Different from other laws, the attack damage formed by the force of space law can not only act on the flesh, but also damage the body of the spirit, so as to avoid the object being attacked. There is the possibility of Dongshan in the future.

By recalling the secret attack of space cutting and space flickering just now, Chu Zhongtian had to sigh about the power and terror of space law, which ranked second among thousands of laws.

At the same time, after using the secret method of space law just now, his understanding of space law has deepened one step, and the power of space law he can rely on has increased one point.

The dungeons of the Tianlong imperial dynasty are divided into inner dungeons and outer dungeons. The outer dungeons are in the southwest outside the palace, where some criminal imperial subjects are locked. The inner prison is located in the southeast corner of the palace. It is a dungeon specially used to punish the royal family.

The eastern tyrant is being locked up at the bottom of the inner prison at this time.

God determined the specific location of the eastern hegemony. Chu Zhongtian directly tore the void and appeared in front of the eastern hegemony.

"Martial uncle Dongfang!" Seeing the Oriental tyrant with closed eyes and no breath, Chu Zhongtian whispered.

But the eastern hegemony did not respond.

"Martial uncle Dongfang, I have offended you!" Seeing the eastern tyrant without any response, Chu Zhongtian confessed, and then used his mind to invade his body and know the sea to see the reasons for his unconsciousness.

When his mind intruded into the body of the Oriental tyrant, he immediately felt that the energy like a vast ocean was constantly impacting his mind and preventing his mind from approaching the Dantian.

Compared with the gap between shennian and Zhenyuan, Chu Zhongtian gave up the idea of entering the Dantian, and along the meridians of the Oriental hegemony, shennian extended upward to know the sea, but shennian just came into contact with the sea, and a powerful shennian attack came like a fierce tiger, which forced Chu Zhongtian to take back the shennian immediately.

After Chu Zhongtian's mind withdrew from the sea, the mind power that lost the attack target returned to the sea. At the same time, the Oriental tyrant woke up.

"It's nephew Chu!" Seeing that the person who used his mind to check his knowledge of the sea was the queen of Chu, the Oriental tyrant breathed a long sigh of relief and a glimmer of joy flashed on his face.

"Martial uncle Dongfang, you are not only a strong man in the peak of the imperial realm, but also a prophet proficient in prophecy. How can you come to this end now?" When the eastern tyrant woke up, Chu Zhongtian asked in great doubt.

"Alas!" In the face of Chu Zhongtian's interrogation, Dongfang xiongba couldn't help sighing and said in a helpless tone.

"Although prophecy is powerful, it also depends on the object of prediction. If there is a strong person who is far more powerful than you to interfere with prediction, I have no way."

Then, the eastern tyrant told Chu Zhongtian the story in detail.

Five days ago, Dongfang xiongba, who was dealing with government affairs in his study, welcomed a group of unexpected guests. These unexpected guests were Dongfang Zeren, his cousin, who lost more than 30 years ago in order to compete for the supremacy of the Tianlong imperial dynasty.

Dongfang Zeren was the genius of Dongfang family at that time, second only to Dongfang hegemony, and also the most powerful contender for the throne. If the Oriental tyrant does not leave the sect, then the new generation of overlord of the Tianlong emperor must be his Oriental Zeren.

Unfortunately, in the face of the Oriental hegemony whose cultivation was already the peak of the king's realm and acted ruthlessly and decisively, Dongfang Zeren was not an opponent at all, and the first round of competition ended in failure.

After the failure to compete for the throne, Dongfang Zeren fled Tianlong city with some confidants. Afterwards, Dongfang xiongba also sent people to pursue and look for it, but he never got any news.

Later, with his own cultivation breaking through the peak of the imperial realm and the improvement of prophecy, he gradually forgot the Oriental Zeren.

However, what he never expected was that Dongfang Zeren's coming this time not only broke through the road period of his own strength, but also brought Dongfang Yue, which has been missing for hundreds of years.

Dongfang Yue is the strong man of the grandfathers of Dongfang hegemony and the strong man of Dongfang Zeren. It is also the loser who fled the Tianlong Dynasty after the failure of competing for the throne.

Although Dongfang Yue's seniority is higher than that of Dongfang xiongba, their accomplishments are basically the same, so Dongfang xiongba is not afraid of Dongfang Yue, but when he starts, Dongfang xiongba finds that he is not the opponent of Dongfang Yue at all.

It's not that his strength is not good, nor his martial arts are not good, but because there is a terrorist force in Dongfang Yue that he can't resist at all. Dongfang Yue is relying on that terrorist force to defeat him quietly and seal him.

"Martial uncle Dongfang, does the master of that power come from the demon heart sect?" The power to defeat the eastern hegemony is at least the power of the strong above the supreme level. However, the supreme level strong can't guarantee the power stored in the Oriental leap body and can give full play to the power of the supreme level. Only the strong whose cultivation reaches the title of the supreme level can do it.

Considering that he had just been besieged by three powerful men of the magic heart sect, Chu Zhongtian suspected that the people who remained in the power of Dongfang Yue were likely to come from the magic heart sect.

"Yes, the master of that power is from the devil heart sect, and it's also the one your master and the sect leader's elder martial brother have always been wary of!" Nodded, the eastern tyrant confirmed Chu Zhongtian's guess and directly pointed out the real identity of the power master.

"Is it the man standing behind the law enforcement peak and the hall of merit!" Hearing the eastern tyrant point out the origin of the man, Chu Zhongtian immediately thought of the super powerful man named by Jiao Enjun.

"Oh! Elder martial brother Jiao introduced that man to you!" Seeing that Chu Zhongtian also knew the real origin of the man, Dongfang xiongba was surprised and asked.

"Well, Shifu once told me that that man is the real sea god needle of the magic heart sect. He is the top three strong person in the title supreme. It is also the reason why they have not dealt with the law enforcement peak and the merit hall." While responding to the eastern hegemony, Chu Zhongtian's face gradually became dignified.

According to Jiao Enjun, the man fell into a deep sleep because of his injury after fighting with the king of Qin of the Qin Empire.

Now that he can leave the power in Dongfang Yue, it means that he has awakened and began to fight against yunzong. Because some people know that Dongfang xiongba has a good relationship with the leader of Liuyun sect and is also the strongest ally of the leader.

"Martial nephew Chu, if that person didn't disturb the secret of heaven and be proficient in prophecy, I wouldn't be able to detect the coming of danger. If it wasn't for the power that that person left in the East jump body, trying to capture and seal me alive is basically a dream." The eastern tyrant said reluctantly.

"I see!" After nodding, Chu Zhongtian finally understood why the Oriental tyrant was captured alive and suppressed in the dungeon.

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