Strongest Shinobi

Chapter 9 - Baby Naruto

(A/N: Because I felt like it, Here's another chapter!!!)

The days after the Kyuubi's attack were hectic. The village needed to be rebuild, while many people were grieving, including Izana. Though Ryuujin had told him Minato an Kushina could be saved, Izana wasn't optimistic.

Many things could go wrong. Even though he managed to collect Kushina's soul, he still needed to retrieve Minato's. And the only way to do that was to learn Fuinjutsu to take back Minato from the Shinigami.

Then he would still need to find a way to construct their bodies so that they would truly be alive again. He would be realistic and while he still grieved for their passing.

Another thing he noticed, along with the other Uchiha, were the malicious gazes directed towards them. Even now during the funeral of many fallen shinobi, of which some were also Uchiha, there were still such eyes pointed towards them.

"Uncle, I feel really uncomfortable." Izana said, as the gazes were hard to ignore. Fugaku looked around him, as he too noticed their unwelcoming eyes, though he didn't feel them as strongly as Izana did.

Izana seemed to become even more uncomfortable as the time prolonged. The stares finally stopped when the Third arrived. He seemed to notice the tense feelings as he stood besides Izana.

Izana looked thankful towards the Third as he made the gazes turn away. They weren't gone, just turned towards other people.

[Izana, it is okay to cry. No one will think lesser of you.] Ryuujin said as he could feel the sour feeling inside Izana.

Izana shook his head as he kept the tears in. If he started crying again, he wouldn't stop until he fell asleep. He would feel things easily for a long time. Just as he was sure this feeling would continue for a long time.

When all the people had gatherd, the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, began to speak.

"Though old leaves may fall, from old age or from wounds, new buds will take their place and grow to be as excellent as the old leaves were. The old leaves become nourishment for the new leaves to grow strong. The thing is with leaves, is that they all come from the same tree, grow on the same tree and live on the same tree. Though they may be of different branches, they are still conected with the place they reside." Hiruzen finished his speech, leaving many young ones to ponder.

Izana too wondered. If I am a leaf, the branch would be my family and the tree would be where I live. Konoha. We all live in the same place.

Izana's thoughts were disrupted as Hiruzen bent down and put a hand on Izana's shoulder. "Are you such a leaf, young one? Do you have this Will of Fire?"

Minato and Kushina were some of the people who connected him with this place. Luckily he still had his family left. If they died too, he wouldn't know what to do. He might lose that Will of Fire the Third spoke of.


One by one they had put white lilies down near the flame sculpture. People began to leave towards their homes, leaving Izana on his lonesome near the graves of Minato and Kushina. He placed a lot of flowers near their graves to let them know how he'd felt when he spent time with them.

An bluebell to indicate his gratefulness for meeting them, a rosemary flower to let them know he would always remember them and a rainflower to let them know he would never forget. He wouldn't forget about bringing them back. He wouldn't forget about the masked man and he wouldn't forget the promise he made to Kushina. To take care of Naruto.

Izana sat down in front of the grave as he let the tears finally trickle down, as he was sure no one was close to see him cry.


The next day, Izana's eyes were puffy from the crying that lasted till he fell asleep. Mikoto smiled at him but didn't question him as she too had cried for Kushina.

Little Sasuke was happily waving his arms as he didn't know why everyone was sad. He made motions towards Mikoto to pick him up, happy Mikoto did, causing him to giggle.

Izana smiled at the funny antics of Sasuke. He quickly finished his meal and set out towards the hospital where Naruto was currently staying. The boy had been through quite a lot for a new born and had to be checked up to make sure he was healty.

"Hiruzen, you need to give me the boy. I will make him a perfect weapon to use against our enemies. Just give the word. Give him to me and he will be the most powerful Jinchuriki there has ever been for the Kyuubi. Hiruzen, you know what the others are saying, he won't be able to grow up norma-" The man was interupted by the Third, who had become slightly angry at the man's words.

"Don't even think about it, Danzo. I promised Kushina to take care of him if something would happen to them, so I will. He will grow up normally, outside of the" The Third stopped speaking as he saw Izana standing there.

"Ahem, You've heard my reply Danzo, don't let me hear it again."

The Third nodded at Izana as he left the hospital, not looking back even once.

Danzo too left, but not before sending a calculating look at Izana, making Izana feel disgusted.

Izana quickly entered the room, seeing a small yellow haired baby with little whiskers on both of his cheeks. His cheeks were really chubby, making other want to pinch them.

Unfortunately, the people outside didn't seem to think so as the had been turning their hatred towards the little baby. They only saw him as the Kyuubi and nothing else.

Izana picked up Naruto, gently rocking him up and down, making Naruto wake up and giggle at the pleasant feeling.

"Don't worry Naruto. I promise I will see you often. I also promise to give you the time to experience having a mom and dad. Even if I have to die to do it."

Naruto giggle as his little hand grabbed Izana's free hand. The small hand clutching onto Izana's finger felt warm. It made the sadness of the previous day slightly dissapear, even if it only was just a little.

Izana spent the rest of the day in the hospital, taking care of the little Naruto.

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