Strongest Shinobi

Chapter 15 - Meeting a snake.

(A/N: updates will be slower paced now, I'm through all of my drafts and will be writing on the spot. So it will be one chapter each two days. Chapter will also be a bit shorter, around the 1000 words instead of the 1200-1500 words. Anyways, enjoy the chapter.)

Izana had a couple of day left before the Third would call for him. The time that it took for him to learn the sword had been two days. He didn't have any battle experience though and he didn't want to show too much of his capabilities to his tails.

The only time they would leave him alone was when he was with the Third, because as soon as they came near the office, the Third seemed to notice them as his gaze seemed to move to wherever they were hiding.

Besides that Izana was always watched, even when he went to do his private things. Image being looked at when you're peeing or in the shower. It was hella uncomfortable! He really wanted them to leave, but he knew it was hardly possible.

Izana sighed as he decided he really wanted to be alone for a while and went towards the Hokage wall. Up there, there was little room to really hide. They had to be invisible or inside the ground to make that possible. Even then, Ryuujin would notice them as soon as they came close enough.


Izana arrived on top of the wall, only to see that there was already someone there. Not intending to acompany them, he turned around to leave, but was immediately stopped by said person.

"I didn't expect to see another person up here." The man said as his slitted pupils looked closely at Izana. Izana could feel his calculated gaze locking on to him, as Izana wanted nothing more than to leave. Something told him however, that this man had something he wanted very badly.

He didn't know what it was. It was as if his body was screaming to him to leave, that this man was dangerous, but that his mind, his intuition, told him that he would regret it if he didn't speak to him. So, Izana followed his instincts. That didn't mean that he lowered his guard, however.

"Well, I really wanted to be alone, as that is something that I am not lately." Izana's eyes glanced out of the corner of his eye, as he could even now sense the people who were tailing him close by.

The man in front of him seemed to sense it as well, as his eyes glanced at the same direction.

"I suppose youngsters these days are quite interesting to others." The man said as he sat down again on the edge of the Hokage wall.

"I've heard of you, young Uchiha. Quite clever, aren't you, to have graduated so quickly. A pity you don't have a team or a teacher to guide you." The man said, as if hinting at something.

Izana didn't respond to his words, though he did sit down besides the man. Izana had a faint feeling that he knew this man. Not personally, but he had heard of him. If he wasn't mistaken, this man besides him was none other than Orochimaru, on of the Sannin.

"Haha, it seems I have made quite the impression as well, for the young Uchiha genius to know who I am. I don't show myself often after all." Orochimaru said as a faint spark of interest had been lighted in the child besides him.

"Well, I happen to know another Sannin, though he is a bit...perverted? He has some odd hobbies." Izana said, not sure the word he used was correct. He heard from others it was perverted, but Jiraiya himself said he was just appreciating the beauty and using it for his books. It was very confusing to say the least.

"That man never changes." Orochimaru said as he seemed a bit amused. He looked at the kid as an idea came up.

"Why don't you help me with my research? I am researching all kinds of jutsu. If you help me, you can learn a lot from me in return." Orochimaru said as taking the kid as an assistant might be interesting. He could also gain quite a lot of insights from the Sharingan this kid bears.

"I don't know. I have a lot to do, besides being in a team that is. I wonder if you can help me Orochimaru-sannin." Izana said, wondering if Orochimaru could help him with one of his goals.

"Say it and I will see if I can help." Orochimaru said.

"Do you have a way to make a body for the soul to inhabit. One that is alive and fits the soul perfectly?" Izana said, not very hopeful if Orochimaru could help.

Orochimaru's interest in the kid grew as he seemed to have the same kind of interest he had.

"I am researching that indeed. If you need it, I want you to help me in return." Orochimaru said.

"I won't join your team though. The Third is finding me a team right this moment. I will help you with your research." Izana said as he really looked forward to it.

"Then we will see each other at another time then. I will contact you." Orochimaru said as he disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"Agreed." Izana said as he watched the smoke dissipate. Izana wondered if his tails had heard their conversation. He doubted it though, as Orochimaru seemed like a very secretive person.

"I wonder who will be my sensei and who will be my team mates." Izana said aloud, not speaking to anyone particular. He really hoped it was someone he could get along with.

Izana had no way of knowing that his hopes would turn out to be true.

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