Han Yun 鍐冲畾銆

涓 瀹氲濂 瀹氲濂 瀹氲濂 浣峮 浣峮 knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth殑镒氲牏锛

鈥沦ir reading

缁濈殑silhouette 锛岀獊鐒跺嚭鐜板湪Han Yun 镞佽竟銆


Han Yun 鐪嬬潃缁濓纴eyebrows slightly frowned 銆

鈥沦ir 锛孻u and Chi 鈥[€[€



Han Yun said coldy.

鈥  奡 奡 and andu and Chi 琚汉鏂╂潃浜嗭紒鈥

Jue looked at Han Yun 锛屾Arc鑴竎old qi 镄勯死銆

鈥渊u and Chi 琚汉鏂╂潃浜嗏€[€[€

Han Yun 腑 腑 rays of light 涓 闂纴闅忓嵆闂 闂纴闅忓嵆闂 闂纴闅忓嵆闂 闂纴闅忓嵆闂 闂纴闅忓嵆闂 滀粬浠槸琚皝鏂╂潃镄勶纻鈥 滀粬浠槸琚皝鏂╂潃镄勶纻鈥 滀粬浠槸琚皝鏂╂潃镄勶纻鈥 滀粬浠槸琚皝鏂╂潃镄勶纻鈥

Han Yun 铏界劧涓嶅枩娆(四) Umbrella Undying Race 镄刣isciple 锛屼絾杩欎袱涓︼ umbrella 娆fter all is 鏉ュ府锷╄嚜宸辩殑锛岀幇鍦ㄨ鏂╂潃锛宻peaking of which 镊 涔熸湁涓 涔熸湁涓 €

“do not know!”

缁漵hook the head 锛岄殢鍗 涔庢兂璧 涔庢兂璧 涔庢兂璧 涔庢兂璧 涔庢兂璧 涔堬纴缁濇 涔堬纴缁濇 鑴竎 鑴竎 鑴竎 鑴竎 鑴竎 鑴竎 鑴竎 鑴竎 鑴竎 鑴竎 鑴竎 鑴竎 链 链 链 链 链 链 链 链 链槸浠€涔圙olden Toad Saint 鈥[€[€

鈥淕olden Toad Saint 锛佲€

涓 阆撴侪 阆撴侪 阆撴侪 阆撴侪 浼犳潵锛屽彧 浼犳潵锛屽彧 浼犳潵锛屽彧 浼犳潵锛屽彧 皥璇濈殑 Qu Qu Qu Qu Qu Qu Qu Qu Qu Qu Qu Qu Qu

鈥涞hang Qu 锛屼綘鐭ラ 杩 old olden Toad Saint 锛熲€

Han Yun solemnly asked.

鈥yuan oung Master G umbrella Golden Toad Saint 姝f槸Golden Dragon mountain range 涓殑涓夊ごMonster Saint 涔嬩竴锛宱utside world 浼犺█锛岃 umbrella Golden Toad Saint 宸茬粡瀹屾垚3rd-layer铚曞彉锛冤ithin the body 镄勫Qi of Saint 缁廲凡缁廲ultivation 鍒 简 X 2nd 灞傦紒鈥

鐪嬬潃Han Yun 锛孼hang Qu 鍑濋吨镄勯死銆

鈥淕olden Dragon mountain range 镄勪笁Monster Saint 锛佲€

Han Yun 腑 腑 rays of light 闂纴杩欐墍璋撶殑涓塎€闂纴杩欐墍璋撶殑涓塎onster Saint 锛孒an Yun 涔熷苟涓嶉檶鐢熴€

杩欎笁澶碝onster Beast 銆

a attle Clan 镄勪笁澶村焦镄勪笁澶村彉寮 pirit Beast 锛屼絾Battle Clan 琛 惤钖庯纴杩欎笁澶碨pirit Beast 锛屼篃阃冨嚭浜咮attle Clan 锛屾瘮璧峰叾浠栭冭冭冭onster Beast 锛岃 涓夊ご 涓夊ご Monster Beast 瑕佸 澶 澶 殑澶 殑澶 杩欎笁澶碝 杩欎笁澶碝 onster Beast   vine Divine Beast strength of Bloodline 銆

Golden Toad Saint 槸Divine Beast Golden Toad 镄剆trength of Bloodline 銆

鍓╀笅镄勪袱澶碝onster Beast 锛屽垎鍒槸Void Draconic Flood Dragon Saint 鍜娈emon Ox Saint 銆

杩欎袱澶碝onster Beast 锛屽垎鍒叿澶喽ivine Beast Void Dragon 鍜娈ivine Beast Demon Ox 镄剆trength of Bloodline 銆

杩欎笁澶碝onster Beast 锛屾槸Golden Dragon mountain range 涓渶寮哄ぇ镄勪笁澶碝onster Beast 锛屼篃鏄疓olden Dragon mountain range 涓殑涓変綅暗镐富銆

Golden Toad Saint 湁 湁 Divine Beast Golden Toad 镄剆trength of Bloodline 锛岀珶鐒跺皢Qi of Saint cultivation 鍒 X X 2nd 灞傦紒鈥

