The palace of the hustle and bustle is like a mountain, and it is very magnificent.

As one of the nine emperors, the imperial palace of Baidi, this palace is naturally heavily guarded. When Su Bai stepped into the place, he realized that a path of terrifying incomparable aura came from all directions and locked his figure. If there is a lady in front of the road, Su Bai has no doubt that if he is arbitrarily arrogant, he will inevitably be attacked by the storm.

“This is the palace of the White Emperor, called the palace of the dynasty.” The priest walked on the side of Su Bai and looked at the imposing palace in front of him. His eyes were slightly stunned, and his eyes showed a dignified color, in his view. This line of palaces seems to be peaceful, but in fact it is a big killing. Once it is running, it will definitely turn upside down.

Succeed this , Su Bai also looked at the palace in front of him, but at this moment, Su Bai’s eyes changed slightly. He noticed that there were dozens of silhouettes standing in front of the palace, several of them. Silhouette is not strange to him.

“Hey… how could he appear here?” At the same time, in front of the palace, a woman in a palace dress looked up and looked at Su Bai, who was slowly coming. The beautiful cheeks were a little bit strange. .

Hearing this, other people who were closing their eyes and eyes raised their eyes, and looked at Su Bai. The faces of these people are slightly different. It is obviously unexpected to see Su Bai here.

But only a woman has always closed her eyes. She is dressed in a white dress and stands quietly in the crowd. Like a beautiful fairy walking out of the scroll, the ink-like hair is like a waterfall behind her. Pour it down.

Looking at the delicate and fascinating pretty face, Su Bai’s face showed a strange color. Every time I saw this woman, he seemed to see the step cold rhyme, both in appearance and temperament.

“Imperial deer…” Su Bai’s gaze removed from the woman and swept to other people. He found that most of the people standing here were the participants of the East Xuan domain battle, many of whom he had seen There are several faces, such as 琅 泪 tears, Xuan Kui, Wu Di and others, and some of them are seen in the Chaotian Hall. At that time, those people appeared along with Emperor Yan and Luo Qingshuang.

These people’s strengths are not weak, Sovereign Dao is not a minority in the seven-eighth cultivation, so Su Bai is a bit strange is the cultivation base of the tears of tears, Xuan Kui, Wu Di, etc., actually they are King Dao Pingak The blood is also very powerful. Obviously, they are all close to the threshold of King Dao’s extreme environment. Perhaps after a while, these people may break the shackles and enter the King Dao.

Feeling the aura of these people, Su Bai had to sigh the background of the ancient dynasty, he remembered that at the end of the wild selection, the cultivation base of these people was just beginning to enter King Dao, but now it is not yet For a year, the cultivation base of these people is close to the King Dao.

“What about her Strength?” Su Bai’s gaze turned to the woman who was as cold as the mountains and snow. He remembered that during the wild selection, Emperor showed a very terrifying Strength, whether it was her Bloodline Divine. Ability or the power of comprehension has left Su Bai’s impression, and the cultivation base of Zhuozhu tears and so on has been raised so much. This is called the first person of the young generation of the ancient dynasty, she is the first person. The progress is definitely faster than these people.

“King Dao Extremes…” This is the feeling of Emperor Seng to Su Bai. Although she doesn’t have any blood and aura pervasive, Su Bai can feel the terrifying power contained in that graceful posture. “It’s not Know that she has gone that step…”

When Su Bai looked at the tears of the entire group, the pedestrians were also looking at Su Bai, and each looked different, especially the tears of the beads, the mysterious and other people, the complex looks very incomparable, to know that when the wild election was too late, They remember very clearly that Su Bai is still only the Dao Foundation. Now, how long has it been for the wild selection contest? In less than a year, Su Bai has not only promoted King Dao, but also crossed over that hindering countless genius. Hey, step into the kingdom of King Dao.

This kind of terrifying cultivation speed makes the tears of the gods who are the pride of the sky, and so on, feels desperate, which is what innate talent and opportunity to do this step.

In particular, they are now also hitting the kingdom of King Dao. More than anyone knows how difficult it is to break, but now, Su Bai is not only entering the King Dao, but also the six-pole King Dao.

At the thought of this, these sons of Tianjiao have a kind of inexplicable sense of failure. You must know that they are behind the ancient dynasty. When they show their talents and potential, they have received countless cultivation resources and received the ancient empire. The cultivation of the dynasty was directly under the name of the Emperor Dao powerhouse, but now it is just close to the King Dao.

In addition, Su Bai’s outstanding record is also to let them click the tongue.

At this moment, the lady who was originally in the forefront stopped the figure in vain, turned around and looked at Su Bai, and started talking to the pastor: “The Emperor, the Emperor Baidi, he only received his old friend, you see?”

Hearing this, the emperor did not say anything, he knows that the rules of the White Emperor have always been the same, slightly nodded, said to Su Bai before leaving: “Little fellow, you are here waiting for me for a while, I will go to see the White Emperor. ”

“No.” Su Bai stopped and he was not interested in seeing the White Emperor, one of the nine emperors. This is the best.

However, as the lady and the animal husbandry left, Su Bai noticed that the atmosphere of the scene immediately picked up. You see me, I see you, but there is no opening.

In the end, Xuanqi came forward and smiled. He said to Su Bai: “Ximen brother, long time no see.”

“How long has it been?” Su Bai didn’t expect Xuan Kui to take the initiative to say hello and subconsciously blurted out.

“…” The smile on Xuan’s face suddenly solidified. He just came over and said hello. Is this brat special so straightforward? I just talked about the day and died. For a time, he didn’t know how to return. Is it really necessary to seriously count how long?

“I remember some time ago, it seems to have seen everyone in the list.” Su Bai suddenly remembered that Hundred Sects ended, they came back from the hunting scene, as if they had seen Xuan and others.

“…” Xuan Zhang opened his mouth, and his heart is simply countless fuck your mother. I am rushing to say hello, do you want to be so true?

Reconciled the emotions in my heart, mysterious and sad mouthed with a smile: “I don’t congratulate Ximen brothers on the list of myths, but you have a sigh of relief for our generation.”

“Thank you.” The so-called hitting people do not smile, others have come to congratulations, Su Bai is very polite to return a sentence.

“It is said to enter the mythical list of destiny, but it will soon be squeezed down… This little brother is estimated to be the shortest time since the appearance of the destiny myth.” At this moment, a yin and yang sound sounded…

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