White clothed youth, the air is moving, and the clothes i are moving in the wind. Under the eyes of everyone, he appears in the sky above the ring, and looks at the distant face of the emperor. The face of Fengshen jade has a gentle said with a smile. : “Dear brother, please!”

Emperor Yan did not shoot, but also exposed with a slight smile: “The people I beat before, most of them are Tianyuan domain formerly arrogant, famous, each has traces, and only you, like a birth …”

“hehe … my aptitude dull natural reputation is not obvious, the emperor has not heard of me is normal, but I think after today, you will remember my name, Qin Wuyi, from the fairy temple!” white clothed youth sound dull At the moment when his voice had just been spoken, his fingers seldom arbitrarily step forward. In an instant, a blazing singer ran through it, like a meteorite passing through the dark night sky, shining through the sky.

This is a very terrifying one, and the whole day is smashed.

Emperor Yan is very calm. He has a lot of ancient lines in his hands. He walked forward, and his right hand waved directly. A big hand covering the sky broke open and nothing came out. With the stars in annihilation, the dilapidated universe is alternating, as if condensing the power of destroying the earth and destroying the land, welcoming the fingertips that run through.


The earth-shattering roar suddenly sounded, and the whole sky was shaking. A description of the storm raged in the void. At the moment when the two were about to collide, the giant hand clenched and would be as strong as a mountain. Fingers hold it, crush it, and then turn the palm into a fist, and rush to the distant Qin Wuyi.

It is still the star sacred hand, but the power displayed at this moment is not exactly comparable to the previous one. Obviously, Emperor Yan finally used the real Strength.

Numerous lines of lingering around the giant fists, looking at the past is like a fall of the next day.

Qin Wuyi did not retreat but walked forward. A golden Blood Qi rushed in his within the body like a pillar of the sky, running through the sky, the powerful aura is like a dyke, so that the presence is not Less people face slightly changed.

This aura is too powerful, so strong that many of the Sovereign Dao’s cultivation cultivators are so oppressive, even the Emperor Dao cultivation is moving, let alone the following cultivators of the Sovereign Dao.

“He has touched the threshold of Sovereign Dao’s polar environment…” The priest whispered, with some shock in his eyes.

Succeed this, Su Bai’s heart is slightly shocked. He is now King Dao’s extreme environment, so he knows what the extremes mean, breaking the shackles, cultivation is the ultimate, not only above the realm, but also has an unparalleled Warfare, if this Qin Wuyi has touched the Sovereign Dao, it means that his Strength is above the Sovereign Dao.

For a time, countless moving eyes fell on Qin Wuyi’s body, only to see a long spear in his hand, the style is extremely simple, the whole body has a spread of rust, obviously there are long years, revealing the vicissitudes of aura, At the moment when the giant hand is about to come, the long spear in the hands of Qin Wuyi straightens out, black light suddenly appear, and the void is cut out with a small crack, colliding with the giant hand.


A deafening roar slammed up, this giant hand was actually pierced by the long spear, the alternating stars in it broke, Starry Sky collapsed, the road that was originally wrapped around the giant hand was dull, and finally, the whole giant The hand turned into a Spiritual Qi storm sweeping away, Qin Wuyi hit white clothed, holding the long spear out of the Spiritual Qi storm, the ink danced wildly, the majestic Blood Qi showed the magnificent mountains and rivers behind him, the momentum of the pound Oh, it’s out of the ordinary.

“Xu Weiming, you have a good seedling in Tianyuan.” On the blue stage, the ancient emperor, who was sitting on the central stone seat, started talking.

“A good seedling is a good seedling. It can’t be compared to the Qilin son of the emperor, your ancient emperor, or some gap.”

Xu Weiming’s words are very modest, but his face is full of smiles, and he is obviously happy to hear the words of the ancient emperor.

“You are very strong…” Over the platform, Emperor Yan and Qin Wuyi looked at each other and looked at the magnificent mountain river that appeared after the absence of Qin Qi. His right hand slowly lifted up, a path of ripple in his fingers. The sharp swaying, resounding, a bronze trench in the hand, it is also covered with patina, is an ancient vicissitudes of life, “unfortunately met me…”

The sigh of Emperor Yan is still echoing in the void, his body has turned into a phantom, the bronze trenches crossed the void, carrying the meaning of killing the sky, bursting out the terrifying aura, toward Qin Wuyi .

