At the end of the sky, a path of huge shadows came out of the sky, covering the sky, covering the sky, just like an instant, the whole void became a magical market, and the burst of terrifying aura instantly enveloped the entire bloody city. .

The endless death of aura is coming, and a Tianmu demon is in the void, and the third eye of their eyebrows is slowly opening, and a strange wave radiates from it.

After the Tianmu demon, the giants with the body of Baizhang took the bronze giant axe and came to the air. Their bodies were huge, like mountains and mountains, and the majestic pressure drove open, sweeping the heavens and the earth, and their pace was heavy and Slow, every time there is a zhang or so, there is nothing but emptiness.

Behind the Giants, there are thousands of ghosts, including giant monsters with four arms and gold lions with two skulls. They are full of enthusiasm. It’s also awesome, staring at the bloody city not far away, as if it’s a sumptuous dinner, waiting for their enjoyment.

The entire bloody city, the exclamations resounded constantly, a path of full of fear and panic eyes gazing at the void in the distance, many people can not withstand the vast pressure from the swept, body On the ground, his face was pale.

“Demon, how can there be so many demons… What are the people watching the tower, but they don’t prematurely.”

A path of silhouette whistling out from all corners of the bloody city, these people’s aura are extremely powerful, most of them have entered the King Dao environment, a pair of looks like.

Su Bai looked at the demon in the distance, whispering: “Senior’s previous things that let me wait for help, are these demon?”

“These beasts are finally coming, much faster than I thought. It seems that the news that you appear here has been known by the demon, and they can’t stand it.”

Old man nodded slightly, and he waved his hand, only to see the whole bloody city stunned, and did not know how many lines appeared in the sky above the bloody city.

At the same time, a path of Spiritual Qi was spontaneously launched from the four northeast and southwest directions of the bloody desert city, and they merged with each other, and instantly merged with the wales in the void to form a huge array of great glory. It can’t be described in words, and the whole bloody city is covered, like a layer of shield, on which terrifying energy waves fluctuate.

A city, a battle.

The original site of the Blood Desert City is the imperial imperial capital of the imperial city. Its inscription is engraved with countless roads, and the reason why the bloody city is able to withstand hundreds of demons is not only because of the blood’s own strength, but also because of the bloody city. The next road.

Su Bai looked up at the road that had condensed from the sky, and there was a strange color in his eyes. He noticed how terrifying the strength of the containment in this dove, and once it broke out, it must be earth-shattering.

“The Shenyu District is very large, the territory of the two states, the number of souls is hundreds of millions… When the demon invaded, many people did not react, countless dynasties were uprooted, even the most powerful dynasty was destroyed in the hands of the demon… maybe you I haven’t experienced the fierce and bloody battle, and I don’t know how many Great Desolate creatures died in this demon invasion.”

Old man gave a low voice, his look was solemn, his cold eyes gazed at the distant demon, and then he sighed heavily, saying: “I don’t know, but the survivors of the entire Shenyu District are afraid of only the bloody city. These people are inside…”

In a short period of time, both Su Bai and Mo Fanchen sounded very heavy.

Su Bai didn’t witness how the demons slaughtered Great Desolate creatures, but it’s not hard to imagine such a picture, it must be fierce, why the demon is a demon, because they have no bones left.

Tang Wushuang and Mo Fanchen were silent, whether they were the demon palace or the gods, they were attacked by the demon, especially the gods. Their losses were extremely heavy, and the Zong domain fell into disarray. Until the end, they had to move. Mo Fanchen also participated in the battle. He was seen by his own eyes. Millions of creatures were slaughtered by the demon overnight, and many women and children were subjected to abuse.

“Is there no road to other states in the Shenyu area?” Su Bai whispered, which was also a puzzle in his heart.

“I used to, but when the demon invaded, it was cut off…”

Old man In his eyes, he showed some color of remembrance, and looked down at the bloody city below, said solemnly: “Do you know how this dynasty was destroyed by the demon?”

“Slightly heard, I heard that the demon was directly entering the city through the transmission of other cities. The road of the city has not been opened yet, and it has been destroyed…” Mo Fan dusted started talking, he came to the bloody city. The time is not short, so it is still understandable about the situation here.

“At the beginning, this dynasty opened the transmission tract in order to rescue the creatures of other cities. Who knows that it is not only the Great Desolate, but also the demon… that is a dynasty, with the emperor, Sovereign Dao over one hundred But it was only destroyed in one day.” The old man is invincible, he is the survivor of that war, so more than anyone knows how terrible the battle was.

“Since that day, the roads leading to other states in Shensong District have been cut off. No one dares to open the transmission road leading to this area.” Old man sighed, this is a land of indulgence, but in To some extent, it is also a place of abandonment.

“It’s no wonder that Senior said that this is the last shelter in Shensui District.”

Su Bai is difficult to calm down in his heart. It is not difficult to imagine that once the bloody city is broken, how desolate the millions of creatures will be.

In the distance, Cao Feng, Mo Zhenqi and others are helpless sighs. In fact, the demon invasion is largely related to them. It was because they escaped from the restricted area for survival, and opened the restricted area. Exports led to the demon coming out and invading Great Desolate.

To a certain extent, these people who participated in the wild selection contest are sinners. For a time, whether it is Cao Feng or Mo Zhen’s mind is very heavy.

Old man gaze from Su Bai and others, and finally fell on Tang Wushuang entire group, said solemnly: “Here, there are children who have just been shot, there are many old women and women who have not cultivated, some of them Just lost the children, the wife lost her husband, the children lost parents, they struggled on the death of the death of the door, just to make those who died are valuable. You, I know that some of you are the enemy of life and death, But I hope that at this time, you can let go of your past grievances and resist foreign enemies together. This is also the request of my request today, and the pleading of millions of creatures in the city of blood.”

Everyone is silent, and most of the sect cultivation’s faces are full of complex colors.

“Senior, my squad is willing to do my best to help Senior, killing the demon.” Su Bai took the lead in starting talking, and at this moment his mind was put down the warning of the old man.

“Senior, my gods and other people but sent by Senior, no regrets.” Mo Fanchen is also started talking.

Tang Wushuang’s look was slightly unwilling to look at Su Bai, and immediately vomited, saying: “Senior said that the enemy is currently, I should use the power to defend against foreign enemies, not on the inside. Even if it is dead, it should die in the hands of the demon, not the hands of the Great Desolate. I am willing to slay the demon with Senior.

“I am willing to wait, I am willing to do my best…”

With the leadership of Su Bai and others, most of the sect cultivation people have expressed their opinions. They are Great Desolate creatures after all, and the old man’s previous words made them feel touched.

“Well, there are all the help of the kings. I am sure that there is no worries in the bloody city. No matter how many killing demons come, I can refuse to go outside the city.”

Old man laughed, and a powerful Aura broke out on him. He took the lead and rushed toward the front of the void. At the same time, his loud voice passed through the bloody city. “Where is the Great Desolate? Kill me with the demon…”

“I wish to follow adults…”

At the same time, a path of deafening coldly shouted sound broke out in the bloody city, only in the four directions of the southeast and northwest of the bloody city, one after another cultivation of the blood-colored armor, the savvy, full of These people are the city guards of the bloody city today. The four people headed by them are the four commanders of the old man, each with the strength of the Sovereign Dao.

The battle flag is hunting, and the battle song of Gaochun is ringing:

“I am waiting for cultivation, I don’t want to live forever, I just want to die…”

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