Strongest Shinobi

Chapter 48 - Return

After leaving the Village of Sound, Izana had returned to the site of his mission. Kakashi was a bit suspicious of what Izana's mission had been, but he didn't question him, but kept his mind on the current mission.

The friend of the Fire lord had spent enough time with his acquaintance and was ready to return now. From Kakashi, Izana heard the happenings from the last couple of days. Apparently a few shinobi had tried to ambush him in the evening, but it was prevented by the guards. Ren and Miyu didn't have to do anyhting as the whole affair was over before they could even move. The enemy shinobi were that weak, or the guards were just that strong.

On the way back, the road was once again serene, as no ambushes were taking place. Even at locations where ambushes were more prone to happen.

"Really, Izana-kun! It was horrible. We had nothing to do most of the time our employer was away, but as soon as the enemy came, it was chaos!"

Miyu exclaimed, gesturing with her hands of how massive the ordeal was.

Ren nodded, while Nero barked in agreement.

"They were yelling a lot and when someone acted, it only caused more problems. Luckily we had captain Kakashi to help us out. Otherwise we would have been injured by our own allies. The escort guard captain managed to defeat the assassin effortlessly, but he gave the others a major scolding."

Miyu shivered when she thought back on the drama, along with the amount of curse words she had heard. Don't get her wrong, she had no problem with them, but she couldn't help but sympathize with the others, as they had been on the point of tears near the end of it."

"Well, that just shows that the chain of command was messed up by the great amount of bodyguards. There were no clear specifications on how one should deal with the situation when an mid night assassination attempt were to happen. It was bound to happen."

Izana just shook his head at it all. Even the young Genin of Konoha were at least notified on what to do if something like this could happen.

"They don't entrust each others back to the other."

Ren stated, looking at the grumbling body guards.

"They weren't originally part of the same team after all."

Miyu added.

"Maa, maa, it is nice to see you analysing the situation clearly, but keep an eye on your surroundings as well. We still aren't back yet."

Taking the words of Karachi to heart, the three of them began to focus again on the mission. It was just as draining as it was before. The tension just wrecked the nerves, as there never came an ambush.

Seeing the mansion of the employer, Miyu and Ren were ecstatic. They were finally done with this mission.

Izana smiled wryly. They were still a bit naive. It was better to relax after they finished the mission. Things could still go wrong after all.

Izana, like Kakashi, kept focussing on his surroundings. The other guards were already jolly and relaxed as their destination was within reach.

Suddenly there was rustling all around them. The guards captain had noticed, but he was too late to warn the others. Their negligence was their downfall. More than two dozen enemy nin began to attack the convoy, injuring a few of the guards, while killing more than half.

Ren and Miyu centered themselves around the palanquin of the employer, ready to guard him. Kakashi nodded at seeing their actions as he and Izana engaged the enemy. They were strong. They had a multitude of chunin, but the worst of it was that they had five Jonin to fight against.

""Katon: Flame serpent!""

"""Futon: Gale blast!"""

The two releases combined as the fire power of the Jutsu magnified.

"Katon: Raging Tornado!"

"Suiton: Water dragon missile!"

Kakashi single handedly stopped the blast of fire coming their way, while Izana trapped the enemy inside a massive tornado. No hesitating, Izana too used his fire jutsu.

"Katon: Great Fire ball!"

A massive fire ball was blasted towards the enemy, who looked desperate to escape. Two managed to burrow their way in the ground using their earth release, but the other three weren't so lucky. All that remained of them were three charcoal sticks, still standing upright.

"Izana, protect the convoy. Leave the Jonin to me."

Izana nodded as Kakashi followed after the hiding enemy Jonin. He had summoned a pack of dogs, which accurately followed the scent the Jonin left behind. It was amazing to see how they were still capable of finding them, even if they were hidden below ground.

Izana cast his gaze to the side as he dashed towards the dozens of chunin attacking the convoy. He engaged in combat as he drew his Katana, letting lightning flow throught the metal.

All the chunin that were unlucky enough to face him had become deadman, as when the blade even scratched them, lightning would flow inside their body and make all their muscles contort and disabled all their movements for a short time. That lapse in time was enough for Izana, Ren and Miyu to take down the enemy.

By the end of it all, only five of the body guards had survived, one of them being the captain. Though they survived, their injuries weren't light, as a few of them had missing limbs as well as many broken bones. Ren and Miyu had escaped only with a few scratches, wholy due to the fact that they kept their guard up during the whole thing.

"I see the employer is safe. Nice work."

Kakashi said, appearing soundlessly.

He startled Miyu, who almost threw a few kana with bomb taggs towards him.

"Kakashi-san, the enemy?"

"Taken out. They didn't have any intel on their employer, but that will have to wait for now. We should escort our employer inside. He has been scared enough for today."

Not waiting for much longer, the empolyer was brought to the safe confines of his own home.

Ren and Miyu sighed in relief as everything was now truly over. They quickly made their way back to Konoha, as all of them were pretty tired after being tense for the last couple of days. They all looked forward to taking a long bath and some nice bedrest.

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