At this time, the gangsters were lying on the ground. Some of them were squatting on the ground, and their faces were all miserable. Their bones were broken by Lin Yuan, either by breaking their arms or thighs, or by breaking their ribs. At this time, they were constantly moaning and wailing on the ground.

This group of people never thought that it would be like this. They would be beaten so badly. At first, I was quite confident because there were so many people on their side, but who could have thought that things would come to this point? It was them who failed in the end, and in Lin Yuan's hands, they had no room to fight back.

In particular, the Yellow haired gangster was just slapped by Lin Yuan, but his head was spinning at this time, and he couldn't think normally. At this time, looking at Lin Yuan's smile, I feel that Lin Yuan is like a devil.

Before, Lin Yuan was just like a pig eating a tiger. It can be said that he didn't pay attention to these people at all. He hasn't paid attention to these people from the beginning, and so far. At this time, Lin Yuan slowly walked to Huang Mao, the gangster Huang Mao, the gangster constantly retreated, and finally retreated to the corner, it can be said that there is no way back.

"Just now you are not very powerful, just now you are not very arrogant, you have to eat overlord meal, you just don't want to give money, and you also want to charge a high amount of protection fee from here. Your grandmother has a leg. I tell you that you don't need to be brave for the first time, someone dare to say protection fee in front of me!"

When he finished his sentence, Lin Yuan suddenly remembered that he and Ozawa were members of the taro family in the old city, like an old man, collecting protection fees.

Time makes Lin Yuan feel very angry. He thinks of what happened before. Combined with what happened today, Lin Yuan's anger suddenly surges to his heart. Then he sees the Yellow haired gangster's frightened expression. These people are not good things. When he lifts his hand, he throws it on the Yellow haired gangster's face.

At this time, I only heard a scream from the Yellow haired gangster.

"His grandmother's leg, your family doesn't have a good thing. Your Tailang family really does all kinds of evil things, and all kinds of bad things are done by your family. Do you think there's a good thing in your family? One by one, they are like blind people. It's a pity that you are the largest family in the area. I think you are the largest cult in the area! "

At this time, Lin Yuan thought of all kinds of things that they could have done before. It can be said that when he thought of the things before, he was very angry.

"Just like you people are not short of money at all. You should all be fat and greasy, but why do you come out to do this kind of thing? It's just bullying. You all have hands and feet. You are already adults. You can't work well and make money well. You have to come out to be a gangster and earn money Do you think it's a great honor to take the protection fee? Do you think it's a great pleasure? "

"People like you are the scum and scum of the society. The more people like you, the less progress the society can make. Do you young people learn what they learned before? Do you deserve to be a person just like this? It's a waste of air to live. It's a waste of land to die! "

At this time, Lin Yuan could be said to be more and more aggressive and angry. Looking at these gangsters, he felt that he hated iron but not steel. They were almost the same age as himself. What are they doing now? Is still idle, a pair of loafer appearance.

Do people like them deserve to live in this world? People like them who live in the world will only add trouble to more people. They should go to hell and should not be born at all.

In fact, this is not true. These people are not well educated. I believe their parents are arrogant and domineering, and they are also reckless. The only root cause is that they are too good at family affairs. After thinking of this, Lin Yuan secretly decided that he would destroy this garbage family, because the existence of their family made people in this country uneasy!

At this time, everyone of these gangsters is crying. At this time, they can't say what they have. At this time, they can say that they are angry, but they can't vent their anger. It's like they are suffering from dumb losses.

When they have been so wronged, when they have been pointed to the nose and scolded like this, that's something that has never happened before. Now there is a person who is about the same age as them, who is just like an elder and mercilessly scolds them, making them angry.

But what about anger? Even if it's anger, what can he change? Now these gangsters also know that this boy is really a bit terrible. At this time, they can only listen to each other's rebuke, and they can't reply at all. If they reply again, they will be beaten severely. They don't want to be beaten again.

Everyone knows that being beaten will hurt. Being beaten will make them suffer. They will feel pain when they are beaten. These people are not fools either. After being beaten, their bones are broken and their flesh is swollen. At this time, they don't want to suffer any harm at all. At this time, they just want to leave. They have to go home to find their mother and leave this abominable place The land of right and wrong.Said so much, Lin Yuan's mouth is about to say, at this time is just a helpless sigh, slowly came to the yellow hair in front of, picked eyebrows.

Seeing Lin Yuan's actions at this time, the Yellow haired thug was very scared. He was afraid that the boy would be impatient and angry. He felt that he couldn't get rid of his anger, and then he would take his anger out! At this time, the Yellow haired gangster can be said to be completely afraid. Now he didn't have the slightest idea of resistance, just hope Lin Yuan don't hurt him, don't do it yourself, don't beat himself.

"Brother, I think it's all a misunderstanding. Brother, we can actually have something to say. There's no need to do it like this. You can tell me that the meal costs money. I'll pay the bill right now. We'll leave immediately after the bill is finished. It won't cause you any more trouble."

Listen to Huang Mao's words, Lin Yuan smiles at this time. The boy finally said a word.

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