The first thousand and twenty-two chapters Queen

“You, you still have Strength?”

Meng Tong expression changed greatly and exclaimed.

Crazy Monarch can break the defense of the Violet Battleship, and obviously, just now the battle, he has spare time!

Otherwise, the entire Violet Battleship has long been broken!

Like the long spear’s hair, the speed is extremely fast. After breaking through the barrier of the array defense, it is almost in the blink of an eye and comes to Zhao Fang.

That speed is fast, it seems that even Zhao Fang did not react.

Eyes at the at, Divine Martial Realm’s Zhao Fang, will be hit by the blow through the skull, dying on the spot.

Meng Tong and others found that the White robed Youth in the crisis did not have the slightest flustered color. In the long spear, she was about to reach all the a sudden and reach out.

next moment.

His figure appears outside of several hundred zhang (333m).


At the back of his original position, there was an extremely terrifying large hole, which was a large hole pierced by a long spear.


Crazy Monarch was shocked and looked at Zhao Fang, ‘what’s going on? Obviously it is a killer, but how do you feel that Time seems to stop when the blow is down? ‘

Crazy Monarch is a bit puzzled.

But at the moment, together with the war, he also refused to think about it.

Expressionless, he licks long spear and shakes it toward Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang, who just survived, has not yet come and gasps with Crazy Monarch Strength, the deadly Crisis feeling, once again shrouded.

“Fuck, miscalculated!”

Zhao Fang pedaled Shrink The Ground To An Inch and disappeared again.

Seeing that the long spear wants to attack again, Meng Tong is angry.

“Crazy Monarch, you are too impudent, my Battlet Chamber of Commerce’s Battleship, not your Raging Whale Gang’s broken ship, quickly retreating, otherwise…”

His words have not been finished yet, and there is a pair of long spear spurs into the Battleship and go straight to Meng Tong.

Meng Tong’s words were finished, and the complexion that was scared by this fierce attack was slightly changed. The figure was swept away by all the a sudden, and one side of the shield was thrown out and turned into a crystal light shield in front of him.

Although not a Peak treasure, it is a real third grade defense Aegis.

Even so.

All of a sudden in the hairpin long spear and the crystal light shield.

The crystal light shield is like a glass mirror that has been smashed by stones, and there are countless finely intertwined cracks.

The crack is centered on the ground where the two touch, spreading to the entire crystal light shield.

Just a two-skilled skill, the crystal light shield burst open.

The power of long spear remains and I have a close encounter with Meng Tong.

Pū chī !

Meng Tong’s left shoulder is pierced by a long spear, and the blood flow is like a note.

He screamed, and the eyes were bleeding. If it was not the protection of the fourth grade, it would be enough to smash his half body.

He never thought that things had developed to this one step.

“Crazy Monarch, This is you forced me, I want you to die!”

Meng Tong suddenly roared, the violet jade pendant was crushed by him in an instant.

Jade pendant The all of a sudden, the God King’s thoughts inside the seal, turned into a fuzzy Queen silhouette.

The all of a sudden formed by this silhouette, a aura belonging to God King Powerhouse, suddenly filled the audience!

Everyone, complexion is furious!

“Subordinate Meng Tong, I have seen Queen Sir!”

Meng Tong took the lead in salute.

It was Wu Mu Tu Lusen two people who had been stunned by Crazy Monarch and long behind, and even kneel down, and I heard Queen Sir.

The president of the Violet Chamber of Commerce is a women, it is no secret.

And this women, habits are a bit weird, do not like others to call her president, like to call themselves Queen.

In her words, she will sooner or later become the wife of Divine Emperor Realm.

So, claiming to be Queen!

Queen phantom swept Meng Tong, glanced at everyone outside Battleship and landed on Crazy Monarch.

“It turned out to be Crazy Monarch of Raging Whale Gang.”

At this moment, Crazy Monarch had to stop the attack, looks at the front of the weather, Pressure’s Might, the heart of the Revere silhouette, he bowed slightly, whispered, “I have seen Queen!”

“Violet Chamber of Commerce and Raging Whale Gang, who have always been guilty of water, how, Crazy Monarch is going to intervene in my Violet Chamber of Commerce today?”

Queen indifferently said.

“Don’t dare.” Crazy Monarch looked up and smiled. “This child grabbed my Raging Whale Gang stuff. I just chased it and didn’t mean to be an enemy of the Violet Chamber of Commerce.”

Crazy Monarch pointed not far away, a pair of unpredictable Zhao Fang, faint said with a laugh.

Queen phantom also looked at Zhao Fang, the fuzzy face, can not see her expression, can only hear her indifferent voice, “Crazy Monarch, your hand stretched too long!”

Crazy Monarch smiles and smiles, staring at Queen phantom, “Queen This is to stop me?”

“What do you count? Also let the Emperor go to block?”

Such a speech, also said that Crazy Monarch has no rebuttal qualification, it is estimated that only Queen.

“You ruin my Violet Battleship and hurt Meng Tong. The Emperor will not be bullied. You are given three palms. If you don’t die, this will be the end.”

After that, without waiting for Crazy Monarch to speak, Queen phantom has taken action.

A light and soft palm print, seemingly no threat, but let the Crazy Monarch complexion greatly changed, the expression of an unprecedented soulmn.

He was suddenlyly roared, and the silver hair was rolled down, condensed into a rope, and slammed toward the gentle palm, wanting to tear it.

But in the all of a sudden that touched the palm of the hand, the silver hair burned without fire and instantly burned more than 20 meters.

The fire is still spreading at an alarming speed.

Crazy Monarch complexion was ugly and quickly recovered the attack, but at this moment, the palm of the hand suddenly took it.


Crazy Monarch The whole person was beaten into a shit by this palm.

In a clean robe, it immediately became a rag and blood was soaked in the whole body.

Only one palm!

The incomparable Crazy Monarch was seriously injured!

God King might be visible!

Bao Datong Blood Monarch and others , complexion is not a little bit easy, with solemn.

They looked at the Queen silhouette and quietly stepped back, trying to stay away from the threat that the women brought.

Queen doesn’t look at them, it seems that they don’t care about these people.

“There are two palms!”

Queen phantom walked one step forward and the voice was indifferent.

The crazy Crazy Monarch, at the moment, feels the big Crisis between life and death. The complexion is very ugly. “This time I was offended, please Queen forgive me.”

At this moment, he no longer has to mention God King.

The gap is too big!

Queen phantom didn’t answer, just took a shot.

The Crazy Monarch complexion is as sullen as water, and it is all over the place. The obstacle is barely blocked, but the injury is even heavier.

Strength slipped from the Divine Monarch Late Stage to the Divine Monarch Middle Stage.

If he is again in the third palm, his Strength will not only weaken to the Divine Monarch Initial Stage, but even the Great Ominous, which will be on the spot.

So, look at Queen phantom, want to take action again.

Crazy Monarch’s face is also a madness that should appear in a trace. “Queen, you are deceiving too much, spelling three hundred years of cultivation base. No, I have to erase your projection.”

While speaking, Crazy Monarch Strength suddenly skyrocketed and fell to the Divine Monarch Middle Stage cultivation base. Under the blessing of bloody aura, it directly jumped to the Divine Monarch peak and the Half-step was able to enter the God King Realm world.

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