Strongest Shinobi

Chapter 6 - Chakra training.

Izana had become four years old. Fugaku was taching him about how to sense the energy called chakra inside his body.

"Most children have a hard time sensing it when they start the training. But you'll be fine. You're an Uchiha."

Fugaku patted Izana on the head when he encourages him.

Izana, not wanting to lose his trust started to train earnestly to sense and influence his chakra.

He had no problem with sensing it, the refinement of his chakra went well too, but every time he tried to increase the control had over his chakra, the feeling slipped away.

[Don't be too forceful, chakra is part of yourself, just like it is part of the world. It won't help if you force it. Let it flow naturally, like a river. Imagine you try to scoop a bit of water from it. See, you can do it if you try.]

Under the advice of Ryuujin, Izana got the hang of it really quickly.

"Well done Izana."

Fugaku praised Izana as he patted his head.

Izana quite enjoyed the feeling. He closed his eyes as an endearing and delighted smile appeared on his face again.

He didn't know this feeling before, but it made him feel really warm an cozy inside.

"Then since you can already use your chakra to a certain degree, we'll test what affinities you have."

Fugaku pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Izana.

"This paper is called Litmus, or Chakra Induction Paper. It can show you what affinities you have when you pour chakra through it."

Fugaku gave a short explanation on the paper.

"There are five different types of chakra. The affinities are fire, earth, lightning, wind and water. The paper will burn when it is fire, wrinkle when lightning, cut when wind, crumble when earth and become soaked when it's water. It is possible to have more affinities, but most of the time one affinity stands out most, while others might reveal themselves when the chakra level and control is higher."

Izana eager to try it out, poured his chakra through the paper.

The paper began to smoke and was finally cut in two .

Eventually the paper was cut in two.

"Excellent. You have two different natures. While you have two, it seems your fire nature is stronger than your wind nature. So we'll start by focussing on that."

Fugaku took a bunch leafs and handed it to Izana.

"Try to burn the leafs only in the middle, when you succeed you can come and find me."

Having said so, Fugaku left to take care of other matters.


Having practiced for weeks on end with the advice of Ryuujin, Izana could finally focus his chakra on one point. In the middle of the leaf was a slight burn, a tiny wisp of smoke appearing. Izana almost jumped up in happiness.

Fugaku, who was secretly watching him, had a gentle smile on his face.

"I should tell uncle Fugaku." Izana said to himself.

He ran out of the room only to see his uncle with a satisfied smile on his face.

Izana flashed a happy smile at his uncle, as he showed him the slightly burned leaf.

"Congratulations Izana. You are one of the most talented Uchiha inside the residence. You mastered it within a few weeks, while most take months."

Fugaku stroked Izana's head, satisfied when he saw Izana smiling in return.

"Here is one of our most famous techniques, fire release: Fire ball jutsu. If you don't understand something, ask Itachi. He should be training in the courtyard." Fugaku said as he turned around and left.

Izana immediately began to practice the technique, following the kata while molding his chakra, as he accomplished the jutsu quite easily for the first time he tried it. He could make the fire ball, but it wasn't strong and hot enough.

Intending to find Itachi to ask for any pointer on how to improve it, he began to walk towards the courtyard.

Itachi was seen throwing kunai in the courtyard, hitting the targets, while some kunai seemed to turn in mid-air as they hit their hidden target.

"That's so cool Itachi." Izana couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

Itachi was secretly happy because of Izana's words, yet tried to hide it.

He coughed and started to speak to Izana.

"If it's just this, I can show you how to do it."

Having forgotten what he originally came for, Izana became excited at Itachi's proposal.

"Really Itachi? Please teach me."

Through Itachi's guidance, Izana became proficient in throwing weapons, though still an amateur he was advancing proficiency with leaps. Izana's talent of throwing knives shocked Itachi greatly.

The boys' talent surprised even Fugaku, who had hidden himself in the shadows.

Izana was on par with his own son.

But when seen from a different angle, Itachi mostly taught himself, while Izana asked for guidance. Fugaku was proud of them both.

Still, he had to ruin this happy moment.

"Itachi. I want to show you something. Izana, you go back to Mikoto."

Fugaku said as he stepped out of the shadows. He didn't want Izana to see these kinds of things yet, maybe when he was older, but not now.

Even though the Third world war had ended, a new one could start again.

They had to be prepared to do the unthinkable, prepared to face the anguish of loving loved ones.

Anguish like he himself had faced when his brother, Izana's father, had died on the battlefield. He just hoped they were ready when the time came.


Fugaku had taken Itachi outside of Konoha, leaving Izana behind with Mikoto. Despite Izana's pleas to come with them, Fugaku had refused, leaving Izana behind.

"Now, now, don't be so sad. Your uncle will show you when you're older. Why don't you help me in the kitchen. We can make some snack for when they return."

Having nothing else to do, Izana helped Mikoto in making some Dango. While Mikoto's Dango's were perfectly round, Izana's were a bit sloppy as they were very uneven.

Mikoto smiled as she saw a new clumsy side to the small child.

As MIkoto was guiding Izana through the process of Dango making, Izana planned to make them as pretty as Mikoto's. He couldn't stand to see his ugly Dango beside the perfectly round and colourful Dango of his aunt.

With a fire burning in his eyes, before Izana an Mikoto knew it, they ended up with too many Dango to eat for the week.

Izana immediately became embarrassed as he grabbed a big bowl with Dango to hand out to the other Uchiha's intending to hide his embarrassment.

Time passed by quickly. Itachi and Fugaku had returned, Itachi being more silent than before as he seemed to be mulling over something.

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