The serpent’s terrifying, Xuan and others have experienced it for themselves.

As Lei Jing’s competition scored the results, Xuan and others thought that there would be no such thing in the future. After all, there was Mu Yang on the side, and those flying snakes couldn’t even use them if they were guilty. They could also be cultivation.

But with the sudden arrival of the thunder snakes, their eyes are like a ghost looking at the foremost of a flying snake, feeling the terrifying wave that is diffused and open, especially what is the thunder…

Thunder, in fact, is also a Razer, but it is a higher level of life, and Strength is more terrifying.

In general, a Thunder’s Strength is about Sovereign Dao.

Mu Yang’s face was light and the smile was completely solidified. He looked at the huge Thunder for a while, and then looked at the thunder snake that was like a tidal wave, even if he had to suck in a Breath of cold air, his Strength is very strong, but after all, he can only compete with Sovereign Dao’s Peak. If you want to deal with this Thunder, then you can say it, but there are so many Razers, he is also weak,” The Thunder handed me over to deal with it. You deal with other Razers, don’t let these Razers disturb the cultivation of the singer…”

Hear this, Xuan and others naturally daring up on the scalp, and some fierce battles down, each is incomparable.

This fierce battle lasted for half an hour, and as the Thunder was killed by Muyang, all around the Razer gradually withdrew.

For the fierce battle in the sixth day, Su Bai naturally would not notice that he had devoted himself to the cultivation, and there was the existence of the iron sword. He was very reassured and did not worry about being attacked by the Razer.

At the same time, what makes Su Bai quite gratified is that the speed at which Iron Sword swallowed Lei Jing energy was significantly slowed down a bit. Obviously, his previous words still played a little role.

In fact, Su Bai still wants to discuss with the iron sword, see if it can give this Lei Jing directly to him, but it is not very interesting to open, after all, can find Lei Jing, are the credit of the iron sword.

Two days later, the Lei Xing under Su Bai gradually turned into nothingness. He opened his eyes and slammed openly. His face had unfortunate regrets. If he could practice for a few more days, the first step of the Taiyin Jianmai It is about to be completed.

However, when he thought of where he was, the regrets on Su Bai’s face were swept away. He looked at the iron sword on the side and swallowed the energy of two Lei Jing. The rust on the iron sword fell off a lot. The edge of the heart makes Su Bai feel the heart.

“Man, it’s up to you.” Su Bai lightly said with a smile.

For Su Bai’s words, the iron sword seemed to be invisible, and it was suspended in midair.

Su Bai is not in a hurry. He thinks that the iron sword is the induction of Lei Jing.

However, after ten minutes passed, the iron sword remained motionless, and this time Su Bai was directly forced.

“Don’t you sense it?” Su Bai still remembers that the first Lei Jing and the second Lei Jing are separated by hundreds of thousands of feet. This distance can be sensed by the iron sword. It is not difficult to guess the induction of the iron sword. How terrifying, and now that the iron sword has not moved, Su Bai has some doubts, there is no Lei Jing in this layer of thunder pool.

Holding the iron sword, Su Bai continued to walk deep into the Leichi. Now there are three choices in front of him. One choice is to walk with the iron sword in the thunder sea to see if the iron sword can sense the existence of Lei Jing. The two choices are to return to the stone platform cultivation, of course, the cultivation, the speed is naturally slow, the third choice is to go to the next day.

“If it is because there is no thunder in this space, and the iron sword will not respond, then it will only go to the eighth heaven.”

Su Bai stopped and stopped in the Thunder Sea. His current fleshly body strength can withstand the bombardment of these Thunder, but for a long time, it is still a little difficult, he had to stop and take a break, Sword Intent turned into a storm. Rippling around him, resisting the bombardment of all around the Thunder, at the same time, his mouth always contains a nine Jane blood Dan.

One day later, in the depths of the Leihai, a distorted void emerged in front of Su Bai’s eyes. Su Bai knew that this was the entrance to the eighth heaven. After this time, he was sure that this There is no Raytheon in the seven days.

“I don’t know how the Thunder in the eighth day… With my current fleshly body strength, I can support it for a while.” Su Bai looked at the void in front and took a deep breath, striding forward, figure Soon it was swallowed up by the space ripple.

The darkness also drowned Su Bai’s gaze, but it was quickly dispelled by the blazing light. Su Bai squinted his eyes and looked at the world. It was still the world of the Thunder, but the Thunder here showed A kind of bewitching purple, the energy contained in it is more terrifying, and the whole world is shrouded in a terrifying pressure, which is extremely suppressed.


The earth-shattering roar madly picked up, and a thunder fell from the end of the sky, and the whole void was in turmoil.

Su Bai looked up and looked at the past, and his eyes could not help but change. This is a Thunder. It is just a thunder mountain. Looking from the distance, it is like a mountain crashing down.

And such a scene is constantly being staged in this world.

Su Bai could hardly imagine how such a feeling would be if a thunder mountain fell on him.

Especially when I think that I will rush into this thunder sea, Su Bai has a cool feeling behind it.

“First feel the power contained in these thunders…” Su Bai muttered softly, and he sat down directly, urging him to get off the stone platform.

For a time, the blazing light burst out from the stone platform, and the road lines were connected in a row. A path of huge thunder burst into a roar, then tore the sky, and straight to the Su Bai on the stone platform. Like a giant cockroach, the smashing slamming on Su Bai, the whole stone platform swayed wildly, as if it could not withstand such impact, to burst open.

The thundering arc of the dragon spread quickly on Su Bai. Su Bai withstood the bombardment of these thunders, but his body was shaking vigorously, and the whole body was like a falling frame, and the indescribably painful pain spread throughout the body.

Su Bai eyes closed slightly, once again ignited the thunder above, let the thunders land on him, after counting the interest, he just closed his hand and looked at the thunder in front, whispered: “Good terrifying thunder, these thunders Energy is about ten times the seventh day…”


At this time, the iron sword suddenly vacated and turned into a stream of light rushing toward the front of the Leihai.

Looking at this seemingly familiar scene, Su Bai had a smile on his face. He knew that the iron sword must have discovered Lei Jing, otherwise it would not be so.

Just look at the Leihai in front, Su Bai has a feeling of trouble with the scalp, his current fleshly body is very strong, but if you want to wear into the Leihai, it will not last long, after all, the Thunder here. It is really too terrifying.

Another point is that Su Bai is very taboo, and that is Leishan.

“Danger lurks within the riches and honour …” Looking at the sword light that was about to dissipate in his sight, Su Bai rushed out of the scalp and went straight to the iron sword. For a time, countless thunders rushed toward his body. Come, crazy bombardment of his fleshly body, only a few short distances, Su Bai has become a blood man.

At first, Su Bai could also use the fleshly body to harden these thunders and temper the energy in these thunders to tempering fleshly body, but as he continued to deepen, he was a bit too much to eat. The thunder here was almost non-stop, one after another. One, if it wasn’t for him to come up with a nine-character blood Dan, he would almost have to be here.

In the end, Su Bai had to use the cultivation base to defend against the bombardment of these Thunder.

After about half an hour, Su Bai found that the iron sword in front stopped in vain. He looked happy and quickly looked up and looked forward.

Just this look, he to be wild with joy …

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