“Young Master Han first came to Supreme Vast City. How can I be a guide for Qi Ling?”

Emperor Qi Ling looked at Han Yun and smiled.


Han Yun slightly paused, just want to refuse, but think carefully.

I first came to Supreme Vast City.

If there isn’t a guide, I’m afraid that Never Great Influences doesn’t know where!

“Then many thanks Emperor Qi Ling!”

Han Yun slightly smiled.

Han Yun’s impression is still very good for the Genius Courtyard’s discipline.

At the very least, the Genius Courtyard’s discipline is smart.

Unlike Equalling Heaven Sect and Zi Family, I don’t have any brains. I think I’m the best in the world!

“Young Master Han please!”


Han Yun and Bright Sword Emperor, with Emperor Qi Ling entering the city!

In the city, the buildings are towering!

There are a variety of shops, and this Supreme Vast City is much more prosperous than the Great Learning Ancient City.

“How does Young Master Han think about this Supreme Vast City?”

Emperor Qi Ling looked at Han Yun and suddenly asked.

“Supreme Vast City?”

Han Yun slightly paused, then smiled and said: “Not bad!”

“not bad!”

Emperor Qi Ling slightly paused, then smiled and said: “Young Master Han is really ambitious!”

“It’s hard to say that aspirations are too big, just a little ideal!”

Han Yun hehe smiled and said again:

“Emperor Qi Ling Looking for Han Yun this time, I thought it would be more than just let Han Yun go to the Genius Courtyard!”

A trip to the Genius Courtyard?

The ghost believes!

It is necessary for him to come to the Genius Courtyard to come and greet him with this Vice President!

“Young Master Han is smart!”

Emperor Qi Ling slightly smiled, then suddenly said:

“With Young Master Han’s strength, it’s a matter of time before you want to enter Supreme Vast City. I don’t know when Young Master Han is going to settle in Supreme Vast City!”

“Into Supreme Vast City!”

Han Yun gave a slight glimpse and finally understood the mind of Emperor Qi Ling.

Now the Awesome Pavilion.

That was not the Awesome Pavilion a week ago.

Awesome Pavilion a week ago was just in the eyes of the major influences of the Immemorial Seven Cities.

But now the Awesome Pavilion has the same line of can compare to Supreme Vast City.

There is Han Yun in.

Even if Awesome Pavilion is the fourth largest influence of Supreme Vast City, it is not impossible!

“This is not an urgent matter!”

Han Yun smiled lightly.

“Young Master Han is not in a hurry, I am afraid some people are already in a hurry!”

Emperor Qi Ling heard Han Yun’s words and suddenly chuckled.

“What is the meaning of this?”

Han Yun’s eyes flashed.

“Young Master Han I am afraid I still don’t know, Zi Family has been cterm exterminating!”


Han Yun cried out in surprise, then coldly asked: “Who killed Zi Family?”

“City Lord Mansion!”

Emperor Qi Ling said solemnly.

“City Lord Mansion!”

Han Yun spit out three words in his mouth, and the expression is extremely cold.

Zi Family, now is just an empty shell, now Awesome Pavilion wants to kill Zi Family, absolutely no need as easy as pie!

City Lord Mansion.

Why do you want to destroy Zi Family?

“Emperor Qi Ling knows why City Lord Mansion is killing Zi Family?”

Han Yun solemnly asked.

“I heard that Zi Family colluded with Holy Sect, 17th Prince personally shot and killed Zi Family!”

Emperor Qi Ling is soft.

“Xuanyuan Chen !”

Han Yun’s eyes flashed, the 17th Prince, what do you mean?

“your distinguished self, but Young Master Han?”

Just then, a voice suddenly came.

“you are?”

Another Battle Emperor!

Han Yun’s mouth is slightly stunned. When is the Battle Emperor powerhouse so worthless!

“Sir Emperor Fu !”

Seeing the person in front of me, the Emperor Qi Ling expression suddenly changed slightly, and then a respectful bow.

“Level 4 Battle Emperor !”

