The first thousand and twenty-four chapters are loaded and forced to run… It’s so good!


Long spear is transparent, and the spear head of sharpness pierces the Chu Nan heart and protrudes from the back.

Spear head above, bloody red, slowly dripping.

“How can it like this, I obviously remember to be in you.”

Chu Nan looked dull, and the trembled eyes were even fascinating and unbelievable.

Not only does he feel incredible.

Even the audience is hard to understand.

Just now, Chu Nan clearly has an absolute advantage. Seeing that Zhao Fang is under the sword, he suddenly stops the offensive and hits Zhao Fang’s muzzle.

Such a suicide attack, plus Zhao Fang from the beginning to the end, are plain and cold, let the atmosphere of the scene strange to the extreme!

Qin Yao’s small mouth Zhang Cheng ‘o’ type, in the bright eyelids, suddenly inexplicable.

“why why!”

Chu Nan is still muttering, full of confusion.

“Because you are a waste.” Zhao Fang said in the ear of Chu Nan, whispered.

Finish, take out God Slayer Spear.


Sprayed with blood, like a fountain.

The Heavenly Gods, who rushed to the side, both stunned the scene, until the warm blood was sprayed on their faces, and this was reflected.

“Brother Nan!” Heavenly God screamed.

“Little Nan.”

Wu Mu is also like the injured wild beast, the bone eyes flashing scarlet, and the killing intent violently starts. “What kind of magic is you doing? How dare you hurt Little Nan, I want to kill you.”

Said, striding up.

Zhao Fang ignored Wu Mu, God Slayer Spear swept, and the guns rushed to the few Heavenly Gods who had just reacted.

These Heavenly God cultivation bases, although not as good as Chu Nan, are Heavenly God Middle Stage cultivation bases, not what Zhao Fang can currently deal with.

But the scene that shocked everyone, appeared again.

At the moment when the Zhao Fang attack came, these people were just like stupid, and there was no resistance at all.

When God Slayer Spear swept, the blood flew and brought several heads.

Four Heavenly God Middle Stage, immediately dying on the spot.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed Elite Monster ‘Caravan guard ‘obtain experience point 600*4.”


Everyone complexion is shocked!

A Divine Martial Realm can instantly kill four Heavenly God Middle Stages.

This simply is a miracle!

Zhao Fang looked closer and closer to Wu Mu, coldly snorted.

“Soul Beheading Blade !”

Zhao Fang both eyes knives flashed, and they rushed out and went straight to the ground, and Chu Nan, who had already breathed one breath.

“Rage daring!”

Wu Mu feels the powerful destructive power of the Soul Beheading Blade, the blood eyes are condensed, the sound is thundering, and the loudly roared sounds.

This sound, in addition to blocking Zhao Fang with Soul Beheading Blade killed Chu Nan divine sense, also has the meaning of heavy injury Zhao Fang.

But he is a little stunned by Zhao Fang, but also underestimated the death of Blade Monarch’s famous killing move.

Soul Beheading Blade meets the gods, encounters thunder and thunder, is unstoppable, and instantly breaks through Wu Mu’s Thunder. The knife light almost condenses into essence and instantly breaks into the Chu Nan divine sense.


Chu Nan body twitching, making a painful roar, then a pair of legs, Bleeding from Seven Orifices, corpse on the spot!

“This, This is Blade Monarch’s Soul Beheading Blade, is his secret, how can this brat?”

Blood Monarch’s eyes are rolling, and there are huge waves in my heart.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed little boss’Chu Nan ‘,obtain 1800 experience point.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed small boss’Chu Nan ‘,obtain ‘third grade Divine Travelling Talisman ‘.”


Zhao Fang took a look at the experience pool, the experience pool was full, and the lips smirked.

“It seems that there are still more than two thousand points, and you can continue to promote 3 levels.”

As early as the Killed Blade Monarch, the nine thousand Experience Points were enough to make him rise two levels.

Zhao Fang has been pressing, no Upgrade, for a big explosion!

“If I reach 7-Star Divine Martial Realm, plus Rank 7 Berserk, my strength, perhaps the equivalent of 3-Star Heavenly God, when I don’t use ‘Body Lock Technique’, I can also kill Heavenly God Middle Stage.”

Thinking of this, Zhao Fang looked at the Queen phantom that was about to fade, he didn’t know, the mystery of Body Lock Technique, the God King Realm Powerhouse, did not see through.

If he is not in a situation, he is not willing to use it in front of God King Powerhouse.

After all, the Body Lock Technique is also a trump card.

Under the circumstance, you can definitely harvest amazing achievements!

For example, Blade Monarch.

If it is a single battle, Zhao Fang can’t catch up with the horse.

In the end, Zhao Fang was not replaced by Body Lock Technique and Fifth Rank Divine Blade ‘Breaking Mountain’.

Among them, of course, because the Mountain Breaking Blade is sharp, but the Body Lock Technique is even more powerful!

“bastard, you are dead! I want to kill you!”

Wu Mu screams.

“I killed Chu Nan. It is completely self-protection and forced to help. I don’t want to avenge you. If you take action against me, I can think that you are going to kill me. When you don’t, I have to blame me for not talking about it!” ”

Zhao Fang looked at Wu Mu coldly.

“You killed Chu Nan and talked to me?”

Wu Mu’s voice is full of grievances.

“That’s not to talk about it?” Zhao Fang long spear swept, pointing to Wu Mu, a smile on his lips. “Then you will try it and see if I can kill you!”

The sound is dull and the smile is warm, but Wu Mu is in the cold!

Especially when he thought of Chu Nan and the death of the four Heavenly God Middle Stage guards, he hesitated.

He is not sure what means Zhao Fang has made, and he is not sure whether the means can threaten himself. He is still anxious that Roaaar wants to kill Zhao Mu’s Wu Mu, but Zhao Fang said that the entry is not a retreat or a .

“Tu Lusen.” Wu Mu looks at another 3-Star Divine Monarch.

Tu Lusen gently nod, with Wu Mu left and right, into the corner of the corner.

Zhao Fang didn’t look at it.

To say that on the court, he is the most wariness, of course, the Queen phantom.

As for other people, such as Wu Mu Tu Lusen, he did not care.

“Would you like to go with me?”

Zhao Fang Divine Sense is a voice of Qin Yao.

Qin Yao is silent, no answer.

Zhao Fang grinned and squinted at Queen phantom. I couldn’t figure out that this woman suddenly had to catch herself, but she didn’t have Assassin. It was a bit weird.

But I can’t think of it, Zhao Fang didn’t think about it.

He glanced at Wu Mu Tu Lusen and Battleship, Bao Datong, Blood Monarch and others.

“I know that you all want to kill me. If you have the skills, come and chase me.”

Zhao Fang grabbed Qin Yao and rushed into the gap where the array was torn.

The bang of the ‘Boom’, the Battleship defensive array, once again rudely torn, and even the defense of the array, was also destroyed.

As Zhao Fang silhouette rushed out of Battleship, the defensive array began to self-crush, pēng pēng loudly, the tyrannical fluctuation rewinded, directly to Zhao Fang two people, 掀 数 hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun (333m).

Even Bao Datong and others, who still want to wait for the rabbit, were also shaken in an instant.

Before they attacked again, Zhao Fang, who was flying out of several hundred zhang (333m), already grabbed Qin Yao and stepped on the third grade Star compass, instantly inspiring Star compass, like flowing light, blinking disappeared at everyone. In the eyes.

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