Three days later.

Equalling Heaven Peak.

“Boss, I am a Battle Emperor, uh… my Little Jin has also become a Battle Emperor!”

Small Emperor turned into a few golden zhang’s Golden Dragon, screaming in Void’s face.

“ao 嗷嗷… I also became Battle Emperor…”

Then there is Little Leopard Cat.

Barbarian Ox ……

Six Battle Venerable, under the influence of Promoting Emperor Talisman, all became Battle Emperor powerhouse.

“Boss, have City Lord Mansion disciple See you!”

At this moment, the voice of Yuan Yue suddenly came.

“City Lord Mansion!”

Han Yun slightly paused, then smiled:

“Please come in!”

“Young Master Han, I haven’t seen you for a long time!”

For a moment, an old man walked slowly.

“It turned out to be Emperor Fu Senior, please!”

Han Yun slowly stood up.

“Young Master Han is very polite, Young Master Han can kill Emperor Yue Tian, ​​my Emperor Fu 岂 dare to speak Senior, Young Master Han directly calls me Emperor Fu!”

Emperor Fu heard the words of Han Yun, said promptly.

Compared with a few days ago.

Emperor Fu’s attitude has been lowered a lot.

Seeing the respectful respect on the face of Emperor Fu, Han Yun gave a little nodded, then solemnly asked:

“I don’t know what Emperor Fu is looking for?”

“Young Master Han, no… it should be called City Lord Han!”

Emperor Fu looked at Han Yun, his face was laughed.

“City Lord Han !”

When you heard Emperor Fu, all the Death God Battle Group’s disciplines were lit up.


Han Yun faintly said.

“Emperor Fu Congratulations to Young Master Han, this is the name of the City Lord Mansion, this Supreme Vast City, and later belongs to Young Master Han!”

Emperor Fu took out a golden rune and handed it to Han Yun.

“hahaha… hard Emperor Fu is coming!”

Han Yun smiled heartily and took the golden rune unceremoniously.

“Young Master Han, leave!”

Seeing that Han Yun took over, Emperor Fu left immediately.

“Slow down!”

Han Yun laughs at Hehe’s way.

The silhouette of Emperor Fu disappears quickly on the Equalling Heaven Peak.

“Boss, have you really become the City Lord of Supreme Vast City?”

Yuan Yue looked at the golden rune in the hands of Han Yun, his eyes shining.

“City Lord?”

Han Yun expression.

Then there was a sneak peek, screaming from the corner of Han Yun.

City Lord of Supreme Vast City is good!

But if you want to control the entire Supreme Vast City, I am afraid it is not that simple!

Xuanyuan Chen only gave Han Yun a couple.

Even if Han Yun becomes the City Lord of Supreme Vast City, it must be able to shock other influences!

“Go to Supreme Vast City!”

Han Yun stands Void and sings.

“Yes, Boss!”

Yuan Yue was full of excitement.

A death of the Death God Battle Group, quickly gathered in front of the Awesome Palace.


This time Han Yun flew directly to Supreme Vast City with a group of Death God Battle Group’s discipline, imposing manner.

Han Yun this time to take over Supreme Vast City.

This power, naturally, the bigger the better.

In Supreme Vast City.

“Look, what is that?”

I don’t know who exclaimed, and countless eyes looked at Void.

I saw the rolling of Monster Qi, a cloud over the entire Supreme Vast City.

In the dark clouds.

A few heads of several hundred zhang’s Monster Beast are faintly visible!

“Great Monster Beast, is this the legendary Level 10 Monster Beast?”

“Quickly report City Lord Mansion!”

“17th Prince has left. I heard that the Pavilion Lord Han Yun of the Awesome Pavilion is coming to take over the City Lord Mansion!”


a path of exclamation came.

In Supreme Vast City, more than a dozen silhouettes quickly appeared above Supreme Vast City.

Among the dozens of silhouettes, Sword Emperor Tong Tian is included.

I saw Sword Emperor Tong Tian looking at the fierce clouds in the distance, the eyes are full of dignified colors.

“Sword Emperor Tong Tian, ​​can you see what this is Monster Beast?”

