Strongest Shinobi

Chapter 51 - Kekkai Genkai

(A/N: So it's been a while since I've updated. I took a short break, as I had that think all writers get some point in time... Yes, you guessed right. Even I got the famous Writers Block (Still have it...). It didn't help that I accidentally threw away my time line and the things I was planning to write were also described in that, so I am kinda starting from scratch again.

Worry not, cause I'm still here! I am making my time line again, so I will most likely change a few things in the previous chapters when that is done. Not major changes, but some that will make the story go more fluently and makes sure that it makes some sense. It will take some time, as you've most likely already noticed, so it might take a week or two to get started again.

Enough of the explanations, you should read the story. That's why you are reading this after all.)


A few weeks of spending some quality time with his family, Izana was found at a empty training ground, deep in thought.

[You shouldn't worry so much. You have enough control in the respective nature releases. You just need to find the right balance.]

Ryuujin said, trying to stop Izana from overthinking. They had been going about this for a few days now, with Izana mainly thinking about how to go about this. He had heard about a few relatively well known shinobi, both from this village and from other villages, that had managed to create their Kekkai Genkai. As he had confirmed his own adequacy in his nature releases, mainly fire and wind, Izana wanted to create the Kekkai Genkai that was resulted from that fusion, Scorch Release.

A Shinobi from Suna had once created it, so Izana didn't see why he couldn't do so as well.

He had been trying to figure out how he should go about this, resulting in him and Ryuujin coming up with merging small amounts of the Wind and Fire nature releases, fusing them slowly, while increasing the amount as time went by. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/strongest-shinobi_17235091706123405/kekkai-genkai_50797708960656280">/book/strongest-shinobi_17235091706123405/kekkai-genkai_50797708960656280</a> for visiting.

It didn't give a lot of results, which Ryuujin said was because of the lack of balance between the two transformations.

So now, Izana was stuck on finding the right ratio's of Fire and Wind to create this Kekkai Genkai. If he succeeded in this, he could try to the same with his other Nature Releases.

Once again, Izana started to fuse his chakra natures, slowly adding more of the other if there were any unstabilities.

At long last, after multiple attempts failed and a lot of steps had been taken to avoid failure, a bright red glowing orb was hovering in front of Izana. Even standing a little away from it, Izana could feel the immense heat coming from it.

[Good job. Now you need to figure out how to use it in battle.]

Ryuujin muttered, Izana agreeing with that as well.

Izana repeated the steps he had taken previously, with a few adaptions, causing the process to become smoother. Now hovering in front of him were five Scorch release orbs.

Izana controlled the orbs slightly to make them move, going faster and faster, just to see what the limit might be. At the end of it, the orbs were spinning in such a fast pace that they weren't even looking separate anymore. They looked like a glowing circle as they spun around him.

Izana let the orbs fade away, humming in satisfaction. Further testing should be somewhere where he wouldn't destroy the surroundings or cause forest fires. The Suna desert might be a good spot to practice.

[How about you try the other Kekkai Genkai? You could combine Wind and Lightning release. Or what about Fire and Lightning? So far we don't know what might result from those combinations.]

Izana listened to Ryuujin, pondering about what he should do. He didn't really think about trying to increase the Kekkai Genkai he could use, as he wasn't as good in using Lightning yet. Still, the combination of Lightning release and Wind release did sound interesting. He wondered what the outcome would be if he combined those two?

"I'll keep it to Scorch release for now, increase my proficiency in it. Afterwards I might try Lightning and Wind release combinations and see what comes from it."

Izana didn't think he would acquire multiple Kekkai Genkai, as it was pretty rare for one person to have multiple.

[Then keep to the first. There is always time to try the others.]

Ryuujin responded, agreeing with Izana's decision. It might be too soon to experiment with multiple combinations.

Izana nodded and left to find a more deserted place he could practice some more. He wouldn't be able to travel to the Suna desert, so he had to find a second best option, which was close to the Valley of the End.

Arriving there, Izana looked at the two statues towering at the side of the waterfall. They were majestic and well crafted, making Izana have a feeling of awe as he continued to observe them. When he looked at the one featuring his ancestor, Madara Uchiha, Izana felt something deep inside of him. Some kind of warmth.

Shaking his head at the odd feeling, Izana started to practice the Scorch release, firing the orbs at the waterfall, causing massive outbursts of steam to blast outwards as soon as the orbs made contact.

Izana frowned a bit, not satisfied by the fire power yet. Creating an orb once more, Izana compressed it to the size of his fist. The small ball vibrated slightly from the pressure. The heat coming from it had doubled, while the light had brightened a lot.

"I guess I could hang out here when I want to train."

Izana muttered, as this could be a perfect spot to stay. At least when the molten stone had hardened.

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