As like as two peas, the four gods are still the same as the gods, but the white tiger and the holy beast are still the guardians of the wild world. They have also rescued themselves for two times. Chu Zhong Tian still complied with its request, and had four souls.

As the green dragon, the white tiger, the Xuanwu and the rosefinch were transformed, there was a flash of joy on the tiger face of the white tiger saint, but a flash of shock and fear on the face of the exterminating demon ape.

Because the four divine beasts created by Chu Zhongtian by using the true element attribute are no different from the real divine beasts. They are completely living creatures.

If the breath on the four divine beasts was not only the spirit period, it even felt that the four divine beasts in front of it were the four divine beasts it had seen in the ancient times.

"White tiger saint, I don't know what I should do next?" Chu Zhongtian respectfully asked the white tiger after he turned out four spirits.

"Chu Zhongtian, if you believe me, let me control these four spirits. How about that?" Put away the happy look on his face, and the white tiger Saint asked with great expectation.

"Of course!" Without any hesitation, Chu Zhongtian nodded and agreed directly.

He is different from others in using the power of Zhenyuan and divine soul to transform spirits.

If others want to make their illusory creatures full of spirituality and can assist their own battle, they must integrate part of their divine thoughts into the illusory creatures, so as to control the illusory creatures.

If you give the spirit thing integrated into the divine mind to others, others can use the divine mind in the illusory spirit thing to hurt the master of the illusory spirit thing.

Therefore, few people are willing to hand over their illusions to others. Even if they give them to others, their strength is much lower than that of their illusions.

However, Chu Zhongtian is different.

Because the spirit he transformed completely relied on his own understanding of the mysterious attribute of Zhenyuan, and the transformed soul only contained the power of Zhenyuan and divine soul, without his divine mind.

Even if the supernatural object is finally destroyed, it will have little impact on him. At most, it will lose some real yuan and the power of God and soul.

"Thank you!" Seeing Chu Zhongtian without a trace of worry, the white tiger saint was happy and looked at him with a special meaning.

Give orders to the four magical creatures and order them to obey the command of the white tiger saint.

Then, four spirits left him one after another and appeared beside the white tiger saint. At the same time, the white tiger saint, who was originally about two meters tall and more than four meters long, quickly shrinks in size. When it shrinks to the size of a palm, it flies directly into the giant white tiger in the illusion of the sky in the middle of Chu, and then fully integrates into it.

"Woo...!" When the white tiger saint was fully integrated into the body of the illusory white tiger, the white tiger Saint raised his head and roared into the deep valley. The roar was deafening, and the spiritual fruits on countless spiritual trees in the whole valley fell one after another.

After the white tiger saint was integrated into the illusory white tiger body, Chu Zhongtian found that the connection between himself and the illusory spirit was not cut off, but also closer to each other. He could even feel the rapid improvement of the strength of the illusory white tiger. At the same time, he also clearly felt the existence of the power of the law of destruction in the illusory white tiger.

Through the special relationship between himself and the white tiger, his perception of the power of the law of destruction is rapidly improving.

In just 30 seconds, his perception of the power of the law of destruction has reached a level, that is, he can rely on the power of the power of the law of destruction.

After watching the white tiger holy master integrate into the illusory spirit, the exterminator ape grasped the black stick in his hand and made a gesture of about to take the shot. However, after three roars in response to the white tiger holy master suddenly came from the valley, the exterminator ape controlled the impulse of taking the shot and immediately turned his head to watch.

Since the tree of life was destroyed by the suicide array, he was the only living creature after rebirth in the whole medicine field. He didn't know whether he had lived in the medicine field for tens of millions of years or hundreds of millions of years. He never knew that there were other lives in the deep valley where he lived.

"Ow...!" With the roar of anger, a blue dragon with a slightly dim body and a length of tens of thousands of meters flew out of the valley.

He nodded at the white tiger saint who was integrated into the giant white tiger. The body of the green dragon Saint shrinks rapidly for tens of thousands of meters. When the body shrinks to the same size as the white tiger saint, it also integrates into the illusory Blue Dragon.

After the blue dragon saint was integrated into the illusory blue dragon, Chu Zhongtian was shocked to feel that his illusory Blue Dragon contained a strong force of space law.

Feeling the power of space law, Chu Zhongtian couldn't help looking up at the blue dragon, and a trace of horror flashed in his eyes.

The green dragon saint, who protects the ancient world, even controls the space law ranked second among the thousands of laws. I'm afraid the strength of the green dragon supreme is the first of the four divine beasts.

However, the horror returned to the horror. Chu Zhongtian knew that opportunities were hard to find, so he took the time to feel the power of the dense space law in the cyan dragon.

When he began to feel the power of the space law in the blue dragon, he found that the space law in his Dantian began to operate rapidly. When the operation reached a certain degree, he suddenly disappeared in his Dantian and then appeared in the blue dragon.

The space law, which has always been regarded as more precious than life, suddenly left his Dantian. According to the quantity, Chu Zhongtian should be very anxious. However, after the force of the space law entered the blue dragon's body, he felt closer to the space law, as if the force of the space law was a part of his body.

Therefore, instead of being in a hurry, he improved his exclamation about the power of space law and increased the level of his ability to rely on the power of space law with the help of a closer relationship.

In just one minute, he was able to reach the second level with the help of the power of space law, and his strength was increased by at least dozens of times.

"Hiss...!" When the green dragon saint was integrated into the illusory blue dragon, a roaring sound came from the depths of the valley. With the roaring sound, the whole valley seemed to be hit by heavy objects, producing a violent shaking after another.

Accompanied by the violent shaking of the valley, a huge basaltic came out from the depths of the valley. Seeing the huge basaltic transformed in the air and the basaltic coming out from the depths of the valley, there was a trace of sadness in his small eyes, but he was relieved to see the green dragon saint and white tiger Saint integrated into the green dragon and white tiger.

When it saw Chu Zhongtian who was experiencing the law of space and the law of destruction with the help of green dragons and white tigers, his dry wrinkled face showed a happy look.

Then, like the white tiger saint and the green dragon saint, it began to shrink its body and integrate into the illusory Xuanwu body.

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