The sword is like a frost and the blood is like a beam.

The whole world seems to have been cut into countless pieces, and the broken arm of the broken arm falls in the void, sometimes with a high head thrown up, and a headless body squats down and smashes the blood of the sky.

The burly man came out of the air, his eyes always stayed in the old man in the middle of the road, his palms crossed, and a sturdy and sharp sword light bloomed from his sleeve and was in front of him. The number of cultivation people, the head flew up.

“Xiao old man… is this the support force you have been waiting for?”

The burly man continued to move forward, and the heavy sword carrying it automatically flew out and fell into his hands. In a flash, a terrifying Sword Intent aura was like a storm, and his eyes were cold and his eyes were cold. Looking at the old man in the road, said solemnly: “The good birds choose the wood, and the cultivation base of your King Dao. If you invest in the Xidianluo Temple, its status is inevitably lower than the Jianmeng… Why bother? For the sake of the sword league, I lost my life. As far as I know, you have been squeezed out in the sword league in recent years.”

“I am entering the sword league at the age of seven, and I am a sword ally. Death is the sword of the alliance…”

In the middle of the road, the old man looked coldly at the unstoppable two. When he said this, he coughed a bit, and the weak aura seemed to be more free, as if he had reached the end of the lamp. The point.

“It’s a pity… If you change today, the pulse is revived, and your aptitude has a great potential to impact Sovereign Dao…”

Behind the burly man, the old man with a sigh of sigh sighed, and behind him there was a violent sword light tearing out. It was a full-fledged sword with a hundred meters, if you look carefully, It is entirely made up of hundreds of handles and swords.


A sword cry sounded like a golden stone, and the old man shot without any warning. The huge feather sword broke through the sky and stood up.

Aside, the burly man also shot, the heavy giant sword in his hands screaming and screaming, hundreds of sword qi tearing out, like a rainbow of Mans down Nine Heavens, gorgeous, incomparable.

All around, both sides are struggling to look at this scene.

Both of them are King Dao cultivation people, and this shot is not spared, its power terrifying is incomparable.

Inside the dojo, the old man glanced at the scholar standing not far away. The latter’s eyes were still bright. He nodded to him, and even if he stepped forward, the original awkward body was slowly becoming straight. Up, a raging aura surged out, and in his body, blood and real elements turned into flames burning, and his hands were sealed, “Nine flames burned the mountain, Kai!”

The nine flames burned the mountain, the name of this road.

This road is the sword league from a secret territory, it is out of the ordinary, it seems to be only a defensive type of the road, but in fact this is an attacking type of road.

Until now, the old man really sacrificed this road, he ignited the burning fire with the body, through his fingertips, blending into the Entering Dao print, this a path of India, like the fire of the stars Into the grassland, instantly smashing the original.


The long-lost road is like an extinct volcano, which broke out again.

a path of red sword light skyrocketing, every sword light has a blazing golden flame, and Cang Yu is torn open.

Looking far away, like thousands of sword light skyrocketing, greet the swaying feather sword and heavy sword, like a group of comets colliding together, bursting with blazing light, can only be blurred Seeing the two silhouettes in the void constantly colliding, the sound of resounding is endless.

All around, the two sides who are killing have fled, some of the reactions are slightly slower, and the whole body is smashed, and the whole body is torn apart.

Within the dojo, the scholar who was full of blood stasis moved at this moment. The Qing Xuan sword, which is on the stone steps, did not know when he was held in his hand. His body was like a floating light. The sword that was held in his hand was quietly stabbed, and a terrifying aura was madly condensed on the sword front.

Someone noticed the movement of the scholar, showing an incredible color, especially the people on the side of the Xiluolu Temple. They had previously dealt with the scholar. The injury on the scholar was their stay, or the last one. When Xiao Zheng took the shot, the scholar had already died in their hands.

Now, this scholar is obviously seriously injured, and dared to shoot two King Dao.

This is not a moth to fight fire, to hit the stone with eggs.

A little cold glow came out of the squad and came straight to the burly man.

The burly man was very keen, and instantly sensed the tearing of the sword light in the distance. He looked up and looked behind the sword light. It was a weak scholar, and his face was pale and somewhat terrifying. A pair of eyes is extraordinarily bright.

“I can’t wait for courting death? Grandpa will fulfill you first.” The burly man pouted his white teeth, and the majestic real element swelled in his body, forming a real mask in the back. The screaming sword light resisted, and his body’s striding meteor rushed over.


The burly man’s speed was too fast, and he rushed to the front of the scholar. He held the heavy sword, swayed, and stood down, carrying an endless Sword Intent, densely packed, filled with the void around the scholar.

Obviously, even if the strength of the scholar is not as good as him, the burly man has no intention, directly sealed off the retreat of the scholar, which is a good habit that he developed in his decades of killing.

The singer’s sword qi whizzed past his face, the burning pain, the blood splattered, the scholar looked at the huge sword shadow that fell over the sky, his eyes were still bright, without any panic, a Sword Intent ripple opened in his body, Like a water pattern, the drums swayed and picked up one after another. In the end, the Sword Intent ripple touched the falling heavy sword.

The heavy sword, which is under the influence of Wan Hao, is like being shackled and stagnating in the void.

The burly man’s face changed fiercely. At this moment, a low-pitched voice rang in his ear: Cang Ning!

The sound seemed to be magical, causing his body to slam in the void, stagnation, and the true element of his within body also stopped flowing, no, even the void around him. The change is still.

This is still, as if it was short-lived.

But for a burly man, it is fatal.

The sword in the hands of the scholar has arrived, the cold sword front pierced the real mask around the burly man’s body, the blazing light burst in the sword, the smashing Sword Intent tearing out, blooming in the man’s eyebrows.

The whole world was torn apart by this Sword Intent. The burly man was no exception. A blush of redness spread quickly in front of his forehead. His pupils shrank and his voice was frightened in his throat. He tried his best. Backward withdraw, but at this moment, the rear, a path of sword light came suddenly, engulfed his body…


The heavens and the earth seem to have a bloody rain, and the burly man’s body is torn apart.

Dead, this burly man did not die in the hands of the scholar, but died under the road.

However, I do not know why, the person who witnessed the scene of the Xitu cultivation, the heart is cold.

The sword smashed blood, the clothes were stained with blood, the face was dripping blood, and the blood was bleeding. The scholar bowed his head and looked down at the old man not far away. His voice echoed in this sky:

“Being in the floating sect, everything is fine, so it is a sinister!”

“Being in the snow, everything is fine, so it is a snowy night!”

“Being in the heavens and the earth, everything is good, so it is for the sky!”

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