Strength of Divine Soul swept, Han Yun expression slightly sinking.

Level 4’s Battle Emperor, this is already considered the Battle Emperor middle stage.

Battle Emperor powerhouse ,cultivation is extremely difficult.

One or two Level 3 is ok.

Above Level 3 above Battle Emperor, that are some old monsters.

Such an old monster, no one knows how many methods are hidden in them, and it is extremely difficult to kill the Battle Emperor above Level 3.

“Emperor Qi Ling is also here!”

Emperor Fu slightly smiled, then toward Han Yun:

“My family, Sir, knows that Young Master is coming, and I will send the Zi Family house as a gift! In the Zi Family, my Patriarch has not moved at all, and the Young Master can stay directly!”

“Zi Family send?”

Han Yun slightly paused.

City Lord Mansion kills Zi Family, but does not take anything, send it directly to yourself?

“The City Lord Mansion is a great deal!”

Emperor Qi Ling expression has changed slightly.

The City Lord Mansion was so swayed that it moved Han Yun in the heart of Emperor Qi Ling and moved forward several positions.

“Your home Sir is this sentence?”

Han Yun looked at Emperor Fu and suddenly asked indifferently.

“Do not!”

Emperor Fu slightly smiled, then opened the mouth and said again:

“My family has a sentence!”


Han Yun blinked in the eye.

“My family said that the last time was a misunderstanding, Young Master Han’s stuff, Sir is already ready, Young Master Han can be sent at any time if you want!”

Emperor Fu smiled.

“Sure enough!”

Han Yun’s mouth slightly sneered a sneer.

When you want to use his Han Yun, come and please!

“Congratulations to Young Master Han for the Zi Family site!”

Emperor Qi Ling smiled at Han Yun.

“hehe ……”

Han Yun smiled coldly and suddenly said:

“Emperor Qi Ling is misunderstood!”


The three people all shook a little.

“City Lord Mansion is such a big gift, I Han Yun dare to pick up, Han Yun has no contribution to Divine Country, if it is received, is it not to let others laugh!”

“Please also my distinguished self to reply to your home Sir, Sir’s mind Han Yun hearted. As for the site of my Awesome Pavilion, I Han Yun will call back!”

Han Yun looked at Emperor Fu and chuckled.


Emperor Fu, Emperor Qi Ling, Bright Sword Emperor!

The faces of the three people changed slightly.

City Lord Mansion, the spokesperson for the Magnificent Xia Divine Country, the things that the City Lord Mansion gave, even the Qilin Mansion and the Genius Courtyard, did not dare to refuse.

But Han Yun, but refused!

“Young Master Han, don’t you think about it?”

Emperor Fu’s face is a bit ugly.

Xuanyuan Chen told him to ask him to be polite in front of Han Yun.

He is very polite.

But Han Yun in front of him is out of his imaginary arrogance!

Divine Country gave the site, dare to refuse directly!

“Don’t think about it, leave!”

Han Yun shook hands and turned away.

“Young Master Han and more!”

Emperor Qi Ling quickly caught up.

“Emperor Fu, leave!”

Bright Sword Emperor smirked away.

In my heart, I am more fortunate to have a good relationship with Han Yun.

This arrogant boy, except for himself, for others, is a little left!

“Young Master Han, please!”

Emperor Qi Ling leads the way, Han Yun and Bright Sword Emperor, heading straight to the Genius Courtyard.

As for Emperor Fu.

The face was gloomy and stayed in place.

Han Yun, dare to ignore his City Lord Mansion.

This is simply a contempt for his Magnificent Xia Divine Country.

Emperor Fu looked at Han Yun’s disappearing place with a cold eye and turned and disappeared.

As Han Yun entered the Supreme Vast City, an undercurrent in the entire Supreme Vast City suddenly began to surge.

The Awesome Pavilion’s presence in Supreme Vast City is bound to change with the Supreme Vast City influence.

Finally, I can leave a few influences, no one knows!

5th more, brothers, good night!

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