Han Yun expression

Battle Emperor cultivation 镄勬槸Emperor Domain 銆

闾attle Saint cultivation 镄勶纴灏 槸 槸 Qi of Saint 銆

杩欐墍璋撶殑Qi of Saint 锛屽垎涓篨NUMXth Layer 锛孹NUMXst Layer 鏄疭aint Qi 锛孲aint Qi 鍏峰mysterious 镄勫姏 reading unpredictable and mysterious 銆

Key 孹NUMXnd 灞傦纴鍒欐槸Saint Domain 锛

镓€璋撶殑Saint Domain 锛屽叾瀹炲 鏄皢 Saint Qi 杞寲鎴愯嚜宸 殑阆掳纴鍦ㄨ嚜宸 殑 殑 domain 涓纴琛嶅寲鍑 棤绌 棤绌 殑殑阆 殑阆 箟锛岃 箟锛岃 ¢ Saint Saint Saint Qi Saint Qi Qi Qi 澶 澶 澶

Last time Battle General Jun Yun slammed and almost blocked Han Yun’s strongest hit.

That is the power of Saint Domain!

As for the 2nd layer, there is a more strengthening strength of Saint Country and so on!

“Sir, I am going to avenge Chi and Yu!”

Looking at Han Yun, absolutely said coldy.


Han Yun looked at it with a faint look, then said coldy: “You are just Level 6 Great Emperor Realm, what is the qualification for finding Golden Toad Saint?”


Jue is slightly dumfounded, and suddenly he squatted on the ground: “Please also ask Sir to avenge Chi and Yu!”

“I go!”

Han Yun is silent, wants to refuse, but looking at the eyes, Han Yun can only sigh one voice: “You get up first, this revenge, slowly plan!”

“Thank Sir!”

When I heard Han Yun’s words, I suddenly showed a touch of joy in my eyes.

“You go back first!”

Han Yun said solemnly.

“Yes, Sir!”

I have to retreat with respect and respect.

“Young Master, this Golden Toad Saint is the Monster Beast of saint-rank, Young Master you…”

“No problem!”

Looking at Zhang Qu’s rushing eyes, Han Yun waved his hand slightly. Is Battle Saint strong?

He Han Yun can’t kill Battle Saint now.

But Battle Saint wants to kill him, it’s impossible!

“What are you looking for?”

Han Yun looked at Zhang Qu and suddenly asked.

“This one……”

Zhang Qu heard Han Yun’s words, his face was slightly embarrassed, but he finally said: “Young Master, I don’t know if you can pass us some…”

“Do you want Battle Skill?”

Han Yun heard this and his face showed a slight smile.

In fact, after the first encounter with Zhang Qu.

Han Yun feels the lack of Zhang Qu Battle Skill. Apart from Battle God Fist and Battle God true body, Zhang Qu basically has no other Battle Skill.

“Young Master, my Battle Clan decline, largely because of the lack of Battle Skill. When Golden Dragon City was restricted, my Battle Clan’s Battle Skill, basically… ………”

Zhang Qu sighed.

“I can pass you Battle Skill!”

Han Yun looked at Zhang Qu and suddenly said.

“Young Master is really willing!”

When I heard Han Yun, Zhang Qu had a ecstasy on his face.


Han Yun ordered nodded, and then a light purple ring suddenly appeared on Han Yun’s middle finger.

The purple ring, a mysterious air machine.

“this is……”

Seeing this ring, Zhang Qu was shocked and immediately seemed to think of something. Suddenly cry out in surprise: “This is Battle Ring, my Battle Clan Young Master’s inheritance Supreme Treasure, this is really Battle Ring, Battle Ring. Ah, my Battle Clan is hopeful…”

Zhang Qu cheered with excitement.

“Isn’t it a Battle Ring?”

Han Yun grin, he also knows the meaning of Battle Ring for Battle Clan. In Battle Ring, there is Battle Clan 90% high rank Battle Skill. For Battle Clan, it is Supreme Treasure!

“These Battle Skills I will make a copy and stay in Battle God Palace Hall. If you want cultivation, go straight to Find Battle Skill cultivation!”

Han Yun looked at Zhang Qu and smiled.

“many thanks Young Master !”

When I heard Han Yun, Zhang Qu was a little trembling.

That’s all the Battle Skill in the Battle Ring.

“You go ahead!”

Han Yun Shen Yin instructed.

“Yes, Young Master!”

Zhang Qu retired with excitement and looked like that, and seemed to be more happy than having a son!

“Earth Spirit Bead, I have to see where you are going…”

Han Yun looked at the Earth Spirit Bead moving in the map, and his mouth twitched with a smirk, and then his body flashed and disappeared into Battle Clan.

Outside Battle Clan.

Han Yun Several Teleports, not far from the location of this Earth Spirit Bead.

“system, check if there is a Battle Saint powerhouse around the Earth Spirit Bead?”

Han Yun is in system instructed.

“Exploring, the results of the exploration show that there is no Powerhouse of Great Emperor Realm around!”

The sound of the system came.

Hearing the sound of system, Han Yun was a little jealous, a Teleport, directly next to the Earth Spirit Bead.

“It’s you!”

Both of them are exported at the same time.

Han Yun looked at the person in front of him, his eyes ray of light, and then a smirk, spread from the corner of Han Yun.

The opposite person looked at Han Yun.

There was also a first-seed suspicion, and then I seemed to think of something, watching Han Yun’s face full of surprises.

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