
This rays of light sparkles with the dazzling rays of Ruixia. There is no violent aura on it. Instead, it is full of endless vitality of the aura. It emerges from the iron sword and appears as if it is across the void. In front of Bai, Su Bai couldn’t do it at all, and he could only watch the ray of light falling on his left.

The amazing pain spreads at this moment, and the endless Ruixia light drowns Su Bai’s sight, and he feels that a vast amount of information is pouring into his mind, his whole body trembles fiercely. The original handsome face also has blue veins, which looks extraordinarily embarrassing, as if his mind can not withstand such a huge amount of information, to burst open.

“Is Divine Ability?” Su Bai insisted on his teeth, and he clearly remembered that the heart of the Emperor was broken and turned into countless lines, and these lines eventually merged into this ray. Of light, he knows that the iron sword will never harm him. This scene is definitely a shocking opportunity for him.

The mighty, endless divine light emerged from Su Bai’s mind, and these divine lights eventually turned into a path of mysterious lines, gathered together, and there was an old font in it that slowly formed: Time Reversal !

This is a Divine Ability!

Su Bai’s heart was almost immersed in this pattern in an instant, and the information that had previously poured into his mind instantly became clear. It was the cultivation method of Divine Ability, and some of them were the cultivation of the demon. Divine Ability’s cultivation experience and Insight.

“There is such a mysterious Divine Ability in the world…”

“Time Reversal … through time back, you can always return your body state to any moment in the past, the moment of the most Peak… No wonder why the demon emperor is only a smashing soul, its fleshly body is also decaying, how many years, It was able to recover as soon as possible.”

Su Bai feels the huge information in his mind, and he feels awkward. He has seen a lot of Divine Ability, especially his Bloodline Divine Ability Buddha Sovereign Throne and Samsara Inextinguishable Sword Body. But never felt so shocked.

“If I can use this Time Reversal Divine Ability, as long as I have a sigh of relief, I can recover as long as I have a thought.” Su Bai calmed his inner excitement and immediately immersed himself in the Time Reversal practice and The Emperor’s cultivation experience of this Divine Ability and Insight.

Such a mysterious Divine Ability, cultivation condition is extremely demanding. If Su Bai is not getting the timeline and cultivation method of Time Reversal Divine Ability, let alone learning, even trying to figure out the mystery of Divine Ability. A very difficult thing.

Qin undefeated and others have said that the spirit of the demon emperor not only contains the essence of the blood essence of the demon emperor, but also contains the Bloodline Divine Ability of the demon emperor. Su Bai knows that if he is allowed to sacrifice himself to the demon emperor If you are in the heart, I am afraid it is difficult to comprehend this Time Reversal Divine Ability. I can only hope that it will be sighed. This makes him quite fortunate. Although most of the blood essence energy in the heart of the Emperor is swallowed by the Iron Sword, it can be exchanged for Divine. Ability, it is not bad.

As Su Bai was immersed in Time Reversal Divine Ability’s practice and Insight, the path that emerged in his mind turned into a path of divine light, pouring into all corners of Su Bai’s body, with Su Bai’s blood blends together and seems to be completely integrated into Su Bai’s bloodline, making Su Bai’s flowing blood more golden.

At the same time, there are many lines that converge toward Su Bai’s left eye and merge into Su Bai’s eyes. At this moment, Su Bai seems to have experienced countless years, and the old and vicissitudes of Aura are once again in him. Out, Su Bai’s eyes are slowly opening at this moment.

Su Bai opened his eyes, the right eye was as clear and calm as before, and in his left eye, it seems that there is a roulette phantom that is slowly rotating, filled with the ancient vicissitudes of aura, but this phantom is quickly integrated into Su Bai Deep in the eyes.

“Unfortunately, my current cultivation base is not enough. If you want to practice this Divine Ability pattern, you must at least really step into the Sovereign Dao environment…” Su Bai’s Qingming, familiar with Time Reversal’s practice Keeping in mind, the only thing that makes him feel helpless is that his current cultivation base is not a practice, even if it is difficult to practice the Divine Ability.

“Time Reversal’s practice is still waiting for the real step into Sovereign Dao, my current energy is mainly on the Samsara Inextinguishable Sword Body Divine Ability…” Su Bai looked up and looked up, only to see the original diffuse radius of thousands of feet The Blood Qi energy has only a few 100 feet left, but what surprised Su Bai is that the Iron Sword did not swallow these Blood Qi energy, but quietly suspended in the void.

“Strange, according to the fat of this fellow, the geese have been plucking hair…” Su Bai whispered.

It seems that Su Bai’s gaze is gazing, the iron sword suspended in the void is violently trembled, and a melodious and light-sounding word cry sounds, and a slamming sound turns into a Su Bai suddenly launch.

Su Bai grabbed the empty air and grabbed the iron sword at once. He looked at the iron sword and saw that the original iron sword had become unrecognizable. Half of the sword had no rust, showing the original edge. The kind of sharp aura makes Su Bai feel scared, no less than the Sword Intent he has learned, even beyond.

“Is this your true face? But it seems that you want to make a real transformation, and the heart of a demon is not enough…”

Su Bai’s fingers crossed the tip of the sword, and finally stayed on the other half of the sword, revealing the helpless color. This demon emperor’s heart was also obtained under the chance, and he could not get the second one.


The iron sword trembled, a ray of light from the word hilt, along the hands of Su Bai, into the body of Su Bai, at the same time, a scene suddenly appeared in Su Bai’s mind.

Through those scenes, Su Bai understands why there is a demon body outside of a thousand feet. After he started refining the blood essence of the demon, there are many demons attracted by such a strong Blood Qi, many of which are Sovereign. The existence of Dao.

The existence of the demon’s heart is all crazy, but when it is not close to the heart of the demon emperor, the iron sword is shot, and all the demons are killed, no one is spared.

“I am lucky to escape…”

Su Bai was dark and relaxed, and there was a little more gratitude in the eyes of the iron sword. When I got this iron sword, Su Bai knew that this was a spiritual iron sword, and perhaps used his own Consciousness, but he absolutely did not expect that this iron sword has such power, can autonomously slaughter the Sovereign Dao level of the demon.

But there is one more thing, Su Bai can’t figure out why this iron sword is in his hands and looks like an ordinary iron sword.

“Thank you anyway, thank you.” Su Bai slammed the iron sword with a smile, then put the iron sword back and looked up at the golden Blood Qi, even though it only covered the number of squares 100 feet. The energy contained is very majestic and majestic.

“It’s time to hit King Dao.”

Su Bai took a step and the figure appeared directly in the golden Blood Qi, sitting cross-legged.

His current cultivation base is already the King Dao 9th Layer, which is only a little bit worse than the King Dao 9th Layer Peak. If you can refine these golden Blood Qi energy, it should not be difficult to break through to the King Dao 9th Layer Peak.

At that time, stepping into the kingdom of King Dao is naturally a matter of course…

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