The bloody city, a ruined temple stands on the horizon, faintly visible in the prosperity and grandeur of formerly. 『

At this time, in a huge and vast square in the bloody city, the crowds were surging, and it was extremely lively. At first glance, they were all densely packed.

“What exactly does this door want to do? The King Dao demon in the whole bloody city is probably in the hands of their doors…”

“I will know something about this. According to the news I got from inside, this door is to arrange a huge road in the city of our bloody city. The King Dao demon is used as a base.”

“Internal news? Li Xuan brother, you are really joking, is it that you still know the cultivation of the Taoist door?”

“If I know the cultivator of Daomen, how can I get mixed up now? I heard this from my big brother. According to my big brother, this news is still spoken from Lin Tong’s neckline, and there is still a fake. ?”

“Then I can’t figure it out. Why does the door spend so much energy to set up the road?”

In that huge square, a path of whispering whispers, these sounds are still very close together, and at this time, most people’s eyes are looking at the center of the move towards the square.

There, there are dozens of huge iron cages, and the iron cage is covered with a path of silver runes, shining with dazzling light, and in the iron cage, a path of wolf’s silhouette is being entangled by the chain. These people are all very red and their faces are gloomy. These days, they are locked here like animals, and they will be tortured from time to time.

“I really don’t know what it is useful for people in the door to grab these people. Do they really want to use this method to force the person to appear?”

“You really don’t say that during this time, I heard the people who heard the door, but let a lot of people release the news that the Daoist team was oystered by them. It seems that they want to force the person to show up.”

“The people at that door are too naive. The hunting war zone is not big, but it is not small. Even if the door makes people deliberately release the news, it does not necessarily make that person hear, let’s say that person. Even if I heard it, how is it, the strength of the door is so strong, even the blood emperor is on an equal footing, as long as that person is not fool, he will give up to rescue.”

“It’s Ah! This is also the place I don’t want to understand. It is reasonable to say that the door should focus on the Hundred Sects battle, but now there is a lot of time to stay here for so long.”

“Everyone, the younger brother is daring to ask, who is the person you said?”

“Who else can be, is naturally the white clothed of the Taoist sect…”

“It’s him! I heard that he got a heart of a demon, and he didn’t know the truth.”

“Ten ** is true, otherwise it will not be so expensive.”

While whispering in the square, in the attic of the temple standing on the edge of the square, there are also countless eyes that are directed to the center of the square. These people’s strength and identity are not simple, most of them are sect Cultivation.

“What exactly does this door want to do? Is it really necessary for Zhao Ku to use these people to force Ximen Chuixue to show up?”

In one of the more remote lofts, Mo Zhen’s hands pressed on the handrail and looked at the square in the distance. His face was slightly helpless. He and the Dao Zongzi had a good relationship. After all, they had a good relationship. After, plus Su Bai’s reason, with his temper, I will never look at the Daoist people who are humiliated, but the opponent is the door after all.

Do not sigh in the heart, look at the white limpid autumn water, and ask: “Do you say he will come?”

“I hope you don’t want to come, but you know the character of fellow. If you know that Cao Feng and others are in the hands of Entering Dao, there will be ten people coming to the rescue…” white limpid autumn water is holding a white cloth and wiping hands. The long knife in the middle, the thin knives of the knives are filled with the chill of the cockroaches, and it is faintly visible that the coldness is flowing from it.

“Hopefully, if you don’t, don’t say the door first, even if other sect teams will shoot.” Mo 烨 烨 烨 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 ” ” ” 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫Although those people have already converged their own aura, it is not difficult to guess the identity of those people.

“How do you say about the Senior Brother Mo?” White limpid autumn water.

Hear this, Moss, faceless, helpless color, said solemnly: “What he can say is nothing more than let us not use the temper, act arbitrarily. Oh… After all, the strength of the door is not bad, if this time conflicts with the door, The two sides will inevitably lose both sides, and the Taoist sect and our sacred court are non-intimate, how can the Senior Brother Mo be able to make a comeback.”

When I heard Mo Huan’s words, the white limpid autumn water didn’t mean anything, but also a helpless smile. “I hope to meet the fellow in the future, that fellow should not blame you for seeing me die.”

“It shouldn’t. After all, that fellow also knows you and my strength. Even if we want to save, we have to have that Strength.” Mo 烨 whispered, his eyes jerked and squinted, looking straight at thousands A temple outside the palace, where a silhouette slowly came out, even if they were far apart, Mo Zhen could still detect a terrifying pressure.

White limpid autumn water looks at the sight of Mo Zhen, his face is dignified, said solemnly: “Zhao Kuo is afraid that it has already broken through to Sovereign Dao…”

“Yeah.” Mo’s focus is on the head. “In this Hundred Sects team, there are very few people who can suppress him.”

Just when Mo Zhen and white limpid autumn water looked at Zhao Kuo, Zhao Kuo’s gaze glimpsed. When he saw the silhouette of Mo 烨 and white limpid autumn water, his face showed a touch. A playful smile, lightly said with a smile: “The team of the gods is also coming. It seems that the movement we made is not small…”

“Isn’t that what we used to see? Now the more powerful team in the Hundred Sects team, there are only the demons, the corpse, and the ruins of the team.”

A Jiao Ying came slowly from behind Zhao Zuo, and finally stood side by side with Zhao Kuo. The woman wore a green dress, and the peach-like scorpion was particularly charming. She lazily yawned and looked at the distance with her eyes. The square, lightly said with a smile : “It has been almost half a month, there is no movement, do you think that brat will appear?”

“I don’t know, if it’s my words, I will never appear… Of course, I don’t rule out that Brat is too long for his own life, and his mind is hot.” Zhao Kuguang lightly said with a smile, his eyes are gradually getting picked up. When I think of Su Bai, there is an endless killing intent in his heart, but he also knows that the hunting war zone is so big, that brat is really hidden, it is difficult to find.

“Do we have to wait?” Green Luo asked.

“Wait for another half a month, if you haven’t moved yet, start…” Zhao’s words haven’t finished yet, his face has changed, and a powerful aura is like a storm. His figure slammed out and drove straight out of the square…

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