That night, Li Hongtian fell on the bed thinking.

Now the whole prison for serious criminals is Li Hongtian's world. After being cleaned up by Li Hongtian from the front, the bald men became honest and took the initiative to give the bed to Li Hongtian. How dare they stay with him.

Li Hongtian's disappearance makes Yu Miao and Zhang Dongqiang uneasy immediately. They stand in the same place and look around with great vigilance.

In fact, just at the moment when the gun was about to ring, Li Hongtian flashed out, but the bullet hit the ground directly.

After hearing Yu Miao's words, all his subordinates began to use flashlights one after another and began to search in the silent and dark valley.

"Look for him quickly. You must find him. You can't let him escape." Yu Miao roars angrily at his subordinates. He knows what it means for Li Hongtian to escape, so he must not let Li Hongtian escape.

At the moment, Zhang Dongqiang had a very bad feeling in his heart. He quickly looked around.

"No, I don't know. I shot him." That hand also has a silk flustered to say, the voice all has to tremble.

"Well, how is that possible? What about people? " Yu Miao yells at the man anxiously. He can't believe what he sees.

Yu Miao and Zhang Dongqiang also stare big eyes, a face of incredible expression.

But the next second, the scene that made everyone dumbfounded was that Li Hongtian was not in front of everyone and disappeared out of thin air.

A gunshot, the sound resounded all around, inside startled some migratory birds.


Holding a gun against Li Hongtian's hand nodded, then pulled down the safety bolt to stare at Li Hongtian, hands began to move slightly.

"Let's go." Just listen to Yu Miao's command.

Looking at their faces so insidious, Li Hongtian had already sentenced them to death.

Li Hongtian is also very calm at the moment. This is not the first time that he has faced the black muzzle, nor the first time that he has been pointed at his head with a gun.

"Hey, hey, you're dead tonight." Yu Miao has a sly smile on his face. He can't wait to get up.

Then Li Hongtian was pushed to the ground, and then he was put on his head with a gun.

Li Hongtian is thinking about Countermeasures in his head at the moment.

After that, Yu Miao motioned to the people under his hand, and the people under his hand rushed up one after another to tie Li Hongtian up.

"You'll find that's more than enough for you." Yu Miao also said confidently that he didn't believe Li Hongtian could escape under the arrangement of so many people.

"Ha ha ha ha, is this your last words before you die?" Zhang Dongqiang laughs, but the laughter is full of the smell of ridicule.

Hearing Li Hongtian's words, Zhang Dongqiang and Yu Miao all burst into laughter.

Li Hongtian could not help but sneer, shook his head and said, "Oh, can't you change some new tricks? I'm ashamed of you. Do you really think you can kill me?"

"Ha ha, I'm still sharp mouthed when I'm dying." Zhang Dongqiang took a deep breath of the cigarette, then spit out a thick smoke ring to say.

Because Zhang Dongqiang will never let Li Hongtian go.

In fact, he knew for a long time that Zhang Dongqiang would conspire to kill himself, so that's why he didn't know what he meant before.

"Oh, it's not that I'm smart, it's that you're stupid." Li Hongtian sneered and said with disdain.

"Not bad. I didn't expect you to be smart." This person is Zhang Dongqiang. He came out from the dark and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth and clapping his hands. I didn't expect Li Hongtian to be able to guess this.

As soon as Li Hongtian's voice fell, he saw a man coming out of the dark, and there was a burst of applause.

"Pa Pa Pa!"

"If I'm right, your boss should be here, too." Li Hongtian takes a quick look around, then looks at Yu Miao coldly and says.

When Li Hongtian saw it, he didn't expect that Yu Miao was very careful. The car he used was not a police car, and even the people around him had changed. It seemed that he wanted to kill himself quietly.

As soon as the car stopped, Li Hongtian was pulled out of the car and took off his hood.

It took the car about half an hour to stop.

Li Hongtian really didn't expect that Yu Miao and his boss Zhang Dongqiang should be so bold and dare to do such vicious things. It seems that the black and white atmosphere is not so good these days.

"Yes, we want your life. You offended our boss and hurt a Bao. How can we keep you?" Yu Miao also admits directly at the moment that in his opinion, Li Hongtian will be a dead man later, so it doesn't matter what he says now.

"Oh, it seems that you want my life." Li Hongtian snorted.

"Boy, it's time for you to die." At this time, sitting on the edge of Li Hong's sky, Yu Miao looked at him and said.

Then the car began to drive, which made Li Hong's foreboding in his mind even stronger.With that, Li Hongtian was covered by a black bag and then pushed into the car.

After hearing Yu Miao's words, Li Hongtian feels that something is wrong. He knows that he must have a conspiracy, and if Li Hongtian guesses correctly, it should be Zhang Dongqiang who will do it himself.

Yu Miao hums coldly: "Oh, our boss wants to see you and take you to a place."

"Who are you and what do you want?" Li Hongtian asked with a slight frown.

This person is Yu Miao, Secretary of Zhang Dongqiang.

Later, Li Hongtian was taken out of the prison. A man in a black suit stood looking at him with a sinister and evil smile on his face.

Seeing that Li Hongtian was taken away, the bareheaded prisoners were also very confused and surprised. However, they were also very glad that Li Hongtian, the God of plague, had finally left, and they had long wanted him to leave.

After hearing Li Hongtian's words, the policemen didn't reply. Instead, they turned a cold eye on Li Hongtian and just pushed him out.

Li Hongtian frowned and looked at them and asked, "what are you going to do?"

Then the policemen went to Li Hongtian and pulled him up to the door.

All of a sudden, all the prisoners in the whole cell woke up, but they were very afraid to shrink in the corner.

The policemen with batons hit the cell heavily, and there was a huge noise in an instant.

"Bang bang!"

Only a few policemen came in, and the look on each policeman's face was extremely fierce.

Li Hongtian was shocked at the moment, and immediately opened his eyes. He didn't look as he expected.

Sure enough!

Just as Li Hongtian was thinking with his eyes closed, he heard a sound coming from the iron gate outside the cell.


In the middle of the night, it is the quietest time and the most suitable time for conspiracy.

I don't know why Li Hongtian always feels bad when he falls on the bed. He thinks that something bad will happen tonight.

However, their subordinates have made no progress, and they can't find Li Hongtian at all.

Then, Li Hongtian, who is hiding in the dark, takes all their actions into his eyes.

Now the situation is that Li Hongtian is in the dark and they are in the light. Now Li Hongtian has completely taken the lead.

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