Strongest Talent In Naruto

Chapter 124 - The legendary battle against Hanzo

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Chapter 124:

Akira finally saw the battlefield situation!

His eyes narrowed slightly and he activated the sharingan to see the situation in the battlefield more clearly. 

The weather continue to rain heavily and thunder roars could be heard.

In the heavy rain, four figures continued to fight and the fight was extremely fast pace. Powerful and huge amount of chakras were constantly release, like the ocean tide, the weakest one is kage level chakra.

The rich and terrifying Chakra unleased and the figures that move as fast as lightning, prevent most people from simply intervenung in such a battle.

Akira saw the three figures of Tsunade, Jiraiya and Orochimarum After the four figures collided as they fight and soon separated.

At this time, Tsunade, Orochimaru and Jiraiya were all a little exhausted and haggard from the fight and they couldn't tell whether it was the rain or sweat that was dripping on their faces. They all looked solemnly and did not dare to be careless.

At the center is a tall man, wrapped in a thick armor, wearing a mask, holding a huge sickle as a weapon and standing on top of a huge summoned animal.

The man's eyes is sharp like a blade and it gives off a compelling momentum.


Akira finally saw this legendary ninja, known as a 'half-god', who was indeed very powerful and reknown in this period.

Hanzo stood on top of his summoned animal 'Salamander', which was dozens of meters tall. The Salamander made a weird sound and a thick poisonous mist was released in the surrounding.

Hanzo's summoned animal 'Salamander' poisonous mist is very dangerous, with a strong paralyzing effect and strong toxicity, which prevent people from approaching easily. Fortunately, Tsunade has a detoxification medicine in her hand, so she distribute it to Orochimaru and Jiraiya, which allowed them to continue the battle. But even so, they must hold their breath and fight to avoid being poison.

"Art of the raging lion mane!" Jiraiya pure white hair turned steel like, swept and danced, transforming into a lion shape and pierced towards all directions and grab towards Hanzo.

"Summoning jutsu, ten thousand snakes!" Orochimaru's cold and creepy voice also sounded, seizing this opportunity to summon snakes. Countless densely packed snakes was summoned from the ground, hissing sounds was heard and at least thousands of snakes swiftly attacked Hanzo at the same time.

Orochimaru and Jiraiya also cooperated with each other, using their own fighting methods and at the same time locked Hanzo's offense.

The Salamander at Hanzo's feet roared and moved violently. The earth shook and the Salamander spewed out more poisonous mist at the same time. This poisonous mist is extremely corrosive and the ten thousand snake summoned by Orochimaru were killed. The ground were then piles up with snake corpses. Blood and internal organs are left on the ground, converging into a stream of blood and mix with the flowing rain.

Hanzo himself uses body flicker jutsu, to avoid Jiraiya's hair. Hanzo is very proficient in body flicker jutsu, as can be seen in the original story, he managed to evade Nagato Gedo Statue attack by using the body flicker jutsu.

"Want to escape?" Tsunade also used body flicker jutsu and her graceful figure flashed behind Hanzo. Light blue Chakra concentrated on her fist as she concentrate her strength on her right hand and give out a power punch.

Chakra enhanced punched!

Akira's heart was excited, it turned out that Tsunade is the main attacker in the team. The previous attacks by Orochimaru and Jiraiya were only to distract and support Tsunade's attack.

Hit by Tsunade's chakra enhanced punch, even Hanzo would be injured. I'm afraid that even a hill can be broken down with such a powerful punch.


Accompanied by a loud bang, the earth tremble, shaking violently under the force of this mighty force. The earth cracked, the boulders are flying randomly and the sound of rumbling can be heard.

Where Hanzo was just now, is a huge pit and at the same time the boulders were turned into powder.

"Very nice teamwork, but unfortunately, you still lack a little bit more to be able to hit me." Hanzo said indifferently, his figure appeared on the other side, just now Hanzo used body flicker jutsu to dodge the attack again.

Their body flashed and Jiraiya, Tsunade and Osamaru stood together again. The trio and Hanzo then stared into each other eyes and they can see the seriousness and solemnity in the eyes of the other party. Just now, the teamwork between the three of them can be said to be perfect, there seems to be no gap and give the other party no chance to breathe.

If it was a kage powerhouse such as Chiyo to face the attack by the trio, they will surely fail, but it is a pity that their opponent is Hanzo.


The eyes under Hanzo's mask became more and more cold and he let out a roar before attacking!

Hanzo's summoned animal the salamandrr let out a low roar resembling a lizard, opened its mouth and spit out another black poisonous mist in the blink of an eye! This poisonous mist spread rapidly, spread out and went directly to Orochimaru and the others.

"No, this is another special kind of poison, which is very corrosive. If we are hit by such a poisonous mist, our body will be corroded!" Tsunade recognized the terrifying toxin in one glance and her expression suddenly changed drastically, as she reminded Orochimaru and Jiraiya.

Hanzo is good at using various poisons and is very difficult to deal with. These poisons are very troublesome in battle. This makes Tsunade and the other two people hesitate, so they didn't summon their contracted beast to fight the salamander.


The poisoned mist spread quickly.

At the critical moment, Jiraiya also gave a low cry and quickly hand seal: "Summoning jutsu, toad mouth trap!"

At this critical moment, a huge toad stomach pouch appeared, enclosing all three of them and resisted the attack of the poisonous mist. The toad stomach pouch is an absolute defensive space more than ten meters in size and included the three of them.

Jiraiya panted heavily and explained, "This is the stomach wall of a Giant Toad in Mount Myoboku. It has a strong defense power and should be able to defend against the poisonous mist of the opponent."

Tsunade and Orochimaru secretly breateh a sigh of relief and both nodded slightly.

Tsunade uses her medical ninjutsu to gather Chakra into her palm to treat Orochiamaru and Jiraiya.

Finally, after about a few minutes, Jiraiya lifted the toad mouth trap and the poisonous mist outside slowly dissipated as expected.

"The three of you are strong and was able to dodge this attack cleverly." Hanzo said slightly in surprise but he still looked at the three condescendingly and continued to prepare and launch an offensive assault.

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