"Wind chasing soul killing palm!" Mobilize the strength of Sanpin's flesh body, display the body skills of Xuanpin's middle-level peak, cooperate with Xuanpin's high-level body skills, and the angry Chu Zhongtian exposed his 30% strength for the first time.

"Forever!" Seeing that Chu Zhongtian took the lead in launching the attack, the super genius of the Chu family also showed no weakness and directly exercised the strongest sword technique he could master.

Unfortunately, the 30% strength of Chu Zhongtian in anger, except that he did not use the power of law, his real combat power was close to the road stage. Therefore, the result of the collision between boxing and spirit sword was that the super genius of the Chu family was forcibly blasted to the edge of the challenge arena.

Continue to use the medium-level peak body method and martial arts of Xuanpin. When the opponent has not removed the power of boxing, a basic boxing technique of black tiger takes his heart and directly blows into the opponent's heart. At the same time, mobilize the power of a trace of space law in boxing and start strangling the other party's spirit.

"Chu Zhongtian, stop!" Seeing Chu Zhongtian's appearance of killing Chu family's super genius, the top strongman of the kingdom of Chu family standing under the challenge arena stopped loudly.

However, he looked too high on his ability and too low on Chu Zhongtian's determination.

Ignoring the voice of the top strongman in the kingdom of Chu family, Chu Zhongtian continued to display 30% of his strength and directly blasted the other party into a sky of blood and minced meat.

"Damn it!" Seeing that Chu Zhongtian didn't give face at all, he directly hurt the killer, which made the top strongman of the kingdom of Chu family swear with a livid face, but he was only cursing, but he didn't dare to deal with Chu Zhongtian who left the challenge arena.

Because according to the rules of the competition for the Qianlong list, in the process of the competition for the Qianlong list, no one is allowed to shoot the contestants. If there are violators, they will be killed on the spot.

What's more, the master of Chu Zhongtian, Jiao Enjun, who is known as the bloody butcher, is the supreme top power that their Chu family can't afford.

"Boy, don't let me get a chance, or I'll give you a taste of the torture of the Chu family." After the blood rain disappeared, the strong man at the peak of the kingdom of Chu family did not find the spirit of the super genius of Chu family. He immediately knew that when the other party destroyed the body of the super genius of Chu family, he didn't know what secret method he used to directly strangle the spirit, which filled his heart with resentment.

He calmly returned to the sect gathering area. Chu Zhongtian ignored the shock of the same clan players and quickly watched the game between Tian Jun and Kong Rulin.

Fortunately, they had good luck this time. Although the strength of the opponents they met was very strong, they were still slightly inferior to their opponents in the ninth round, which made them attack their opponents smoothly and win the tenth round.

After the competition in the last arena, the Qianlong list did not continue to carry out the next round of knockout, but waited for about a minute. A message appeared in the minds of the players who won the tenth round and the seed players who did not participate in the knockout.

The information released by the diving dragon list is that half an hour later, the qualifying of the competition for the diving dragon list will begin. The rules of the qualifying are very simple, that is, each player will compete with all the players participating in the qualifying. The winner will accumulate one point and the loser will have no point. Finally, the top 108 diving dragons in the southern region will be determined according to the number of points.

In the tenth round of the knockout competition, there were 13 players in the challenge arena, and the jade and stone were burned in the final battle. As a result, a total of 342 players passed the final qualifying. With 58 seed players, the number of players participating in the final qualifying reached 400.

In other words, every contestant participating in the qualifying competition will have 399 matches. For each contestant, it is not only a test of physical strength, true yuan and soul power, but also a test of IQ and strategy.

"Elder martial brother Tian, Rulin, time is pressing. You should seize the time to restore the consumed Zhenyuan and soul power. I'm here to help you protect the Dharma!" After receiving the news released by the Qianlong list, Chu Zhongtian quickly reminded Tian Jun and Kong Rulin.

As for him, there was no consumption in the ten rounds of knockout, so there was no need to recover.

"Please younger martial brother Chu!" Being in the sect gathering area and surrounded by the top strongmen of the imperial realm, there can be no danger at all, but Tian Jun is very grateful for Chu Zhongtian's kindness.

Nodded, Chu Zhongtian stood behind Tian Jun and Kong Rulin, vigilant about the surrounding environment, and secretly continued to understand the power of space law.

Half an hour is so short that many players who participate in qualifying have no time to recover the consumed Zhenyuan and spirit. They can only participate in the next qualifying in a tired state.

As soon as the time specified in the diving dragon list arrives, 365 challenge platforms in mid air generate a force of attraction at the same time and begin to arrange qualifying competitions between different players.

There are a total of 400 players participating in the qualifying competition. A one-on-one competition requires a total of 200 challenge platforms. Therefore, there is basically no front and back in the qualifying competition. Everyone participates in the competition almost at the same time.

Chu Zhongtian had good luck in the first round of qualifying. He was a player with an injury and Zhenyuan and Shenhun barely recovered 30%. Seeing that the other party was not as strong as himself and his body was not in good condition, the kind message asked: "do you admit defeat and can fight for some time to recover from the injury!"

"Thank you for your concern, younger martial brother. I can continue to compete!" Shaking his head, the opponent took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed his injury, a posture of continuing the game.

"I don't know what to do!" Chu Zhongtian, who was in a bad mood, cursed secretly and then used the medium level body skills of Xuanpin to kick his opponent out of the challenge arena when the other party didn't respond.

The injury on his body was not light. Chu Zhongtian's angry leg technique made his injury worse by three points, resulting in the opponent falling behind the challenge arena fainting directly.

After leaving the challenge arena, Chu Zhongtian wanted to return to the sect gathering area, but the sudden attraction of a challenge arena not far away made him appear on the challenge arena at once.

"I've seen elder martial brother Chu without trace!" After Chu Zhongtian appeared in the challenge arena, the contestants who appeared in the challenge arena earlier had a very formal attitude.

"Chu Zhongtian has seen elder martial brother Ji!" Chu Zhongtian also replied formally.

"The wind is blowing all over the world!" When Chu Zhongtian officially returned the salute, Ji Wuji directly used the signature martial skill of the gale family: gale divine step, and launched a very shameless sneak attack.

As the body method and martial arts skill of the strong wind family that shocked the southern region, the wind disease world, whose grade barely reached the peak of the middle level of Xuanpin, has erupted at a speed no less than the high-level peak of Xuanpin, which makes it difficult for the poorly prepared Chu Zhongtian to mobilize the physical defense in a short time.

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