After threatening the people, the strong man who claimed to be Zhou Tieyun's longevity peak took the lead in entering the cave with his son who had just broken through the spirit period. The remaining warriors entered the cave one by one according to their accomplishments and identity.

Originally, those surnamed Wu Qi entered the cave earlier than those surnamed Wu Liu, but the two people who had already formed an alliance chose to enter the cave one before the other.

When the last person entered the hole, the hole with the original diameter of two meters began to close quickly, and the cage closed for ten centimeters in just one second.

"Huang Lao, with the help of your supreme spirit, help me." Just when Zhou Tieyun and his son entered the cave, Chu Zhongtian got up and left his hiding place. Then he used the lower body method and martial arts of Xuanpin to rush to the cave.

However, the mountain road is different from the flat land. The rugged mountain road has a great impact on the body method and martial arts. As a result, he was nearly 1700 miles away from the hole when he closed the cage at the hole.

According to the current speed and the closing speed of the hole, it is impossible for him to rush into the hole before the hole is completely closed. Helpless, he had to ask Huang Lao in his mind for help.

"Chu boy, if you can't, just use flying skills!" While injecting the power of the divine soul into the Dantian of Chu Zhongtian, old Huang suggested.

"No need to use flying skills!" After the power of the supreme spirit was injected into the elixir field, Chu Zhongtian directly carried the five kinds of flesh body, and then rushed to the hole in a rampant way.

Just as the cave was about to close, Chu Zhongtian rushed into the cave with the hole as dangerous as a forest.

At the same time, he immediately dispersed his mind to see whether there was danger at the entrance, or whether the group of people entering the entrance would ambush behind the entrance in advance.

Fortunately, shennian didn't find any abnormality and let him rush into the hole smoothly.

"What a dense aura of heaven and earth!" Just after stabilizing his body, Kong rulinton was stunned by the aura of heaven and earth in the cave, and couldn't help talking to himself.

"Yes!" Not to mention Kong Rulin, even Chu Zhongtian, who is used to seeing countless blessed places, was also shocked by the dense aura of heaven and earth in the cave.

If we compare the aura in the Hidden Dragon Peak practice chamber to a drop of water, the aura in the cave is almost equivalent to an endless sea.

What is more strange is that such a dense aura of heaven and earth has neither liquefaction nor gasification.

"Chu boy, according to the concentration of aura in the cave, there must be at least one top spirit vein with grade one hidden in the depths of Huyue mountain." Huang Lao's reaction to the unusually abundant aura in the cave is very calm.

The calm reaction was not because he had often seen such an environment before, but because according to the records in the relic secret script, as the supreme saint who opened the world and cultivated far more than immortal gods, it is very normal to use several first-class spiritual veins to provide Reiki.

"I see!" Chu Zhongtian's response to the news that there was a spiritual pulse hidden at the bottom of Huyue mountain was very peaceful.

In Surabaya city's Secret territory, when he just entered the secret territory, old Huang also calculated that there were spiritual veins with a grade of at least three or more in the whole secret territory according to the concentration of heaven and earth aura in the secret territory, but the final result was that the spiritual veins did not exist at all. Those sufficient heaven and earth auras are only the auras left after the self explosion of the secret environment rules and the evolution of the rules, which belong to absorbing less auras.

Therefore, Chu Zhongtian will not hold any expectations until he really sees the spiritual pulse.

He spread his mind and began to extend bit by bit along the expanded channel of the cave. He soon caught up with the strong people in maple leaf town who entered the cave in advance. After discovering that these strong people had not encountered any crisis, he greeted Kong Rulin, and then followed up without delay.

"Chu boy, how far can your mind extend now?" After following Zhou Tieyun and others for less than five minutes, old Huang in his mind suddenly asked.

"I'll try!" Because shennian had been staring at Zhou Tieyun and others, Chu Zhongtian did not try to extend the distance of shennian. At this time, when he heard Huang mention it, he remembered to test the extension range of shennian.

Shennian crossed Zhou Tieyun and others and began to extend bit by bit. When shennian extended a distance of 9919 meters, it seemed to encounter a hard barrier. No matter how hard shennian tried, it could not go further one meter.

"Huang Lao, I don't know what's going on. The whole channel suppresses the divine mind too much. Now my divine mind only extends less than 10000 meters." Chu Zhongtian said solemnly.

Since the cultivation broke through the divine soul period and the divine mind could extend tens of thousands of kilometers, he gradually found that the divine mind was more and more useful and helpful to himself, which made him gradually form a dependence on the divine mind.

Now, the mind can only extend less than 10000 meters, which makes me feel more stressed.

"Chu boy, it's good that my mind can extend nearly 10000 meters. You know, I can't even expand a trace of my mind now!" Hearing that Chu Zhongtian's mind can still extend nearly ten thousand meters, Huang Lao said in a sour tone for a long time.

"Huang Lao, if even your supreme mind can't leave the sea of knowledge, I'm afraid those people surnamed Zhou can't use their mind!" Chu Zhongtian didn't care about Huang's sour tone. What he really cared about was that even Huang couldn't use the chain reaction produced by his mind.

"As for whether he can use his mind, I'm not sure, but I think he should be like me and can't use his mind!" As for Chu Zhongtian's inability to use his mind, he immediately associated it with Zhou Tieyun and others who were following him. While Huang was satisfied, he was not sure whether Zhou Tieyun's mind was also limited.

If you want to determine whether Zhou Tieyun is also suppressed by the channel, your mind can't leave the sea. The method is very simple, but it's a little risky, because you need your mind to be within ten meters of Zhou Tieyun.

After entering a strange environment, the first thing for a martial artist who breaks through the divine soul period is to spread his mind and pay attention to the surrounding situation anytime and anywhere, so as to prevent accidents.

If Zhou Tieyun's mind, like Huang Lao, can't get away from knowing the sea, it won't arouse any vigilance within ten meters of his body.

If Zhou Tieyun's mind can be separated from the sea, he will find it when it approaches his body. Although doing so will certainly expose his own existence, Chu Zhongtian feels this risk in order to determine whether the other party's mind can be separated from the sea.

The mind approached Zhou Tieyun bit by bit, and Chu Zhongtian's heart also mentioned it bit by bit. When his mind approached Zhou Tieyun and was about to reach ten meters, his breathing began to stand still.

Fortunately, after the mind crossed the range of 10 meters, Zhou Tieyun was still not alert, which made Chu Zhongtian feel relieved.

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