhongtian, and regrets that he didn't try his best to attract Chu Zhongtian at the beginning.

Tian Jun looked at Chu Zhongtian with envy and helplessness.

The first time I saw and knew Chu Zhongtian was when Dabi, a disciple outside the sect, was the representative of the sect leader's first generation. He supervised the competition process and selected talented disciples suitable for the sect leader's first generation.

Chu Zhongtian's super challenge attracted his attention. The on-the-spot breakthrough made him have the idea of soliciting, and he was able to perform boxing beyond a big realm, which forced him to secretly recruit the master brother long Xingyun, so that he could compete with the merit hall for the ownership of Chu Zhongtian.

Unfortunately, the moody Jiao Enjun started ahead of time and collected Chu Zhongtian into the Qianlong peak, which frustrated his idea of trying to attract Chu Zhongtian to join the sect of patriarch.

Now, looking at the little younger martial brother who was two big realms away from himself, he not only caught up with him step by step, but also surpassed himself. Although Tian Jun was not jealous, he had the intention of complaining.

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