A silhouette appeared next to Sword Emperor Tong Tian, ​​and it was Rune Venerable Qilin!

“This power is too strong, and there seems to be a mysterious force blocking around me. My strength of Divine Soul can’t be entered at all!”

Sword Emperor Tong Tian The road of dignity.

“The original Sword Emperor Tong Tian has been inducted with Divine Soul. The Monster Beast’s aura is not strong, but the Monster Beast is surrounded by the mysterious aura, but even my strength of Divine Soul can’t be broken!”

Rune Venerable Qilin is a gloomy road.

“You can’t break it?”

Sword Emperor Tong Tian expression A slight glimpse.

Just in front of Rune Venerable Qilin, that’s the Level 9 Peak’s Rune Master.

Rune Venerable Qilin’s strength of Divine Soul has reached the limit of Level 9. Just one step away, you can break the Heavenly Door and reach the legendary Level 10.

If Rune Venerable’s strength Sword Emperor Tong Tian looks down.

But Rune Venerable’s strength of Divine Soul is definitely the most terrifying of the entire Supreme Vast City.

Even Peak’s Battle Emperor.

I am afraid it is not always better than Rune Venerable Qilin on the strength of Divine Soul!

“This aura seems to carry a familiar aura…”

Rune Venerable Qilin’s brow suddenly wrinkled and thought on his face.

“Familiar with!”

Sword Emperor Tong Tian has a slight physical shock.

Somehow, a mad silhouette suddenly appeared in his mind.

“Is it Han Yun!”

“Is it Han Yun!”

Rune Venerable Qilin and Sword Emperor Tong Tian, ​​exclaimed at the same time.

The voices of the two men just fell.

A mad laughter suddenly came from Monster Qi, which was rolling in the distance.

“hahaha… everybody, welcome me, Han Yun, to take over Supreme Vast City. It’s so warm, thank you…”

The sound of Han Yun sounds in Void.

“roar roar 吼…”

A few roars, accompanied by Han Yun’s laughter into Supreme Vast City.

I saw a few golden zhang’s Golden Dragon, a double-cold cold glow, next to the huge Golden Dragon, a few hundred zhang’s Barbarian Ox, his body rolling!

“Monster Beast of Two Level 10!”

Sword Emperor Tong Tian and Rune Venerable Qilin have changed slightly.

Level 10 Monster Beast is even more terrifying than Battle Emperor!

Level 10 basic level’s Monster Beast is enough to compete with Level 3’s Small Emperor powerhouse.

“It turned out to be Han Yun!”

“With such a big momentum, the Awesome Pavilion is really deep, and the two Level 10 Monster Beasts are enough to compare to the two remaining influences of my Supreme Vast City!”

“Yes, you look at the two Monster Beasts next to four people, these four are safe in the rolling Monster Qi, I am afraid it is also Battle Emperor powerhouse!”

“Six Battle Emperor, plus Han Yun, who can compare to Sword Emperor Tong Tian, ​​is a terrifying Awesome Pavilion!”


In Supreme Vast City, a path of looked towards Han Yun’s eyes changed.

The strength of the Awesome Pavilion is no worse than the City Lord Mansion.

“Sword Emperor Tong Tian, ​​is this Awesome Pavilion’s influence terrible?”

Rune Venerable Qilin sucked in a cold breath.

“Awesome Pavilion, really powerful!”

Sword Emperor Tong Tian also exclaimed.

Supreme Vast City’s four remaining two second-line influences, Battle Emperor, looked at Van Yun’s Han Yun, and his face brushed pale.

So powerful Awesome Pavilion.

How do they resist!

“Everyone, this Supreme Vast City, I belong to my Awesome Pavilion in the future!”

Han Yun jumped from the back of Little Jin, his face full of arrogance.

“Supreme Vast City belongs to Awesome Pavilion?”

The major influences changed dramatically in an instant.

Especially the Genius Courtyard and Qilin Mansion’s discipline, each and everyone looked at Han Yun with anger.

Awesome Pavilion.

Since it is more arrogant than Divine Country’s 17th Prince.

17th Prince has left at least a living path for everyone.

But Han Yun, but they didn’t even leave them for them!

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