Strongest Talent In Naruto

Chapter 116 - Developing new ninjutsu

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Chapter 116:

Upon learning that the Konoha vanguard troops were besieged by Ame's leader, Hanzo the salamder, the discussion hall became solemn.

In contrast to the solemnity, Akira had some anticipation in his heart. They have finally arrived at the plot between the Sannin and Hanzo...

"Since Third Hokage has ordered, then we should take action immediately to deal with Hanzo the salamander." Orochimaru voice out.

Tsunade and Jiraiya also nodded in agreement.

Jiraiya suddenly asked Akira, "Akira, do you have any good idea? This time we most likely need to fight Hanzo head-on. The opponent is known as a 'demi-god', a powerful legendary character..."

"I'm afraid the purpose of Ame surrounding our vanguard force is to lure us to rescue them and take the opportunity to attack us." Akira muttered: "I heard that Hanzo is a particularly cautious person. He will constantly change the guards guarding him everyday. Such a cautious person will certainly not be careless and he should had planned everything properly. It seems like we will not have any other good way but to deal with him face-to-face."

Orochimaru and Tsunade agreed with Akira, Hanzo's character is indeed like this.

"It is fine this way as well, I would like to try and see the strength of the legendary demigod, how strong he really is!" Jiraiya also snorted, clenching his fist with burning fighting spirit.

Not only Jiraiya, but also Tsunade and Orochimaru are feeling the same. Although Hanzo's reputation is wide known in the current Ninja world, but they are not afraid.

Akira saw that the three ninjas were calm and full of fighting spirit and he nodded secretly, as expected of the soon to be Sannin, who can have such a calm state of mind in critical moments.

"In that case, let's pack up and rush forward to support Konoha's vanguard forces! Akira, this time I also need your help." Jiraiya also solemnly said.

Akira smiled slightly: "Don't worry."

Akira's current reputation in the camp is second only to the soon to be Sannin. Moreover, Akira is not weak in strategy and strength, so Konoha's ninjas all admire him.

"It shouldn't be too late, organize the troops and move forward immediately. I am afraid it will take a few days for us to get to the battlefield. Meanwhile I hope that the vanguard can hold on" Akira continued calmly: "This time we will only bring elite troops. There are no use for more people."

"Okay." The three of them also nodded and began to arrange.

Akira returned to his residence and told Konan that he will be going to the battlefield again.

"Brother Akira, pay attention to safety and come back soon..." konan said softly, looking at Akira with her gleaming big round eyes.

"Okay, wait for my good news, maybe you can hear my victory soon." Akira squeezed Konan's small face, with a bit of pamparing and said with a chuckle.

"Yes." Konan blinked her eyes, blushed and quickly kissed Akira on the cheek suddenly. The little girl's shy appearance made Akira a little speechless and he was actually "sneak attack" by Konan, but the kiss felt pretty good.

Saying goodbye to Konan for the time being, Akira saw that the ninja troops in the camp had also been assembled and the trio had already selected hundreds of the most elite ninjas to rescue the vanguard force.

The assembly is over and the rescue officially begins!

Tsunade and Akira led the team in front, sprinting all the way.

The Konoha vanguard is besieged by Hanzo the salamander and the location is at the forefront of the Battlefield of the Country of Rain. It would still take Akira and the others several days to reach even if they were to use their fastest speed. Fortunately, Konoha's vanguard troops are all elite and it shouldn't be a problem for them to support themselve for a few days after being besieged.

Sprinting all the way, Akira had nothing to do, so he was thinking about another thing in his heart.

Akira's current strength is already very strong, even without the use of Kirin and other ninjutsu, his strength is at the peak of jonin. In the case of using Kirin, Akira even has the confidence to fight against the strong quasi-kage level ninjas.

But despite this, Akira was still a little dissatisfied.

Akira has been considering the development of new ninjutsu, after all, Kirin is somewhat restricted, so Akira is going to develop a new ninjutsu for himself to use more freely.

"Rasengan seems to be good choice, but its power is still a little bit weak." Akira pondered: "Hmm, maybe I can use wind style, rasenshuriken?"

Akira's eyes lit up with excitement.

In the original story, rasengan is the ninjutsu created by Namikaze Minato, while the rasenshuriken is further developed by Naruto when he added wind nature manipulation into the jutsu. Rasenshuriken is a extremely powerful ninjutsu, that is capable of destroying the body's cells and possesses super terrifying and powerful destruction capability. This is also one of Naruto's killer ninjutsu in the original story.

Thinking of the rasenshuriken, Akira immediately became excited. If he have rasenshuriken as his killer move, he would definitely be more confident when he is up against Hanzo or other ninjas in Ame!

"I must first learn the ransengan before learning rasenshuriken." Akira thought for a while and began to study on how to use rasengan. Rasengan is a ninjutsu that requires extreme shape manipulation control.

Akira's talent for ninjutsu is self-evident. Following the instructions given in the original story, he condenses the chakra in his palm and form a high-density chakra ball that rotated at a high speed and the rasengan appeared.

"Huh? Brat, this ninjutsu is very interesting, such a high-density chakra is more powerful than your Chidori..." The voice of sage of the six path sounded in Akira's heart. Naturally Akira can't hide his development of the rasengan from the sage.

Rasengan is not difficult to learn. After Akira understood the principles of rasengan, he was able to quickly figure out how to use it, shocking the sage.

"Yes, this ninjutsu require extreme control of shape manipulation. I also plan on adding wind attribute with nature manipulation ." Akira add on lightly.

"You want to add wind attribute nature manipulation? Then this ninjutsu will definitely be super powerful..." Sage of the six path was very surprised: "But it should be very difficult to inject the nature attribute into this ninjutsu..."

Akira smiled with a smile only he understand, afterall he had read the original story and he know how to do it already, learning from the canon.

In the original story, Naruto need to use a clone to infuse wind attribute into his ransengan. But Akira is different from Naruto, Naruto is not proficient in Chakra control, but Akira is a genius in this area. Therefore, Akira can release rasengan with only one hand and he can use the free hand to inject the wind attribute chakra.

"Maybe I can try." Akira said softly and immediately started to experiment!

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