I saw myself lying on the ground at the bottom of the mountain, looked at the dull look of the people around me, thought that I had just been dazzled by anger, and finally knew what I had just experienced.

He was a powerful man of the supreme level, a powerful elder, and a big man who controlled the life and death of countless people in the sect. He was stunned by a disciple of a small spirit period and fell from a height of 10000 meters. This feeling of humiliation made him ashamed to face the people of the sect.

Use the supreme strength, put into the army and directly disappear in the same place. As for where to go, the rest of the people don't know except Jiao Enjun and Shen Fengxing.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the younger generation has successfully broken through the divine soul period. Next, we need to consolidate the post breakthrough realm, so please go back for a while. When the younger generation has completely consolidated the realm, we will have a big banquet and invite you to participate!" Chu Zhongtian arched his hand and said.

Fu Zhujun has disappeared, and Yuan Xuan has also hid in the veteran peak. The strong who can really control the situation have not appeared for a long time. The world in Chu has reached the order of expulsion, hoping to end today's complex and changeable situation, or force the strong who are hidden behind the scenes to come forward.

"Nephew Chu, wait a minute!" After thanking, Chu Zhongtian motioned Jiao Enjun to open the defense array of the other courtyard, a posture of closing the door and thanking the guests, but at this time, more than 300 miles away from Qianlong peak, a strong man at the top of the imperial territory warned.

"What else can I do for you, elder?" Chu Zhongtian knew that these people would not leave easily in front of him, so he didn't ask any unexpected questions about the voice of the powerful in the imperial territory.

"My surname is Qian. You are the deputy head of the refining Pavilion!" After a brief introduction, Mr. Qian then said, "martial nephew Chu, I have three questions. I want to ask for your opinion. I wonder if you can tell me the truth!"

"Say!" Seeing that the other party finally showed his real intention, Chu Zhongtian sneered in his heart, but motioned calmly.

"The first question, as far as I know, martial nephew Chu is only 18 this year. It's only two years since he officially entered the martial arts. In two years, he has been promoted directly from an ordinary person to the divine soul stage. The speed of promotion is too terrible. I don't know what kind of anti heaven skill nephew Chu practices!"

"There should be a copy of the skill I practice in the clan classics Pavilion, named about the taixuan Heart Sutra!" Interrogating a person's cultivation skills is a taboo in the cultivation world, but Chu Zhongtian is neither angry nor hiding, and truthfully confesses his cultivation skills.

Although the skill of taixuan Heart Sutra is powerful, because it lacks the core mental skills of the following layers, its real grade is only the lower level, which is not a very precious mental skill.

At the same time, he knew very well that the real purpose of the other party's interrogation of practicing kung fu was not whether the kung fu itself was precious, but intended to use the Kung Fu to lead to the next purpose.

Chu Zhongtian didn't worry about confessing his cultivation skills, which stunned everyone on the scene. However, after hearing that he was familiar with and understood the origin of taixuan Heart Sutra skills on the scene, the top power of the imperial realm didn't continue to investigate this issue.

"The second question is that after the ordinary talented martial artist is promoted to the divine soul period, the divine mind that is separated from the sea can only extend for tens of meters at most. Even for the demon level genius, the divine mind can extend for more than 9000 meters at most. I have never heard of anyone who breaks through the divine soul period, the distance of the divine mind can reach nearly ten thousand miles. I don't know what secret method martial nephew Chu has practiced!"

"Hum!" Seeing that the other party finally showed his greedy face, Chu Zhongtian snorted coldly and said with a sarcastic tone: "elder Qian, since you are the deputy leader of the weapon refining Pavilion and must be a master of weapon refining, can you tell me the secret method you used in the process of refining!"

"Nephew Chu, don't change the subject. I hope you can answer my question truthfully!" Seeing Chu Zhongtian shifting the topic to himself, Qian Changlao was worried. He thought that Chu Zhongtian could faint the supreme strong with words alone. He quickly led the topic to the question just now.

"Hum!" Seeing that Qian Changlao didn't dare to answer his own topic, Chu Zhongtian snorted in disdain, and then explained: "haven't heard of it doesn't mean No. when you want to break through the divine soul period, the divine mind extends more than 10000 meters. The method is very simple. As long as your mind can be transformed into divine mind earlier than your accomplishments, you can do this step."

Speaking of this, Chu Zhongtian pointed to the due north direction with his hand and said: "I am not the first person to transform my mind into a divine mind. Qin Wushuang, the ninety-nine Prince of the Qin Empire, has already reached this step. Therefore, if you want to know whether what I just said is correct, just ask Qin Wushuang about his performance in breaking through the divine soul period!"

"This...!" It's not a very important secret in the southern region that the mind changes before the cultivation. As the deputy leader of the refining Pavilion, Mr. Qian has known about it before. Therefore, he doesn't know how to refute what Chu Zhongtian just said.

"Nephew Chu, even if you have answered the second question, the next third question is...!" Since it is impossible to know the authenticity of the extension method of divine thoughts from Chu Zhongtian's mouth, he has a way to find out whether the facts are as true as Chu Zhongtian said after today's affair.

If so, he won't pursue it! If not, with the special status of the refining Pavilion in the sect, he had a way to let Chu Zhongtian teach the secret method of really extending the divine mind.

So he continued to ask the third answer he wanted.

"Elder Qian, do you want to ask the third question, why can I separate three souls and seven souls so quickly, and why can I temper Liying souls so quickly, right?" Before elder Qian asked, Chu Zhongtian said it directly for him.

"Since martial nephew Chu already knows, I wonder if you can solve the elder's doubts!" In just two years, he can grow from a young man who has just grown up to a peerless strong man in the southern region. In addition to the demon level talent, Chu Zhongtian must be very intelligent. Therefore, elder Qian is not surprised that he can guess what he thinks in his heart.

"Elder Qian, what I want to tell you is that the rapid separation of three souls and seven souls and the rapid training of Liying soul are related to the idea that is earlier than the cultivation and transformation of mind. As for whether you believe it or not, it's your business and has nothing to do with me!" After answering elder Qian's three questions, Chu Zhongtian looked up at the depths of the sect and showed an inexplicable smile on his face.

Then, he said to the people of Qianlong peak, "well, I have answered the questions that should be answered. Should you leave!"

Unfortunately, everyone at the scene didn't believe Chu Zhongtian's answer just now. They still looked at Chu Zhongtian with a look.

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