The first thousand and ten chapters have no Time to explain, get on the train!

“Tell me, are you who? Why are you here?”

Zhao Fang stood near the only Heavenly God Initial Stage Martial Artist, with a sneer in his lips.

“I don’t even say that I am dead.” The Heavenly God Initial Stage Martial Artist stared at her eyes and looked like a dead-eyed expression.

“Oh, well, since you don’t say it, there is no need to leave you, die with them.”

Zhao Fang grabbed the Vermilion Bird two-handed sword and walked one step to the Heavenly God Initial Stage Martial Artist.

“You, don’t come over, come over, I will commit suicide.”

The Heavenly God Initial Stage Martial Artist, after witnessing the strength of Zhao Fang just now, has lost the mind of fighting with him. He just wants to live. At this moment, it is precisely that Zhao Fang wants to set intelligence on himself. Deliberate threat.

“I was originally going to kill you. What is the difference between suicide and being killed by me?” Zhao Fang is light, and looks at Idiot’s look.

“You!” Celestial Initial Stage Martial Artist.

Looking at Zhao Fang, who is getting closer and closer, his complexion is ugly, the body is shaking, and his forehead is sweating. “You, what do you want to do? You killed us Raging Whale Gang so many people, Raging Whale Gang will not let you go. of.”

“These things, you don’t need your dead person to take care of me.”

Heavenly God Initial Stage Martial Artist finally collapsed, “I, I tell you, you have to promise not to kill me!”

“That depends on your performance!”

Heavenly God Initial Stage Martial Artist Slightly hesitate, slowly said, “We are coming to meet…”

When I learned about it from the Heavenly God Initial Stage Martial Artist, Zhao Fang understood everything.

“The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.”

Zhao Fang laughed and turned to look at Yu Xi.

Same as for a moment.

Heavenly God Initial Stage Martial Artist, sudden eye reveals cold light, body approaching Zhao Fang, 狞said with a laugh : “brat, you are too big!”

While speaking, a sword smashed.

Jian Fang, Zhao Fang silhouette!

“Phantom?” Heavenly God Initial Stage Martial Artist.

“On your pig’s brain, I will feel that I will leave you the back!”

The cold voice sounded from behind, and Heavenly God Initial Stage Martial Artist was shocked. He turned and looked at it. He saw two sharp sword lights, which were strictly enlarged in front of his eyes.

next moment.

The two sword lights penetrated his between the eyebrows and the throat, respectively.

“You, you said not to kill me…”

Heavenly God Initial Stage Martial Artist Before dying, pointing to Zhao Fang, extremely reluctantly shouted.

“When did I say that? Everything is your own comfort.”

Zhao Fang sai然said with a laugh, “Even if you said it, you don’t have to care. For the enemy, what I said, has never been counted.”

“you you……”

Heavenly God Initial Stage Martial Artist both eyes bulging, suddenly roared two times, and the final words were not finished, fell to the ground.

After solving all the enemy, Zhao Fang looked at the complicated Yu Xi of the complexion. “Are you okay?”

Yu Xi shook her head. “It’s okay, just losing some bloodline power.”

Zhao Fang throws Yu Xi a bottle of Pill Medicine, “This is my previous Dragon-Tiger Pill, which is helpful for restoring the power of the bloodline.”

Yu Xi opened the vial, and after taking one, the aura gradually became more stable and asked: “What are you going to do?”

“There was a need to take a risk, now…”

Zhao Fang laughed and Yu Xi laughed. He understood the meaning of Zhao Fang.

He released Xu Feng Nian and let him use the force of Icebound to shatter all the bodies.

“I thought that there was something good about dealing with the body…”

Xu Feng Nian is very dissatisfied, while whispering while processing.

But his movements are very fast, only two or three minutes, this nearly 100 bodies, completely vanish like smoke in thin air.

Even the blood left on the steel War Chariot was also shaken by the ice.

Everything is back to life.

Zhao Fang Collapse Star Compass, and Yu Xi with the steel War Chariot.

Then, the two people stood at the front of the War Chariot and looked at the Chaos Star Sea with emits bursting powerful aura.


Chaos Star Sea was almost broken.

Crazy Monarch mad at Blood Monarch and Skull Mountain Star Pirates other Powerhouse.

Even the Divine Monarch, Bao Datong, doesn’t dare to intervene easily.

Until Crazy Monarch spread Battlefield to Bao Datong, he had nowhere to hide and could only fight back.

“Bao Datong, how dare you take this monarch take action.”

Silver hair dances like Crazy Monarch, and coldly looks at Bao Datong.

Bao Datong expression is also cold. “I don’t want to intervene in Raging Whale Gang and Skull Mountain Star Pirates. I also want Crazy Monarch to give Nine Snake Chamber of Commerce and Tidal Sword School a face, let me wait. ”

“You are pressing Tidal Sword School to press me, press Raging Whale Gang?”

“Don’t dare!” Bao Datong has a cold tone. He is evenly wary of Crazy Monarch, but today it can’t be weak, otherwise there will be no bones left.

“You are ready to take this Monarch take action, want to leave like this, what do you think of this Monarch, Raging Whale Gang?”

The silvery youngster’s Crazy Monarch, with a cold smile, the hair suddenly turns into a million-terrient thin line, and the strangle pack is different.

Packing different complexion changes, rushing to the side of the manta, “Crazy Monarch wants to swallow our goods, you take things first!”

Put on the man nod, turn around and leave.

“Are you gone?”

Not far from the man in front of the hair, a silver hair silhouette appeared.

It looks like the Crazy Monarch, and simply is carved out of a mold.

“This is Clone, Raging Whale Gang’s unique Clone technique, have you practiced successfully?”

Bao Datong was shocked.

“Hey, you have knowledge. This Clone is this Monarch deep into the North Sea abyss, a million-year-old sea whale seized, blended into the divine sense refining, although only this Monarch seven success, but used to stop you, is enough It!”

“You are such a madman!”

Bao Datong Daxie, the hair man is also a complexion.

“Crazy Monarch is 9-Star Divine Monarch, even if he only has seven successes, this Clone also reaches the level of 8-Star Divine Monarch, definitely not to be underestimated, fight hard!”

Shouted Bao Datong.

Great war Crazy is going on.

But both the Nine Snake Chamber of Commerce and the Skull Mountain Star Pirates are calculated by Raging Whale Gang.

Plus Crazy Monarch Strength extremely powerful, and best at group battles, plus Nine Snake Chamber of Commerce Skull Mountain Star Pirates each fight, and later, almost all suppressed by Crazy Monarch.

Even the goods traded by both sides were taken away by a glamorous women, and Amber Jade fell into the chest and hung in the chest. The jade pendant fell into the milky white gully that made the countless man fascinated.

Put away the jade pendant, the glamorous women looked at Crazy Monarch and turned and left.

“Come on!”

Nine Snake Chamber of Commerce Skull Mountain Star Pirates is almost crazy, wants to chase, but is blocked by the more mad Crazy Monarch, can only watch the accumulation of years at years, was taken away.

The glamorous women came out of Chaos Star Sea and went straight to the Earth domain outside Chaos Star Sea.

Stopped in front of a steel War Chariot.

On the “Ayan?” steel War Chariot, a man’s voice came out.

The fascinating women heart slightly startled, the appearance of the other side, she has never seen, but even more alert to her is that the air is filled with a faint sense of blood.

“who are you?” Ayan raised her eyes and did not for the moment to board the steel War Chariot belonging to Raging Whale Gang.

The white man who spoke, looked at the eyes, some anxiously, “I have no time to explain, get on the train!”

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