Among the imperial cities.

Looking at the pieces of the building, Han Yun’s eyes are ray of light ten thousand zhang, which is one of the imperial cities.

I saw a splendid building in front of Han Yun, countless mysterious great arrays, let Han Yun open his eyes, there are these great arrays, this Imperial City wants to break, no doubt more difficult than the sky!

“It seems that no strong attack is a correct decision!”

Han Yun whispered to himself.

This Imperial City wants to break through, it is too difficult!

Not to mention the countless powerhouses in the Imperial City, it is said that this mysterious great array is not a dozen people of Han Yun can break open.

“I don’t know what it would be like when my Battle Clan was the strongest!”

In the eyes of Han Yun, a slight flash of hope.

The first generation of Profound Spirit Continent, now…

Heaven and Earth Reincarnation, there must be rise and fall!

Han Yun sighs that the map in my mind has been completely opened, and the range around thirty li or so appears in Han Yun’s mind.

In the heart of Han Yun, I was shocked again.


It is too much.

The film is emperor level powerhouse, saint-rank powerhouse is also a lot, even the heaven-rank powerhouse, and occasionally can meet.

As for the Supreme’s Heaven Realm powerhouse…

“This should be the seventeenth Heaven Realm powerhouse…”

Han Yun stands behind Mayfair, expression is very dignified, Heaven Realm powerhouse, more than Han Yun imagined, from city gate to Imperial Palace, Han Yun met at least a dozen shares of Heaven Realm powerhouse aura.

More than a dozen Heaven Realm powerhouse!

This is Han Yun, and my heart is full of shock.

“system, open the task guide!”

Han Yun whispered into the system.

“The mission guide is open, Player Han Yun please check it out!”

The sound of the system came, and the pages in Han Yun’s mind changed rapidly, and the lines of text appeared in Han Yun’s mind.

“Seven dollar library!”

Three words appeared in Han Yun’s mind.

“Seven dollar library?”

Han Yun frowned , Han Yun Opened the mission guide, it is the main line mission to find Subduing Dragon wood, from this mission guide, this is called Subduing Dragon wood.

Just in this seven-yuan library.

“system, can you locate the location of the seven-yuan library?”

Han Yun said solemnly.

“system prompt : Player Han Yun gave insufficient information, system positioning failed!”

The sound of the system came, and Han Yun’s brow wrinkled again.

Can’t locate?

So to speak, I can only find it myself.

“Where is this seven-yuan library?”

Han Yun’s eyes ray of light, this seven-yuan library, he has never heard of it.

“I don’t know, but…”

Han Yun’s eyes suddenly fell on Mayfair’s body. Step forward, Han Yun’s eyes arrogantly looked at Mayfair: “this Young Master asks you a question!”


In the eyes of Mayfair, the rays of light flashed, but they did not dare to have the slightest scorn. Said promptly: “I don’t know what the cloud Young Master wants to ask?”

“This time this Young Master is looking for something, you tell me, where is the seven-yuan library?”

Han Yun looks at Mayfair, said solemnly.

“Seven dollar library?”

Mayfairs slightly frowned, thought about it, and then opened the mouth and said: “Cloud Young Master, does this Imperial City have this place?”

“You really don’t know?”

Han Yun looked at the Philippine who shook his head. The cold glow in the eyes flashed slightly, and the terrifying power made Fey only feel like he was falling into the ice cave.

Even the state of mind, it’s cold!

“I really do not know!”

Feier’s face was a little pale.

Mayfair and Han Yun, both of their cultivation bases are at the level of Small Heaven Rank, but Han Yun has already realized the power of Saint, and Mayfair…

But it stays on the power of the sacred market.

Compared to Han Yun, Mayfair doesn’t know how far it is, plus the terrifying of Han Yun strength of Divine Soul. Mayfair can block Han Yun’s Divine Soul oppression, which is not bad!

“Don’t really know!”

Han Yun frowned.

Mayfair’s frightened expression made Han Yun’s heart sink, and Mayfair was the Princess of Divine Country. Even she didn’t know that the seven-yuan library was definitely not an ordinary place.

“Cloud Young Master, you are not going to see Sovereign Father, Sovereign Father must know this place!”

Feier quickly went to Han Yun Road.

“St. Master…”

In the eyes of Han Yun, the ray of light flashed, and then whispered: “Take me!”

“Yes, Cloud Young Master!”

Feier quickly left with Han Yun. For a moment, Han Yun finally came to the center of the Magnificent Xia Divine Country, in front of the Xuanyuan Imperial Palace.

I saw the palace of gold and jade in glorious splendour towering, a path of mysterious air, coming from the Imperial Palace, standing in front of the Imperial Palace, Han Yun seems to have seen countless powerhouses standing above the Imperial Palace. .

A strand of terrifying impering manner.

Compressed by Han Yun.

“It’s an Imperial Palace in one of the five Great God countries!”

Han Yun sighs, the great array in the Imperial Palace, I am afraid the lowest is immortal-rank great array, and is not immortal-rank great array.

“Cloud Young Master, please come with me!”

There was a Philippine lead, Han Yun was a little blocked, and the entire group quickly entered the Imperial Palace, walked through the corridors, and finally came to a biggest palace.

“Xuanyuan Temple!”

Three golden glazed characters appeared in front of Han Yun.

“Cloud Young Master please!”

Mayfair whispered to Han Yun.


Han Yun Eyes of light in the eye.

“Cloud Young Master…”

Seeing that Han Yun was going in, the trenches suddenly stepped forward and looked at the palace in front of them. The eyes of the trenches were extremely dignified.

“What is it?”

Han Yun brows a pick.

“Young Master, this great hall is Xianbao, I am waiting to enter it, I am afraid…”

The sound of the trenches sounded in the mind of Han Yun.


Han Yun expression A condensed, so-called Xianbao, that is beyond the heaven-rank treasure, is the weapon used by Heaven Realm powerhouse.

Compared to heaven-rank’s Spirit Artifact.

This so-called Xianbao, do not know how many times powerful!

“Got it!”

In the eyes of Han Yun, the rays of light flashed, and then the sound transmission said: “Be careful, don’t show weak spots!”

“Young Master, are we really going in?”

Han Yun sound transmission.

“Of course go in!”

Han Yun’s mouth, evokes a arrogant smile, since it is coming, why not go in.


Now Han Yun is not the enemy of Xuanyuan Imperial Household, but…

“Little girl, lead the way!”

Han Yun looks at Mayfair, said coldy.

“Yes, Cloud Young Master!”

Mayfair quickly led the way, until a walk before the great hall, a silhouette suddenly came out of the great hall.

“Fairchild, is that you?”

The comer is an old man, old man is gray-haired, but the eyes are very incomparable, and seeing Mayfair, the old man has a joy in his eyes, then said promptly: “Fairy, the Lord can wait for you for a long time. It!”

“Sovereign Father waiting for me?”

Feier’s face was a joy, and when he started, he wanted to go in. Then he seemed to think of something. He suddenly said to the old man: “Xuan Bo, Ancestral Land, and Xuan Bo’s Sovereign Father!”

“Ancestral Land is coming…”

Xuan Bo complexion greatly changed, then said promptly: “Little girl, where are people?”

“it’s here……”

Han Yun stepped forward, the arrogant voice, ringing in Void.

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