"Something's wrong. You look at Lin Yuan so skillfully. He looks like something."

A man in the crowd exclaimed, staring at Lin Yuan's action on the screen, with unspeakable curiosity on his face.

"Professor John, you are an expert in this field. Do you think Lin Yuan is pretending to be true or not?"

"What's the question? Lin Yuan is young and white faced. How can he understand these sophisticated technologies? He must be pretending. After all, it's not so easy for the Bai family to take out so much money. "

These people talked about it, but they didn't notice that John, and the person in charge on the side, looked very ugly, especially John.

Who would have thought that Lin Yuan was so familiar with these instruments, and there was no mistake in the operation, and he would be able to come up with the identification results soon.

"I didn't think that Lin Yuan really knew something, but when we took out the appraisal report, we knew that the appraisal result of this kind of instrument was very different from that of the one just now. You'll know later."

The person in charge of the identification center got John's eyes and immediately started to pretend to say it. By the way, he also popularized a lot of professional knowledge. Anyway, other people can't understand it.

No one can understand whether the test report is true or false. It's enough to make these people believe them. Later, even if they say that Lin Yuanna's appraisal report is inaccurate, they don't know.

John was satisfied and nodded. Looking at this person in charge is also more appreciated, it seems that back to the pilot, find a way to transfer to the headquarters of the research room.

After nearly half an hour, Lin Yuan took an inspection report and put it on the table.

Looking at the data indicators on this report, others nodded one after another.

"It's true that the professor is right. This Lin Yuan is really pretending. Look at the gap above."

"It's a thousand miles away from the truth. I don't want to tell you this. Let's talk about how to cooperate so as to save Lin Yuan from making trouble all the time."

Lin Yuan frowned. At this time, Bai Shuang came from one side and lowered her voice. After her whispered explanation, she realized what was going on, and her mouth turned up slightly.

"I have to admit that you are an excellent young man. I didn't expect to know much about this kind of instrument. No wonder you were so confident before. However, young man, you should know that many things are not as simple as you think. Just now I saw the operation of your instrument, and I ate in many places. Fortunately, it didn't affect the machine. That's it Come on, don't make trouble here. Let's go. "

The person in charge of the research center said with a smile that an elder should have.

More is to let the side of the people have a thumbs up, heart praise, such a comparison, Lin Yuan is more hateful, I do not know heaven and earth, also has been making trouble here.

"It seems that you are quite capable of reversing black and white. I didn't expect that John, such an internationally renowned expert, had such a thick skin to bully these laymen. If he didn't understand, he would point the deer to the horse here. Now if you show this report to other insiders, who do you think they will believe?"

Lin Yuan slapped two reports on the table. The first one was made up by John at random. Although it looks like that, if we study it carefully, there are a lot of data in it. There is a big gap between the donkey's lips and the horse's mouth.

Listening to Lin Yuan's words, the person in charge of the identification center's face became cold. There was a little panic in his eyes. Before he looked at these people, he thought that he was just a layman. He just made up a report, but who knew that Lin Yuan was still an expert.

As the atmosphere grew stiff and awkward, John stood up.

"If you really don't want to stop the construction of the production base, we can discuss it, and even let you and Baishuang become partners. There's no need to make trouble here all the time."

Lin Yuan sighed a tone slightly, it seems that don't take out the last killer mace, in front of these two people won't admit.

"Bully these layman's idiots, can't understand, right? Then I'll change another simple method, don't need to let them understand the data report, I ask normal drugs, may glow in the dark?"

"What are you talking about? How can drugs glow? If it's really luminous, there must be something wrong with it. There is absolutely no possibility of this kind of medicine from me. Please stop it. "

At this time, John is completely relieved and laughs. It seems that Lin Yuan is really desperate. At this time, he is still making a fuss. No medicine can emit light, and he is responsible for research. Even if there are some illegal ingredients, it is absolutely impossible for him to emit light in the dark.

"In that case, let's make a bet. When the lights are turned off, I'll grind this medicine into powder. As long as it glows, it means that there is something wrong with your medicine."There was no such thing, so of course John was very confident. He actually nodded his head and agreed. His eyes were full of ridicule.

Finally to Lin Yuan's side, specially lowered his voice, "I admit you have some skills, but no one will believe you, I advise you to give up, don't want to fight with us Robin Hood group."

Lin Yuan was still smiling, then turned his head, took out the few pills left, ground them into powder, and finally put them on the table in a transparent glass.

The person in charge of the identification center hid at John's command and immediately went to turn off the light.

"It's impossible to see inside the cup."

Suddenly someone exclaimed, and then everyone's eyes are silk, nailed in the cup, saw in the dark inside the powder actually sent out a tiny light, although extremely weak, but that in the end is still luminous.

"How could that be?"

John's face suddenly changed. He was lying on the table staring at the powder in the cup. He couldn't figure out why it glowed in the dark. He knew all the ingredients in it. There was absolutely no ingredient that could glow.

At this time, Lin Yuan had turned on the light again, "what else to say now?"

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