
Compared to other people, Han Yun’s brow is deeply locked, terrifying strength of Martial Emperor, this is the first time it has lost!

It was Han Yun’s first killing!

Strength of Martial Emperor How terrifying, Han Yun played a column of Optimus, Xuanyuan has been locked by Han Yun, if the general Heaven Realm Martial Artist.

Even if you break the Void into the Void turbulence, it is difficult to escape.

But Xuanyuan’s golden pen was just a slight stroke, and it cut off all the locks. This shot also fell on the Xuanyuan Imperial Palace!

“Young Master, let me go after him…”

The trench went to Han Yun and was full of killing intent.

“no need!”

Han Yun looked at the weird look with some weirdness. I don’t know why, Han Yun always felt wary and looked at his own eyes and became respectful.

The former trenches are also very respectful to themselves.

But that respectfulness is more from gratitude and from the hope of its own strength of Bloodline.

But now in the eyes of the trenches.

This respectful, more like a heartfelt!

“Young Master…”

There is some confusion in the trembling expression. Heaven Realm Martial Artist fights and escapes into the endless Void. This is normal, if Han Yun catches up.

There is a great possibility to kill this person.

“No problem!”

Han Yun waved again.


Han Yun didn’t think about it, but somehow, Han Yun suddenly raised a strange feeling, even if he had more than a dozen people going up and killing.

I am afraid I can’t kill Xuanyuan.

And Xuanyuan’s last sentence…

“Since you can get approval from Martial Immortal, then we are not enemies, we will meet again…”

“Who is Martial Immortal?”

“Not an enemy?”

“See you again…”

In Han Yun’s mind, there are countless doubts. A path of aura rises from Han Yun’s mind. What Han Yun seems to have caught, seems to have caught nothing.

This made Han Yun feel a little annoyed!

“Go to the depths of the Imperial Palace!”

Han Yun abandoned the distracting thoughts in his heart, said solemnly.

Since there is still a chance to meet again, then Han Yun will definitely find out all the things when he meets Xuanyuan again next time!

“Yes, Young Master!”

The trenches and the others were shocked and quickly flew deep into the Imperial Palace.

“Han Yun has ruined the Imperial Palace, it’s a great courage!”

“That attack is terrifying, I am afraid that even if Heaven Realm Martial Artist meets, there is no chance to escape!”

“Why didn’t the Xuanyuan Lord appear, this person ruined the Imperial Palace, isn’t the Xuanyuan Lord not dare to come out?”

“It seems that the Divine Country is rising!”


a path of arguments came and looked at the Imperial Palace, which had been turned into ruins, and countless eyes began to flash.

This Xuanyuan Imperial City.

It is the capital of one of the five great Gods of the mysterious spirit. I don’t know much about the various powerhouses in this imperial city, and this Xu is a small family that is inconspicuous.

Behind is a terrifying race!

The Divine Country kills the Xuanyuan Imperial City. What this means means that Battle Clan is rising again, how terrifying is Battle Clan, for these races…

The appearance of Battle Clan.

It means you need to pick the camp again!

Battle Clan is back again, and the hundreds of thousands of years ago will surely continue again. Battle Clan, it is impossible to forget the shame that the people left them!

And the family.

It will never let Battle Clan rise again!

“Five Great God countries are afraid of chaos, Dark Black Country was attacked by undying Divine Country, and now the Divine Country is attacking Magnificent Xia Divine Country again. This is a chaotic world, coming…”

A white-haired old man whispered to himself.

This person is awkward, a rough look is just an ordinary old man, but a closer look, the old man’s turbid eyes, but hidden innumerable rays of light.

This person is a Heaven Realm powerhouse.

And it’s the powerhouse of Heaven Realm Peak.

Some Martial Artists consciously let go when they were next to the old man, as if there is a terrifying gas field in the old man, and there is no one around the old man!

“system, open the map, search for hidden great array!”

Deep in the Imperial Palace, Han Yun screams in system instructed.

The Imperial Palace, larger than Han Yun imagined, deep in the Imperial Palace, spread the single hundred li, countless palace small courtyard, let Han Yun feel the Divine Country again.

“system is searching, please wait!”

“Search is complete!”

“A total of 1,300 hidden arrays were found, and Player Han Yun was screened!”

For a moment, the sound of the system sounded in the mind of Han Yun.

“Give me the most powerful hidden array!”

Han Yun said solemnly.

“Filtering, please wait!”

“The screening is successful. The most powerful array is the seven-element array. It is the ancient hidden array. Its defense is equivalent to the general Heaven Realm Peak powerhouse. When Subduing Dragon wood exists, it can compare to the defense in the 3-Layer. force!”

The sound of the system sounded in the mind of Han Yun.

“Defense in the 3-Layer!”

Han Yun sucked in a cold breath, no wonder I can’t find this place, the rank of this great array, I am afraid I have reached immortal-rank Peak.

And still hide the array!

“Can this great array be broken now?”

Han Yun solemnly asked.

“Player Han Yun can buy immortal-rank breaks, immortal-rank breaks with a probability of 70%, each 3,000 Super God Points!”

The sound of the system came.

“Three thousand Super God Points…”

Han Yun’s mouth is hooked, then opened the mouth and said: “Buy!”

“Purchase success!”

The sound of the system came, Han Yun quickly opened the backpack and found the break in the backpack. Han Yun directly activated the break.

“Player Han Yun has activated the break, please select the object!”

“I want to break the seven-element!”

Han Yun said coldy.

“The selection object is successful, the system is breaking, Player Han Yun please wait…”

“congratulations to the player Han Yun, successful!”

The sound of the system came, Han Yun only felt a terrifying energy sweep, and then the map in Han Yun’s mind changed rapidly.

The surrounding scenes also changed quickly.

With this change.

The entire Xuanyuan Imperial City, but also blasted the pot!

“The great array of the Imperial City is broken…”

I don’t know who cred out in surprise, everyone started to lose one’s head out of fear, and at this time the Divine Country Mansion’s Xuanyuan Lord, his face also brushed pale.

“What can happen to the Lord Sir?”

Dark Thirteen looked at the Xuanyuan Lord who changed his face and asked in a low voice.

“The great array of my Xuanyuan Imperial City was broken!”

Xuanyuan Lord said coldy.

“The great array is broken?”

Dark thirteen glimpses, then seems to think of something, said with a smile: “Xuanyuan Holy Lord does not say that this great array even the powerhouse powerhouse can not break, now how …”

“hmph ……”

When I heard the dark thirteen words, Xuanyuan’s eyes were cold, and then the face was gloomy: “If you did not take the Subduing Dragon wood, this great array will be broken!”

“It turned out to be Subduing Dragon wood…”

In the dark thirteen eyes, a glimmer of light is passed, and then the smile is comforted: “Why should the Xuanyuan Lord be worried, how can this great array be broken? If the Divine Country is gone, it can be re-established, but this day sacrifices stone, that There is only one chance…”

“Tian sacrifice stone…”

Hearing the dark thirteen words, the ray of light in the eyes of the Xuanyuan Holy Lord flashed, and the cold qi on his body disappeared slowly!

3rd, more recent exams, it is really impossible to get time, there are two exams tomorrow, brothers, good night!


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