Candy fruit is like a simple little girl. She pulls sister Jing to keep up with Lin Yuan. After walking around, she looks at the towering building. With a sigh in her heart, she keeps up with Lin Yuan.

Came to the main entrance of the hotel, there are indeed several security guards here, and Lin Yuan just walked to the door, directly blocked.

"Wait a minute, who are you? Now the hotel is not open, so this building is not allowed to enter for the time being! "

A small security guard stood up and stood directly in front of Lin Yuan and others, blocking their way.

Lin Yuan, with a smile, wanted to go back to his hotel. He didn't expect to be stopped. He was a little helpless in his heart.

"Well, you certainly don't know who I am. You go to your security team leader and ask him to call their boss. You can tell him that my name is Lin Yuan!"

Lin Yuan didn't explain too much, and he didn't want to explain too much, because along the way, Lin Yuan really didn't want to explain. He had to explain too many things himself.

Xiaobao also heard Lin Yuan's words, and immediately ran to the security room. At this time, Lin Yuan's three people had to wait at the door of the hotel for a while.

Almost ten minutes later, people from far away saw an old man and a young man rushing back to the door of the hotel.

At this moment, the little security guard stood in front of Lin Yuan with an old security guard. At this time, the little security guard was embarrassed, while the old security guard was smiling.

"Mr. Lin, I'm really sorry. This little security guard is new here. Some of them don't know the rules and who you are. So don't blame him. Don't see him in the same way. I'm sorry to be here with you!"

The little security guard is the nephew of the old security guard. When he was in the village, he didn't study hard, and he didn't plan to continue to study. He had nothing to do. So the old security guard brought him to the city to broaden his horizons and help him find a job.

I didn't think about anything in the vest, but after hearing the old guard's words, I finally fell in love with the little guard.

"You've done a good job. You've done what a security guard should do. If you let me enter the hotel casually without investigating who I am, it's a terrible crime. It's irresponsible. Well, after the hotel opens, I'll reward you two thousand yuan for each one of you!"

After Lin Yuan finished, he left them and went directly into the hotel. At this time, Tang Guoguo, the elder sister of Jing, immediately followed.

"You can visit it. If you leave late and wait for my hotel to open, you can actually move to this hotel and I will give you the lowest discount."

Tang Guoguo didn't respond to Lin Yuan's words. He talked about drums, but he still looked around the hotel and the internal environment of the hotel. I have to say that the decoration of the hotel is very innovative and comfortable.

It doesn't make people feel a sense of extravagance. Now many hotels feel quite a local tyrant in the interior decoration, and many people often don't like this feeling, just like they become local tyrants after they go in.

The overall make-up has both modern elements and ancient style. The public space is very spacious but not monotonous. Although there is no guest in the hotel now, it is not at all embarrassed.

But at this time, the two women's ideas are quite different, this sugar fruit in the appreciation of the hotel interior decoration style, but also praise the hotel is rare, has its own characteristics.

And now the realm is to put all the attention on the body of Lin Yuan, the hotel is how to decorate, how luxurious. Sister Ying is not interested now. Now she is only interested. Where does she take her two people and when can she start with Lin Yuan first.

With Lin Yuan slowly came to the elevator, and then Lin Yuan pressed the elevator on the 30th floor!

Directly came to the floor that Lin Yuan wanted to take them to, but the 30th floor is the best suite concentration place in the hotel.

Lin Yuan has already figured out how to treat the two women. Directly push open a room, Lin Yuan has been carrying vegetables and fresh meat on the side of the table.

"I like the layout of this room very much. I haven't seen it before. I feel very good!"

Lin Yuan laughed and then said, "this hotel will open in one month. If you stay in the provincial capital long enough, you can move to this suite completely. If you like this room, you can keep it!"

Listen to Lin Yuan's words, candy fruit is nodded, but just want to say something, but by the side of Ling elder sister a little hard pinch pinch arm.

And his this action, one side of Lin Yuan also observed, some helpless in the heart, it seems that he did not reduce the misunderstanding of himself.Then continue to let time go, continue to let time to answer any questions, Lin Yuan came to the table, reached out and picked up the vegetables and meat he had just bought.

"You can sit there and play with your mobile phone for a while and have a chat. I'll go to the kitchen and prepare some delicious food for you. Just wait for me for a while!" After losing, Lin Yuan turned around with vegetables and meat and went into the kitchen next to him.

At this time, sister Jing also stands up and follows Lin Yuan. When Lin Yuan enters the kitchen to put down the vegetables and meat, sister Jing enters the kitchen and blocks the kitchen door, then locks the kitchen door.

When Lin Yuan heard the sound of footsteps, and then heard the sound of the door lock, at that moment, there was a thousand layers of waves in his heart.

And this time the quiet elder sister also didn't say anything, just quietly from behind hands around Lin Yuan's waist. The whole person's body also pressed toward Lin Yuan's back.

Lin Yuan's body suddenly became very rigid, the whole person is like a wooden chicken, like a wood standing there, don't know what to do. Even if Lin Yuan knows that the sound insulation in his hotel is quite good, he can't fight with him in the kitchen, and now he really doesn't have that idea, which is the most important thing.

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