Qin Wuyi Pupil light cold, no trace of fear, but the battle intent is rising, the magnificent mountains and rivers appearing behind him are endless, the mouth is lightly drinking, the ancient long spear spurt out, the gun is like a dragon, Breaking through the scorpio, Can Ruo Xinghe, and the battle with the trenches, the sound of resounding is like the sound of the sky, the whole world is shaking.

This is a battle for peerless killing. Whether it is Emperor Yan or Qin Wuyi, it can be called the existence of an era. After the initial temptation, the two men tried their best, only in the blink of an eye, bronze trenches and long Spear has been intersected for more than a hundred times, and it is quick to react.

“Hurry…” Su Bai screamed, and with his current Strength, he could barely see the flashing shadow and gunshot, but that didn’t make him feel moved. What made him move was that Almost every intersection is a collision between the front and the tip of the gun. In such a fast situation, both sides can still do this step. It can be imagined how terrifying the two strengths are.

Almost every shot is dripping, and in an instant, countless storms are madly set in the void.

Looking from the distance, like two rounds of the next day, colliding in the void moment, each time has a blazing ray of sizzlingly appear, so that the sun and the moon have no light, whether it is Qin Wuyi or Emperor Yan, the whole body is blooming with the peak of Qi Qi. Like burning in the air, the terrifying aura fluctuates like a undulating ocean. They keep fighting, and from the end of the ring to the end of the scorpio, they will soon disappear at the end of everyone’s sight.

Everyone was shocked. Even if Emperor Yan and Qin Wuyi were separated by thousands of feet, the aftermath of the eruption there still made them feel terrified, all stunned, and all of them were struck. The strength of these two people is too Strong, even if they have not yet entered the Emperor Dao, but the means and Strength at the moment is completely no different from the ordinary Emperor Dao, this is still the case when the two did not use Divine Ability.

A lot of Sovereign Dao’s cultivators at the scene asked themselves if they were to fight against one of the two, it was the end of the second.

“The world of great struggles… like the arrogance of them, the youngsters in Dongxuan are only one, and only in this great battle, the two talents may meet.” The emperor sighed softly, and he looked at Su Bai. There is a little pity in the eyes. Originally, Su Bai’s Strength, if it grows up, will inevitably become the era of the crown era, but it will be covered by such arrogance.

“This time the East Xuan domain war is destined to be the most embarrassing one in hundreds of years. I don’t know how many days of arrogance will be buried. I will bury my bones in Dong Xuan…” Yu Wenfan is also feeling deeply, but also feels sorry for Su Bai. When it is not good, if Su Bai is born twenty years earlier, he believes that Su Bai can be strive with two people.

“There must be no one in those people.” Su Bai lightly smiled, his voice did not move the power of human heart, but anyone can feel the confidence inside.


Two stunning lights illuminate the entire scorpio. In the end, the void is cracked and cannot withstand the offensive of the two.

At the same time, the void of the entire white jade square was violently turbulent.

Here is a small world that has been opened up by the Temple of Heaven. Obviously, this small world has begun to turmoil.

On the blue stage, the ancient emperor brows a brow, and his big hand slams, and the originally vacant void immediately calms down.

Everyone’s eyes were shrinking. They found that Emperor Yan and Qin Wuyi, who were originally in the fierce battle, disappeared. At the same time, the ancient emperors and Xu Weiming disappeared.

Obviously, the confrontation between Emperor Yan and Qin Wuyi has affected the stability of this small world, and the two were removed from this small world by the ancient emperor.

“Too tererifying, these two people have not yet used Divine Ability, there is such a terrifying power, if their Divine Ability is out, how terrifying it will be…”

“These two are close to the Sovereign Dao, and their Strength is completely comparable to the ordinary Emperor Dao…”

“I just don’t know who wins and who loses…”

The mighty pressure that permeates the heavens and the earth gradually dissipates. The people who are always tight-fitting are slightly relaxed, especially those who are directly squatting in the King Dao cultivation, panting, for a time, countless arguments It sounded over the white jade square.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for the results to come out.

But what disappointed everyone was that they waited for a long time, and the ancient emperor and Xu Weiming did not appear again. Emperor Yan and Qin Wuyi did not appear. Instead, Ye Zhiqiu seemed to have been ordered by the ancient emperor, and announced the beating ceremony on the spot. At the end, arrange for each sect cultivation to exit the Temple of Heaven.

This vast expo conference ended so rashly. According to the past, there are still some processes. Obviously this time is directly ignored.

When everyone left, they were somewhat disappointed. Apparently they all wanted to know how the final victory and defeat, even Su Bai was curious…

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