During this period of time, the Tailang hotel has been very quiet, but Lin Yuan also found that he has been monitored by Tailang staff.

Liu Bei doesn't care about himself and doesn't do anything shameful, but everything by the sea is not exposed. Everything about Tang Guoguo, the Tailang hotel doesn't know about the construction by the sea. To put it bluntly, the Tailang hotel doesn't have a clear idea.

Tang Guoguo sent a message to himself, let him go, Lin Yuan is driving his car, directly to the work place of candy fruit.

Directly came to the recording room, and at this time, Lin Yuan saw that candy fruit was just preparing his new song, while the dancers in the dance room nearby were busy rehearsing the dance of the concert.

See, after Tang Guoguo recorded the song, he immediately came to Lin Yuan.

"Accompany me to go out for a while, this period of time is a little too much suffering, every day soak in this place, you take me out for a walk!" Candy said with a smile.

"I'd love to help you where you want to go for a walk!"

"Then take me to the best shopping mall on your side and have a good stroll. I also want to buy two new clothes and some cosmetics." Candy fruit said with a smile.

"Do you need to do these things yourself? Why don't you arrange for your assistant to prepare all these things? " Lin Yuan was puzzled and asked.

"That's all right. I've said that I want to go out for ventilation, and if the clothes fit, it's only meaningful to buy them by myself!"

For this life is the most annoying shopping, whether it is with anyone, whether it is to buy anything, as long as you go to the mall that kind of place, Lin Yuan's brain will hurt.

Besides, Lin Yuan is not used to choosing anything and doesn't have so many things to buy. Usually, the women at home like to go shopping when they have nothing to do. Lin Yuan never chooses to go with them.

Candy fruit put forward such a thing, Lin Yuan immediately frowned.

"Well, if you want to accompany me, I may not be in good condition. I may think about this kind of thing every day for the next time. I can't concentrate and prepare well!"

Candy fruit pouts and shows a coquettish expression, while Lin Yuan just can't resist her coquettish.

Helplessly sighed a breath, regard all as sacrifice one's life to accompany gentleman good, Lin Yuan finally nodded.

"Don't put so much pressure on yourself. The venue has been almost arranged. The next time can be more comfortable. Don't think about anything today. Relax and have a good rest." Lin Yuan said with a smile.

Two people said to leave, in order to let the candy fruit can have a better state to meet the next time, Lin Yuan can also make do with it, today as the candy fruit's little Valet, little assistant good go out with her to relax.

Lin Yuan left the company with candy fruit, and the white Porsche with candy fruit was running to the mall.

At this time, next to the company, a black Santana, two people are watching everything, watching his white Porsche immediately follow up after leaving.

"I said, second, are you sure? Are you sure that car is theirs?" The black mouse rubbed his eyes. He had a rest for a while and didn't notice what happened.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it's just the two of them. I didn't expect that they were mixed up, and it arranged a new task for us, that is, to invite the candies to Tailang."

At this time, the song put in the black Santana is obviously the representative work of candy fruit, and the mouse is more like the singer candy fruit, so he is a fan.

"His grandmother's singer, Shen Bing, came to the provincial capital and did nothing else. He just sang two songs in his hotel, and spent the rest of his time in Tailang's villa, singing with Tailang all night. Now he's focused on the so-called candy fruit. The rich man's life is really simple!"

The mouse turned his mouth, thinking about something in his heart.

"Don't worry about so much, let's just do our part. It's been a long time, and we haven't started, just to give him a fatal blow at the right time!"

The plan is to win Lin Yuan within seven days, but it has to be said that Lin Yuan is still too vigilant, and they have no suitable time to start.

So two people have been hiding in the dark, has been watching Lin Yuan, waiting to find the most opportunity to start.

That too wave added a price to two people, and assigned a new task to two people, so it doesn't matter whether Lin Yuan is captured alive or killed directly, and the sugar fruit should be brought to him intact.

Two people have been looking for a suitable opportunity to catch both of them. It seems that today's opportunity has finally arrived.

"No matter what, we must keep an eye on them later. Today is the best century for us. We can never make any mistakes!"Two people's attitude at this time is quite clear, is also quite focused, but at this time Lin Yuan did not realize that there are two pairs of eyes in the dark staring at himself.

After two people came to the shopping mall, Lin Yuan completely became the little girl's valet. Candy fruit was wearing large frame sunglasses. If you don't observe carefully, you can't see it. This is big star Tang Guoguo.

But it has to be said that Tang Guoguo's own aura is indeed a little too strong. What he has done is that he will attract a lot of people's attention and have a high rate of return.

It has to be said that carrying Lin Yuan with Tangguo is really a great pressure. He is worried that Tangguo will be recognized. As the person around him, he has become an important role in Tangguo's scandal.

I don't care about these. After all, I have experienced a lot of public opinions, but I can successfully resolve them every time.

If a star has an affair, it's the star who gets the most hurt. However, it seems that Tang Guoguo doesn't care about it, and doesn't even care about it. So Lin Yuan has nothing to worry about. It seems that when you step into the shopping mall, you are releasing your nature. Maybe recently, you are too depressed. When you enter the shopping mall, you seem to want to buy everything and bring it home.

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