In the middle of the bloody city, a huge bronze giant is suspended in midair, vast and vast, full of severe hundred zhang, covering the sky, magnificent, and a path of terrifying incomparable aura hitting the sky, let human heart smash.

This bronze giant is called Fenghoutai. It is the place where the former dynasty monarch will be closed. There are countless bans and solid sturdiness. Even the Emperor Dao powerhouse’s offensive is difficult to shoot down the crater.

After the dynasty was over, the Fengtai lost its original symbolic representation.

However, today, this Fengtai station is full of people, and all the around the Houtai is a black-pressed figure, which is clearly extended to the far end, until the end of the line of sight, it is extremely spectacular.

Standing on the closed platform, Xu Fan looked at all around the black sea of ​​people, with a smile on his face. After more than 20 days, his Vermillion Bird Wei had enough to make up the number, but he also knows that Those who have just joined the Vermillion Bird cultivator will have to work long hours and practice the trenches to truly become a member of the Vermillion Bird.

“I finally completed the mission, and I have a confession after I go out.”

Jiang Wei’s gaze swept slowly from the sea below. Finally he turned and looked at the four silhouettes standing in the distance. “Can you think about it?”

Almost at the moment when Jiang Wei just opened, the snoring of the whole world was utterly dead, and the Houtai all around countless pairs of eyes brushed toward the six silhouette.

Although the four were cultivators of Sovereign Dao, they still felt opression under so many gaze, especially the terrifying aura from Jiang Wei, which made people dare to breathe.

Among them, an old man in a blue robe sighed softly, his helpless eyes swept all the way around Fenghoutai, where four army members dressed in blood-red armor stood quietly, each standing. Surrounded by fierceness, the cold murderousness spreads openly, making people shudder, and the old man sighs again. He knows that if he does not make a statement today, the forces of the past will be the end of their Mu Family. I thought that here, the old man had to speak, said solemnly: “My Mu Family is willing to surrender to the new emperor.”

“Well, Mu Lao has made a choice, what about other people?” Jiang Weizhen’s face showed a smile on his face. After this period of iron and blood suppression, the forces that were eager to move were all washed by them, and these were left. Neutral forces, without them saying too much, these forces will naturally make choices.

“My Baiyue family is also willing to surrender to the new emperor.”

Soon, there was another person who spoke out. He was a burly man. He had a white hair and looked white and gray, but his face was extraordinarily young, making it impossible to tell the truth. Age, “If it wasn’t for the Emperor of the Blood Emperor, I would have been ruined by the hands of the demon. Now the Emperor of the Blood Emperor has appointed the new emperor, and my Baiyue family has surrendered.”

“Ginger brother, the blood emperor has great grace for my Qingyang sect. I have no regrets. If he has a need to use my Qingyang sect, he will be sent.” Another man started talking, he When I spoke, my tone was extremely careful, my body was tense, and I was scared to see Jiang Wei and others not far away.

“Everyone has aspirations, Jiang is not willing to be strong, but Mo brother, there is a ugly word, but I said that in front of you, if you want to stay in the bloody city, then you have to abide by the rules of the bloody city.” Said, but his heart is helplessly sighed, and now Sovereign Dao in the Shenyu District is no more than nine, with some strengths of Strength, enough in the Shenshui District, this time, there have been many forces left the blood In the deserted city, he looked at it. In front of this Qingyangzong, I am afraid that this thought has also been moved.

“This is natural, but after a while, I decided to go back to the sect site and reorganize the sect.” Hearing this, the man is re-released negatively.

“Chu brother’s decision?” Jiang Wei looked at the last man. The man’s cultivation base among the four was the highest, and there was no double cultivation base in Sovereign Dao.

“My Chu Family has some ethnic groups in Baidi City. Tomorrow, Chu will take the surviving people to Baidi City.” Meet Jiang Wei’s gaze, the man named Chu was started talking, he looked at Jiang Wei and so on. The human eye is not as violent as other people, but it is very calm.

“Chu brothers have decided to go, Jiang did not say much, here I wish Chu brother this trip, all the way to peace.” Jiang Weih hearing this, some regretted smile, Chu Family is formerly this dynasty The family, Strong is very strong, Sovereign Dao cultivation is not a minority, very prosperous, but after the demon invasion, most of the Chu Family powerhouse are killed, Sovereign Dao cultivation is only the man in front, but Even so, Chu Family is still a force that can’t be underestimated in the bloody city. He thought that Chu Family would be very eager to surrender, but he did not expect Chu Family to move away from the bloody city.

“Thank you for your brother Jiang, I don’t have to say anything extra. If his bloody city is a place where I can use my Chu Family, I will tell you.” The man named Chu said lightly with a smile.

“That is good, I am afraid that when I open my mouth, Mo Xiong and Chu brothers will not take our bloody city seriously.” Jiang Wei slowly regained his eyes, said unimpressed.

“Don’t dare, this is a big grace, I can wait for you to forget.” The man surnamed Chu and the man surnamed Mo shook his head.

At this moment, a sharp wind broke out in the sky, and then a Guards Army stepped on the air. It appeared on the Houhoutai in an instant, kneeling in front of Jiang Wei and others, respectfully said: On the way, you will go out and see you!”

“Good!” Hearing this, Jiang Wei nodded slightly, he turned around, facing the Fenghoutai all around the black pressure on a person, Lang said: “First of all, I want to congratulate you, you through the layers of selection and assessment, officially become I am a member of the Guards. Now I will give you two days to prepare. After two days, I will go to the battalion’s battalion to report. If it is not reported on the day, it will be considered as abandoning the quota.”

“Yes!” Feng Houtai all around, suddenly broke out for a while.

Turning around, Jiang Wei looked at the four men who had previously opened, saying: “Jiang must go to see Jun, four please!”

The voice did not fall, Jiang Wei took the lead to leave, Xu Fan and others follow closely behind.

For a time, there were four silhouettes of the remaining Houtai.

The man surnamed Chu looked straight at Jiang Wei and others, and until the silhouette of Jiang Wei and others disappeared into his sight, he was only relaxed, his face was a little smile, and he turned his head to the name. Mo surnamed said with a smile : “Mu brother is really courageous, I used to squeeze the sweat for you.”

“Chu brothers don’t want to laugh, but you don’t know how nervous I was. Fortunately, Jiang Tong did not pursue it. Otherwise, I will be delisted today.” Mo surnamed man wiped his forehead with a corner. The sweat, looking sideways at the other two men, said: “The two really want to surrender to the new emperor, see the meaning of Jiang Tongzhi, it seems that does not force me to wait for service.”

“The words have already been said, and there is no reason to recover. Moreover, the New Emperor’s Strength is obvious to all, following such a powerhouse is not a bad thing.” Azure robe old man faintly smiled, in fact, he also regretted his previous efforts. The decision, but already said, his Mu Family has no back road, can only choose to surrender to the new emperor.

“Yes, the bloody city is the biggest force in Shenshui District. I have this qualification to let me wait.” Another man said solemnmnly.

Hearing this, the man surnamed Mo and the man surnamed Chu did not agree. Perhaps now, the bloody city is indeed the biggest force, but in the future, there will definitely be places where other states’ forces will march. After all, the size of the Shenyu District is no less than the number. The state is big, there is no reason for those forces to let go of this territory. At that time, these strengths of the bloody city can compete with those forces?

However, these words, the man surnamed Mo and the man surnamed Chu are just thinking about it and dare not say it.

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