The first thousand zero 50 chapters are not sold

Wang Yanzhang is quite envious of the looks at this scene.

The saliva is almost clear.

Zhao Fang laughed and laughed.

“Old Wang, your Spiritual Sea is unhealed, the injury has not fully recovered, and taking God King Pill is of little use. When your injury is fully restored, reach Divine Monarch peak, I will send you one!”

“What? Young Master?”

Wang Yanzhang looked at Zhao Fang quite incredibly.

Not only him.

Qin Yao’s complexion is also extremely complex.

I did not expect that Zhao Fang actually had God King Pill.

And still so big, feel free to give to your followers.

“God King Pill nothing more.” Zhao Fang thin smile.

But this smile, in Qin Yao and others in the eyes, is full of inscrutable flavor.

Arrange everything.

Zhao Fang left with Wang Yanzhang.

Although he left, it was extremely low-key.

But it was still seen by some people.

Not long after, Zhao Fang left the Tuoba family and passed to the peaks.

Including Prince Yu Peak, Yellow Dragon Peak, and ‘Fire Mountain’ where Touba Guan Feng is located.

“Dare to dare to leave at this festival, is it really impossible to kill you?”

“bestowed by heaven opportunity, bestowed by heaven opportunity Ah! ”


Luohe, located 90 million kilometers northeast of Pure Yang Mansion.

It is also a far cry from Pure Yang Mansion.

Heavenly God Realm is flying all the way, and it takes more than forty days to go back and forth.

But Zhao Fang has a third grade Star compass, and the flight speed is three points faster than the ordinary Divine Monarch.

Almost six or seven times that of Heavenly God.

The twelfth day.

Zhao Fang came to Luohe thousands of miles away.

A thousand miles away, I feel the aura of the Luohe River.

It’s like a water dragon roaring, imposing manner amazing!

“Young Master, it’s Divine Lou River.”

Wang Yanzhang pointed to the innocent rivers and rivers that are not far away, seemingly different from the ordinary river water.

“Divine Lou River…” Zhao Fang stopped.

Even with his current distance, you can only see the Divine Lou River, which is halfway down, and you can’t see the entire Divine Lou River.

The vastness of the Divine Lou River is evident!

“It is rumored that Divine Lou River is just an endless star field, an ordinary river, and later because of the Divine Emperor-class Powerhouse in this great war, and finally the Divine Lou River, this gradually came to the name.”

“But don’t say, Divine Lou River has become a lot of evil since then. The Heavenly God of ordinary, can’t cross the Divine Lou River with Fleshy Body, and the people who dare to do so basically sink into Divine Lou River. Never landed again.”

Wang Yanzhang pointed to Divine Lou River and at the same time, all the information he knew was high-speed Zhao Fang.

“Touba Guanchao said that the Nine Glaze Night Pearls, he was unintentional on the shore. Later he searched nearby and did not find other Nine Glaze Night Pearls.”

Whispering, Zhao Fang took the lead to the edge of Divine Lou River.

Half a day later, he shook his head in disappointment.

After searching for half a day with Wang Yanzhang, he did nothing, not to mention a Nine Glaze Night Pearls, even the shadow of Nine Glaze Night Pearls.

“Don’t it happen that Nine Glaze Night Pearls just happened to be on the edge of Divine Lou River?”

Compared to this speculation, Zhao Fang is more willing to believe that Nine Glaze Night Pearls is from Divine Lou River.


To confirm this, he needs to enter Divine Lou River himself.

“Young Master, let me go in. Divine Lou River water has a weight of every pound, such a vast ocean of water, Gravity can not be measured, even if the Divine Strength’s Heavenly God, into the depths of the water, also support Not too long.”

Zhao Fang thought about it, then nod.

Inextinguishable Golden Body 3rd layer, King Kong’s not bad defense, between Heavenly God and Divine Monarch.

For the sake of reason, it should be able to withstand the pressure of Divine Lou River water.

But Divine Lou River is really surprised, he has to be careful.

Wang Yanzhang is Divine Monarch, Fleshy Body strength, maybe can’t compare with Zhao Fang, but he has Divine Monarch Realm Powerhouse’s Divine Strength, Divine Strength, which can definitely make his defense, in a short time, reach one The extent that ordinary people cannot match.

Even if you enter Divine Lou River, you are in danger.

With each other’s Strength, you can be safe!

Wang Yanzhang, who is filled with the strength of Divine Monarch, slowly launches and looks through Divine Lou River.

After half a day, within the circumference, all the searches have been completed.

Nine Glaze Night Pearls was not found.

Zhao Fang frowned, “speed is too slow!”

Divine Lou River is too broad, and there is also a million li, so search for a little, search for an 1000-year, and not search for the entire Divine Lou River.


At this time, Wang Yanzhang, who was already preparing to search for the next sea, was slammed into the Divine Lou River without warning.

“what’s going on?”

Zhao Fang brows up, in the eyes faintly flashes a bit of anxiety.


The roar of the sea beast came out in Hanoi.

Then, it was a fierce battle.

“Touched the sea beast!”

Zhao Fang’s expression was wrong. I didn’t expect Wang Yanzhang Luck to be so bad. I could meet the sea beast here.

The beginning of the battle is silent, and the end is equally silent.

The unknown sea beast, the root found prey, but underestimated the strength of prey, and was eventually strangled by Wang Yanzhang.

The blood immediately stained the red water.

Wang Yanzhang floated up, indicating that Zhao Fang had nothing to do, but the complexion was slightly pale.

Obviously, the battle of just now has caused him a lot of wear and tear.


Wang Yanzhang was once again pulled into the seabed.

This time, it didn’t make any noise for a long time.

Extremely surprised!

“Old Wang !”

Zhao Fang shouted at the shore.

No response.

Zhao Fang’s face gradually glowed with a touch of anxiety and sorrow.

At this time DD

In the distance, there are more than a dozen flowing lights galloping.

Zhao Fang turned around and complexion immediately gloomy down.

Ten dozens of flowing lights, which landed outside Zhao Fang hundred zhang (333m), showed thirteen silhouettes of different colors.

Despite their different shapes, these people’s strengths are not weak.

Especially for the first three people, both reach the extent of 5-Star Divine Monarch.

The remaining ten are also good friends of Heavenly God Realm peak.

Zhao Fang didn’t know these people, but when they saw Zhao Fang, they all showed a cold smile.

“Touba Lei Feng?”

For the first one-eyed old man, ask for a low voice.

“You guys?”

“The person who will kill you!”

The one-eyed old man grinned, his smile revealing endless and bloody flavor.


In the Divine Lou River, there was a fierce voice.

The one-eyed old man squatted, his expression was wrong, and he immediately laughed. “I said how I didn’t see Wang Yanzhang. He actually entered the Divine Lou River… It’s really not dead, not dead, no Wang Yanzhang protection, this time, you will definitely die. !”

“Touba Yang Yu, or Touba Huanglong?”

Zhao Fang complexion is still gloomy, but the sound is a bit colder.

“hēi hēi, it’s a pity that Old Man kills people and doesn’t like to let the dead know too much!”

The one-eyed old man grin hideously has already taken action.


Zhao Fang is faster than him!

“Idiot, I don’t know how to use it, I still feel complacent here.”

Zhao Fang, with a cold smile, his fingers quickly pointed out.

Set it!

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