People around believed Zhou he's words, but Li Hongtian didn't.

From the point of view of the ball skills alone, we know that Zhou he is certainly not weak, such a ball is easy for him.

"Wow! Two goals at the same time

At the moment, Li Hongtian is engrossed in staring at the white ball in front of him, and let his arm control the strength and speed well. After one of the balls collides with the white ball, he hits the other ball, so that he can connect the two balls into the bag.

One shot, two balls! See Li Hongtian will stay in the hole of the two ball instant double into the bag.

"Pa! Bang

With that, Li Hongtian leaned down and shot out.

"Don't say no more water." Seeing that Zhou he didn't score a goal, Li Hongtian also gave a smile in his heart, then looked at Zhou he and said.

However, due to a bit more strength, although the white ball scattered the whole sphere collision, but not a ball into the hole.

Zhou he's face was dignified, his heart was full of anger, so he directly made a sudden effort.

This time it's Zhou he's turn to kick off.

Then the competition between them started again.

Zhou Yafei was also very surprised at this time. He didn't expect that Li Hongtian really beat Zhou He, and he still treated him in his own way.

At this time, Li Hong thought in his heart: "play with me? Oh, I'll beat you! "

With a faint smile, Li Hongtian didn't care about Zhou he's words.

"It seems that you are a master of hiding. I won't let go of water next." At the moment, Zhou he can only say that to find some comfort for himself.

"Come on." Then Zhou he looked at Li Hongtian with a sneer and said that he decided not to release water any more. Li Hongtian must be good-looking.

Shua saw Zhou he's face changed greatly and became very dark.

"Are you still here?" Li Hongtian then stood on the edge of the billiards table and looked at Zhou He. He asked, slightly picking his eyebrows, which seemed to be provocative.

At the moment, Zhou he's face twitches slightly. He feels that his face has been completely lost, which makes him very embarrassed.

Li Hongtian completely imitated the strength of the previous game in this game, which made Zhou he experience the feeling of being hit by a fake star all over the sky.

With the sound of the ball into the bag, until the last No. 8 black ball firmly fell into the bag, the second game was finally over.

"Pa, PA, Pa." After a few seconds, Li Hongtian constantly stooped over the stick, each stick poked out to be a ball into the bag.

It was another shot, and Li Hongtian scored another one directly.


Li Hongtian takes a look at Zhou he and ignores his praise. He knows that Zhou he and Jiang Shaoyun don't really want to praise him.

"Ha ha, brother Li is really a hidden master." At this time, Zhou he looked at Li Hongtian with a wry smile and said.

But in order not to let others say that they are careful, they can only pretend to smile.

But this makes Jiang Shaoyun and Zhou he look ugly. They didn't expect Li Hongtian to score another goal.

Li Hongtian is also indifferent smile at the moment, and does not appear very proud, but extremely insipid.

Even Zhou Yafei and Chen Bing also show happy smile, did not expect Li Hong naive again.

As soon as Li Hongtian's goal entered the bag, it immediately caused a sensation among the people around him, and everyone began to talk about it.

"It seems that they call it low-key."

"Yes, I didn't expect that her husband could really play billiards."

"Damn, that's a surprise."

"In, in, in again!"

Then the white ball hit the blue ball heavily and hit it into the bag.


White ball powerful blow out, draw a straight line on the table.


The next second, Li Hongtian suddenly poked out.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Li Hongtian shrinks his club behind him.

Of course, for such a ball, Li Hongtian naturally knows that he must have more strength to control the speed of the ball, otherwise he is likely to stop halfway.

At this time, Li Hongtian was staring at the white ball and a basketball in the distance. From the white ball, he was in a straight line with the basketball.

From the ball just now, let Li Hongtian know that his judgment is correct.

At the moment, Li Hongtian went to the position where the white ball stayed, and then bent down again.

But is it possible for Li Hong to score the next goal? This is a question that everyone here wants to know.

At this time, the faces of Zhou Yafei and Chen Bing finally eased a little. Seeing Li Hongtian score also made them happy.

After scoring a goal, Li Hongtian will play naturally. Zhou he and Jiang Shaoyun want to see if Li Hongtian can score the next one."It's OK. Sometimes good luck is a skill." At the moment, Zhou he also stood on one side and said with a smile.

Li Hongtian of course knows that the ball is played by his own strength, but he is not directly proud, but very modest.

"Ha ha, I'm just lucky."

However, he soon gave up the idea, and his final definition was that Li Hongtian was lucky to touch it.

At the moment, Zhou he is very surprised and puzzled, thinking Li Hongtian can play?

Such a ball needs to control a good angle and strength, otherwise it is impossible to score.

Jiang Shaoyun and Zhou he also changed their faces when they heard the exclamation. They didn't expect Li Hongtian to score the ball, which was a more difficult one.

Seeing that Li Hongtian scored a goal, and it was still a difficult one to score, people were shocked.

"Not bad, not bad."

"Yes, I've got all the middle holes."

"Wow! It's a good ball

The white ball hit the yellow ball and directly hit the yellow ball into the middle hole of the billiard table.


After a pause, I saw Li Hongtian suddenly thrust out.

Li Hongtian is very familiar with the playing methods and rules of billiards. Of course, he knows how to control the angle and strength to score the ball.

At the moment, Li Hongtian is engrossed in staring at the white ball, and then follows the line of sight of the white ball and the accuracy of the club, and then aims at a yellow ball not far away.

Then it was Li Hongtian's turn. At the moment, Li Hongtian bent down again and began to aim. This time, his action was obviously a little bit like that.

However, since he is willing to let himself, Li Hongtian has no need not to accept it.

In fact, there is only one thing about the truth, that is, Zhou he deliberately did it to make himself waterproof.

"Oh, my God, that's awesome!"

Seeing such a powerful scene, everyone around us was excited and yelled out again. Everyone was impressed by Li Hongtian's skill.

Zhou Yafei and Chen Bing were also surprised. They didn't expect Li Hongtian to be so powerful.

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