Strongest Shinobi

Chapter 2 - Unexpected rescue.

Against Ryuujin's postive expectations, the days he was imagining were far off in the distance.

Izana, who had recovered from the pain, was being experimented on just like the days before the fusion.

They went as far as leaving him only on the edge of death, healing him after every session. The experiments had worsened from the days before the fusion.

What surprised Ryuujin greatly was the awakening of Izana's sharingan. The moment Izana started to refine his chakra, was the moment the Sharingan awakened.

It was even more impressive as it immediately awakened into the two-patterned tomoe. Two tomoe in each eye.

The two-patterned tomoe amazed yet disgusted the shinobi and the man in the lab coat. He had no use for a kekkai genkai.

They were arguing if they should remove his eyes or seal them.

Eventually after much debate, they had decided to seal his eyes. If Izana's eyes were removed, it could inflict negative effects on their experiments.

This left the pitiful Izana without his sight.

Ryuujin could do nothing but emotionally support Izana as terrible atrocities were repeatedly used on their body.


"Ryuujin, how long do you think it will last? The last experiment has drained me, I can feel my body giving out more with each experiment."

Izana lay defeated against the wall, his arms and feet chained. Blood seeped from small wounds on his body, especially his eyes as Izana had unconsciously tried to use his Sharingan.

There was a reason for the chains though.

Namely that Izana had tried a desperate escape when they were experimenting on him. He had managed to injure the crazy scientist, but was swiftly capture by the shinobi. He had been beaten black and blue, though luckily, nothing was broken.

The chains rattled with every pained and laboured breath. From Izana's mouth seeped a small trickle of blood.

[I do not know, Izana. What I do know, is that we will give retribution to these sc.u.m that tortured and hurt us.]

Ryuujin's cold voice was filled with venomous hatred and vicious ruthlessness.

Izana could only show a pained smile. He didn't know if that day would ever come. They would probably already be dead by then.

Suddenly a tremor shook the ground. Cracks appeared in the walls as the ground started to tremble. The metal door clanged in its frame.

Far away he could hear the screams of people and could smell the thick scent of blood.

He could smell it clearly, even though it was still far away.

"Ryuujin, what do you think is happening?"

Ryuujin for once didn't know what to say.

It could be their rescue or their incoming death.

From far away they could hear voices, coming closer by the minute.

"Katon: flame bullet."

"Hoh, finally made it."

Clacking of wood against stone resounded through the place.

In front of his cell the sound stopped.

"What's a little kid doing here?"

The man, seemingly talking to himself, busted the door open.

The door fell with a crash against the wall.

Izana suddenly felt hands touching the sealing-paper on his eyes.

"Hm, an unknown sealing jutsu. This will take some time. What's your name kid?"

Izana turned his face towards the man, even though he couldn't see him.


The words left his mouth with a raspy sound, yet it still sounded awkward, as he had never spoken to someone before.

The man was quiet for a while, as Izana could feel the man staring at him.

"So they succeeded for one." He mumbled.

"Izana boy, can you tell me about the beast inside you?"

Izana felt doubt as the man seemed to know about Ryuujin. Still, he didn't know why, but he felt like he could trust the man and that he would be safe with him and decided to tell him.

Izana nodded his head and was about to tell him when Ryuujin stopped him.

[I'll talk to him, Izana give me your body for a while.]

Izana agreed with Ryuujin, even though he didn't know how to give control, Ryuujin seemed to know and guided him how to do it.

Izana's body slumped against the wall when he lost control, after which it straightened itself immediately when Ryuujin took over.

"Who asks?"

Izana was shocked at how even the tone of his voice changed to that of Ryuujin. The voice was still the same, but he could hear the arrogant demeanor of Ryuujin seep through.

The man was apparently shocked too, for it took a while before the man answered.

"It's good of you to ask for I am," the sound of his wooden sandals reverberated through the room. "The great toad sage from Mount Myoboku, Jiraiya-sama."

The room was silent.

Ryuujin was a bit shocked when he imagined what the man called Jiraiya was doing along with his introduction. He was probably dancing.

Ryuujin was just glad he and Izana didn't have to see it; otherwise he wouldn't know how to react.

Jiraiya coughed a bit before responding to Ryuujin.

"So might I assume that I am currently speaking to this Ryuujin?"

Ryuujin gave a curt nod.

"Then can you tell me what you are? Your Chakra seems different from the average shinobi or tailed beast, even tough it's as immense as that of a tailed beast."

"My name is Ryuujin, one called by man as a dragon. Though I don't know if my kin still exist in this world, for it has been a long time since I reappeared here. Though we are likened to the tailed beasts by you humans."

Ryuujin seemed impressed by Jiraiya. He had already concluded that Ryuujin was of an unknown chakra force. This man was really interesting.

"Then can I ask if you are possessing this boy or if you have been sealed, for I can see neither a seal, nor feel the aura of a possession."

With a sigh Jiraiya let himself fall down in a sitting position on the ground.

"Neither is correct. The soul of Izana-kun and myself has been fused through the inhumane experiments of the humans inhabiting this place. We are unable to separate, as it would destroy both of our souls.

I don't know what kind of side effect it will have on the both of us, but what happens is destined to happen.

Concerning the people of this facility… I had planned to kill them as soon as Izana and I managed to escaped, but it seems you have already taken care of them. You have my gratitude." Ryuujin bowed his head as far as he could with bounded hands. He didn't mention the fact that he and Izana had been slightly desperate, as if things had gone on the way they had, they wouldn't be alive much longer.

"Ah, no need for your thanks, I was on the way and this place seemed suspicious. Many children had gone missing, so I was sent to investigate this place. It seems that Izana-kun is the only survivor though. I wonder if he has any relatives I can leave him to."

Jiraiya seemed to ponder over his question deeply. He had no hint as to guess where this kid came from. Even his name wasn't that helpful.

"If I might suggest something."

Ryuujin interrupted Jiraiya's pondering

"Izana has no known relatives, but his eyes might be a clue. If I am correct, his eyes should belong to a Döjutsu category. Right now they have been sealed, but before they were, they were red, with a two-patterned tomoe. This might be a clue to his heritage."

Ryuujin added, after which he gave back control to Izana.

Jiraiya looked puzzled at Izana, wondering how he could ever have gotten here.

"There is a clan in my hometown with such eyes, but they haven't reported any missing persons. The reports happened only a week ago." Jiraiya said.

"I've been here for years, so I don't think I should be amongst them."

Izana responded, not sure what was going on. He had been able to follow the conversation, but didn't understand some words or the importance of some things.

Jiraiya patted the head of Izana.

"No matter, we will find out as soon as we get back to the village."

Jiraiya unshackled Izana and carried him out.

Izana had intended to walk by himself, but after only a ten meters his legs started to tremble in exhaustion.

Jiraiya had sighed as he picked him up and put him on his shoulders.

"So Jiraiya-sannin, where do you live? You mentioned a village. Is it close?"

Izana, having never heard of other places, tilted his head in curiosity.

"Haha, my village is called Konoha. I'm sure you will like it there. First, we need to make a couple of stops on the way. They are…. he he…. a in-between break, so to speak. They are very good for your health and a good spot for my research."


Izana didn't know what Jiraiya was talking about, but Jiraiya looking forward to it, so he and Ryuujin would do so as well.

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