Chapter 1 806

White clothed Like snow, Su Bai holds the iron sword out of the air, and the wind and wings of the Peng Peng stretches open. His body turns into a stream of light and rushes toward the front. The unpretentious iron sword screams with dazzling brilliance. Fang, his speed is very fast, almost in the blink of an eye in front of a giant demon.

This is a Sovereign Dao level monster, it swings a bronze giant axe, black black light from the sky is constantly slash down, so that the whole void is tremble, filled with terrifying waves that make Soul burst. The unparalleled ambiguity, every axe seems to have the power to open up the world.

“This reptile is my prey, and no one should grab it with me.”

This giant demon saw Su Bai coming towards him, his face was full of excitement, his perception was extremely sharp, and he was only able to perceive Su Bai within the body with the extremely sinister Blood Qi fluctuations.


The bronze giant axe carried the momentum of opening the sky to Su Bai, and the whole void was turbulent.

Su Bai only felt that a mountain was suppressed, and the incomparably powerful power sealed the void around him.

“There is no sword in the blink of an eye…” Su Bai looks calm, a path of Sword Intent tears out of nothingness, and now his figure has turned into a stream of light to dissipate between the heavens and the earth, and it is easy to avoid this terrifying one strike.

At the same time, a hundred meters away, a sly sword light broke open, followed by Su Bai’s silhouette, one sword shines through the sky, sword light beamed across the giant’s neck, a huge head Immediately flew out, hot blood rises to the sky, looks like a path of blood waves, unusually spectacular.

“It’s really waste… a reptile can’t pick it up.” In the distance, some of the celestial demons saw this scene, and now they are rushing toward Su Bai. The third eye is like the next day, squirting a dazzling blood beam. Attacked over, and the empty space was shaking.

Su Bai turned and burst into the golden Blood Qi. He waved several swords in succession. A path of beam-like sword glow spurt out. Now it is a collision with those bloody beams. Every word glow is in the middle. Containing two Sword Intents, only Solitary Sword Intent and Lonely Sword Intent, all of a sudden burst the bloody light beam.

Su Bai is lightning-fast, striding forward and killing, one sword cut through the void, sword qi able to move unhindered thousands of feet, one shot, he just does not spare.

These Tianmu demon spirits are shocked. In their view, Su Bai is just a reptile reptile that has not entered the Sovereign Dao environment. How can it break out such a terrifying strength, they struggle to shoot, they barely resist the scratch Sword light coming from the void, but still can’t avoid the word path that swept the a path of.

In the view of this group of demons, their fleshly body is extremely strong and very strong, and these sword qi can not hurt them at all.

But until these sword qi slammed on them, they suddenly found out that each of these sword qi contained terrifying Sword Intent, and they suddenly penetrated their fleshly body, just like Wan Jian. However, they wear thousands of holes in their bodies, and the blood flows across the river. Until the end, the bodies of these demons burst open, and the broken bones and flesh and blood flew.

“This fellow is really fierce… Faced with so many Sovereign Dao-level demons, it is still in the doldrums and even kills it.”

“When did the demon become so weak? Their fleshly body is very powerful. How can it be fragile on his hands like a paper paste, and it can be easily broken.”

“Not that the demon is too weak, but that he is too strong, the Sword Intent of the guru level… Niang Xipi, too terrifying.”

At the rear, many sect growers saw this scene, and they all showed some shocking colors on their faces, but now they also reacted and killed one by one. A path of powerful aura fluctuations swept through the void. Pick up the terrifying storm.

At the same time, the original army and the emptiness of the army in the sky have been dispatched. Under the leadership of their respective leaders, they are like the Qianlong, and the majestic and true elements have emerged from every cultivator with the body. Immediately above them, they gathered together, and suddenly a high-pitched humming sound rang out, and then everyone saw a Vermillion Bird phantom with a lot of ancient light patterns.

This Vermillion Bird is screaming in the sky, stretching its huge wings. A path of black flames emerges wildly, forming a path of black giant spear, and slowly launching toward the distant demon, breaking the void. The moment is to drown the demon in the distance.




Some of the celestial demons in the forefront did not respond well. The body was directly pierced by the black giant spear, and the blood splattered. They looked at their bodies in horror. They saw that the black giant spears were turned into a path of black flames. When they got up, they burned their bodies to ashes in an instant. For a time, the screams of screams rang through the void.

Standing in the void, Su Bai looked at this scene with a little surprise in his eyes. He did not expect this army to explode such a terrifying power.

“It seems to be a road, but it seems that it is not… these people’s aura are completely integrated, regardless of each other, together with the strength of their with the body.”

Su Bai gazed at the Vermillion Bird phantom, which was entrenched in the army, with a little meditation on his face. He noticed that every line on the Vermillion Bird phantom was connected to a cultivator below.

“Qin is not wrong, but fortunately, the blood emperor is not malicious to me. Otherwise, I have no chance to rescue Cao Feng. Even if I flee, I have to pay a very heavy price.”

Su Bai’s iron sword swept out, and the fierce sword whistling was rolling, and the demon who came from the killing was smashed in half. His eyes looked at the other three armies, and he saw it directly above the three army. Each has a huge phantom that condenses out.

One of them is a black giant tortoise, full of mysterious ancient lines, like a python-like tail sweeping in the void, a path of the scorpion condensing on it, looks like a whip of Thor, horizontal When you kneel down, it is the power to destroy the earth.

There is another place, a white giant tiger, the tiger screams in the sky, rolling, carrying the unparalleled momentum, galloping between heaven and earth.

The last place is a cyan dragon with a body full of feet and a bright light.

The three major forces now have a terrifying offensive that has erupted toward the demon.

Among these demons, there were some Sovereign Dao demons, but some of the powerful demons of Strong were all held up by Mo Fanchen and Qin Undefeated. Therefore, in the face of the hundreds of thousands of army offensives, these The demon can’t resist it at all, and the festival is defeated. The original demons who rushed to the forefront were directly destroyed. For a time, a bloody rain fell, and the red color was red.

In the bloody city, all the faces of the creatures have emerged with ecstasy, watching Su Bai and others who are invincible, and watching the army that killed the demons with overwhelming power. The tension in their hearts disappeared in an instant. Many people are relaxed and relaxed, they know that today these demons are unable to break through the bloody city.

The iron sword swept, Su Bai walked like a fairy, he did not use other Sword Intent, only the Slaughter Sword Intent, his sword technique was messy, but each hit had a large bloodshed, dyed red sky, he The killing intent of the body is getting more and more popular. Similarly, the understanding of the Slaughter Sword Intent is getting deeper and deeper.

In the midst of it, Su Bai has the feeling that one sword is in hand and can destroy the eternal life.

Su Bai knows that his understanding of the Slaughter Sword Intent has been to Peak.

Then, the control of Sword XIV and Sword 15 is naturally a matter of course, and soon it can be raised to Realm of Grandmaster. I think of this, Su Bai’s sword technique changes, the fourteenth sword unfolds, and there is no limit. Under Xiao Xiao, the frost leaves are like blood. Every piece is a Sword Intent. The demon in the square hundred zhang is pierced by a piece of frost. The body is cut into countless pieces. The surrounding monsters are seen together. get away.

As soon as white clothed, Su Bai is like a death from the blood red world, he looks at the fleeing demons in the distance, but the brow is quietly wrinkled, “Nothing…”

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