I looked up and was shocked. A white cloth hangs on the ceiling fan. There is a person hanging under the white cloth. It should be said to be a corpse. The body is swaying in the air. His face moves towards my direction. Look closely at Luo. The word “Jie” appeared in my brain, my face was blue and swollen, my white eyes turned to me, just like the way he died. His mouth was still in one cage, and he carefully said, “Yes~ I ~ life ~ come.” Intermittently, the sound is very terrifying.

I walked into the dormitory and turned on the lights. Shaojie and Huang Ying were already sleeping.

Xiao Dun nodded “good, but the hospital people have ruled out, only the latter.”

“Hey, don’t wake them up.” Xiao Dun gave me a hand.

The dormitory was dark and I couldn’t reach my fingers. Roger’s bed was just on my left. From time to time, I felt that someone was watching, and there were countless eyes looking at me, just like the white eyes of Roger’s death. Straight to me.

It’s also a kind of happiness to feel that people are surrounded by darkness. I can’t see anything, and no one can see me. I don’t have to disguise myself in front of others. The mask gives the mind a release, a solution. Surrounded by darkness, there is a sense of security in the heart. Thinking about it, the eyelids began to rise again and began to have drowsiness.

“Comrade Meng Ling, you ask the voice of the whole world, know who it is, it will not be so troublesome.” I said helplessly.

Suddenly there was a ray of light, very dazzling, sent from Meng Xin’s bed. I looked around, vaguely can see the bed, Meng Xin side of the body, holding the purple smoke in the hand, the beam of light is from the purple smoke, Meng Xin looked at the purple smoke, just like I want to see the purple smoke stone. Soon, he took the purple smoke market again, and the dazzling light disappeared instantly, and the dormitory returned to the darkness.

“Well,” I nodded intently.

I nodded heavily to him.

Meng Xin returned to his bed.

“What do you say, when did Roger die? How did he die?” Huang Ying excitedly jumped out of bed, a little urged to ask for a compelling look.

Huang Ying calmed down slightly and asked expressionlessly, “Where is his body?”

A room in the room suddenly disappeared, Huang Ying returned to his bed, expressionless sitting on the bed in a daze.

I walked to his bed and squatted down. “Hey, Roger’s death, what do you think?”

Meng Ling waved her fist. “You make fun of me?”

“Squeaky, squatting, squatting.” The ceiling fan heard the sound of turning.

Afterwards, everyone went back to school with a frustration.

All around feels so quiet, it seems that there is not even a single sound. Usually when you wake up at night, you will hear the voice of your friends snoring, perhaps the sound of the annoying insects, but now how I hope to hear a little bit of sound, all around and even my heartbeat sound “pēng pēng pēng 砰” can be heard clearly, do you have to go to another space, is it isolated from the outside world?

Meng Xin smiled a bit. “The work of these detectives is not like catching a ghost. I know it.” It is also a look that ignores it. Although the surface says this, I think he must have another opinion on this matter.

“Have you heard?” I asked ask question, when already knows the answer.

“The latter, Roger knows, who might it be?” Meng Ling asked.

“We just knew that it was dead at night. The scene was hanged and committed suicide.” I hid the murder. If I said it, Huang Yingyi was excited and terrifying would look around with a kitchen knife to find the murderer.

Xiaodun heard the quarrel and walked out of the bathroom. “Huang Ying, you calm down. This is a fact. No one can change. You will not live like Roger.”

“It’s impossible to hang up a suicide. It’s absolutely impossible.” Huang Ying shook his head as he did, and some did not believe it.

Xiaodun took a pair of pajamas and walked into the bathroom to shower.

I fell asleep and suddenly felt very stuffy. When I woke up, I was sweating. “Who turned the fan off.” Damn went to his forehead and complained.

Shaojie, who slept in bed, was also awakened by our quarrel from time to time. He turned over and said, “It’s noisy, what do you say Roger is dead?” Shaojie blinked and didn’t believe it.

I panicked and scanned around. On Roger’s bed, only the bleak few books were erected there, and the beds were once vivid, but now the beds can’t find a trace of life.

“Well, everyone goes back to rest first. I don’t see the Roger incident. I still stay at the school first.” Xiao Dundao.

“What?” A surprised voice came from the ear, and our conversation unfortunately awakened Huang Ying.

“Now I was taken back to the police station for further investigation.” I said calmly.

“Ring bells.” 11 arrived at night, the dormitory lights went out, I opened the ceiling fan in front of the dormitory door, and then touched the road back to my bed. The “Weng Weng” ceiling fan made a turning sound and instantly felt cool.

“Well, this time you still have troubles, so late, I think we can’t think of a good way to stay here, we still go back to school, have a good night’s sleep, and the Peggy incident will finally be solved.” Teacher Li comforted, although Peggy’s incident was solved, but Roger’s incident made us no one happy.

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