The thousandth seventy-eighth chapter Wanli volcano group

Inside the vast star field.

A Ponte Great War ship with the Tuoba family mark is crushing Starry Sky with a very fast speed, keeping a bunch of huge white smoke and growing away.

There are not many Martial Artists on Battleship, but there are more than two hundred people.

More than half of them are guarded by the ship.

The remaining 100 people are surrounded by a White robed Youth.

“Elder Lu, where is this Desolate City Ancient Land, so that you have such a big reaction?”

Known as Elder Lu, is an old man wearing a robe, complexion grief.

Old man frowns deeply, with a deep sorrow.

“Ninth Young master has not heard of it?”

The robe old man Elder Lu asked with some surprise.

“Cough… I have been suffering for so many years, and I have rarely experienced it.” White robed Youth made a ha ha.

For this, the robe old man has no doubt, nod, said: “Desolate City Ancient Land, said to be Ancient Land, is actually an ancient Battlefield, the scope is wide, no less than Pure Yang Mansion.”

“The scope is big, it is not a big deal. The key is this area, there are too many powerful existences!”

“Because it is the ancient Battlefield, this area is very evil. It is a lot of soul repair, Blood Cultivator, a paradise for corpse. In addition to them, Desolate City Ancient Land originally had a native existence. These native and Blood Cultivator corpse robbed resources. They are incompatible with each other. But when there are outsiders, they will put down the contradiction and at the same time will turn the spears off the outsiders.”

“In general, it’s hard for outsiders to survive, even God King, which is extremely difficult.”

Having said that, the robe old man sighed, “The Tuoba family is so arrogant, set the Fight for Succession in this position!”

A pedestrian on this Battleship.

Naturally, Zhao Fang, Lu Tuo and others.

Not far from the Battleship, Touba Yanghong is talking to the Battleship guard Captain Chen Yong.

Zhao Fang first time heard about Desolate City Ancient Land.

The sinister perception of the Deserte City Ancient Land is extremely blurry.

Therefore, when Lu Tuo said so, it was not too deep.

But in my heart, for the Desolate City Ancient Land, it is a trace of vigilance.

Touba Yanghong came over with a sad face.

“I have trouble.”

Touba Yanghong calmed his face and said something that made everyone betray the eyebrows.

Touba Yanghong is 1-Star God King.

What he can call troublesome, less to say is equally ranked existence.

“Uncle Hong, what’s going on?”

Asked Zhao Fang frowns.

“In the thousands of miles ahead, there is a volcanic group of thousands of miles. The volcanic group has a large eruption every year on the full moon, and the flame spreads in the hundreds of thousands of extremes.”

“Now, it’s been more than two months since the volcanic eruption, but I don’t know why, the eruption date seems to be ahead of schedule.”

“just now, after the Elder Di Jing voice there, they encountered several volcanic eruptions, simply avoiding the time, plus the ready to drive out of the edge of the volcano, this is not how big is it casualties!”


After hearing this, Zhao Fang has already understood it.

“Only this road can’t be detoured?” Lu Tuo asked.

Zhao Fang thought, this is really a nonsense.

If you can detour, you can travel through other safe places, Touba Yanghong used a calm face?


Touba Yanghong shook his head.

“This is the road to the end, if you want to detour, even if you are two years, you can’t reach Desolate City Ancient Land.”

Everyone heard this and couldn’t help but frown.

The ordinary volcanic eruption might is already extremely powerful.

If the volcanic cluster breaks out, even if it is God King Powerhouse, there is no return.

For this.

Zhao Fang knows well.

At the beginning, he was able to kill Liu Batian, the justice of Immortal Technique Collapsing Mountain, and got a decisive role!

Even God King is falling under the Collapsing Mountain Heaven’s Might. It is conceivable that the mountains will break out and the might should be terrifying!

“Battleship has a Defensive Array that can withstand the Full strength peak of the God King peak Powerhouse. It should be able to hold a Time, but it really has to run into a massive volcanic eruption. Battleship can’t save us.”

Touba Yanghong broke the hearts of everyone and finally a trace of luck.

At this time.

Touba Yanghong raised his eyebrows slightly and took out a conch and put it at his ear.

Everyone is nervous about the look at him.


Touba Yanghong let go of the conch, the expression is a little embarrassed, “Tele Elder Di Jing voice, barely counted as a good news.”

“The volcanoes are not a collective outbreak, but several connected outbreaks. Although the might is strong, even the two Battleships of my Tuoba family have been destroyed, but if Luck is good, it can still be passed.”

Touba Yanghong looks at Zhao Fang, “You are Ninth Young master, you are not awkward, all in your mind.”

“If you don’t mean it, you will give up the Fight for Succession.” Touba Yanghong said.

Zhao Fang frowned.

Perceived everyone’s gaze, all looking to himself, he showed the color of contemplation.

Immediately, he looked at the crowd and slowly said: “I have prepared for today, for more than 20 years, naturally I will not retreat because of small obstacles. But this trip, the soldiers are in jeopardy, you want to leave, I will not Strong stay, let you leave. If you are willing to cross the volcano with me, as long as I don’t die, I will let the cultivation base, all promote one level! I said it!”

Zhao Fang Last sentence, said chop nails and sever Iron, full of confidence.

Don’t say other people, even Touba Yanghong, can’t understand, Zhao Fang’s confidence in this fan comes from.

To know.

Zhao Fang gathered around him, not only Heavenly God Divine Monarch, but also Peak Divine Monarch, God King Powerhouse.

Promote one level cultivation base for Heavenly God or promote one level cultivation base for adjacent Divine Monarch.

Things are difficult, but they can do it.

But peak Divine Monarch goes one step further, it is God King.

Lu Tuo is God King, and if you go one step further, it is surpass your own 2-Star God King.

This is not the fourth grade Divine Pill of the ordinary, which can be done.

But somehow, in his heart, there is a hint of confidence in Zhao Fang.

This feeling made him somewhat inexplicable.

In the end, no one was willing to leave.

“I am willing to go with the Young master!” someone shouted.

Then, more people are furiously roared.

All are ‘willing to go with the Young master’, no one retreats.

In this scene, Touba Yanghong was surprised.

This result, if it is changed to Touba Yang Yu, Touba Huanglong, he will not be surprised.

But Zhao Fang, as a three-no-Young master, only met with this group of people, and they were willing to go with their own risk. This kind of personality charm, even Touba San Jiao, is worse than it!

“Good! Let us break through the sky and triumph!”

Zhao Fang laughs.

The Battleship speed is speeding up and heading towards the volcano.

It didn’t take long.

All around The temperature of the air becomes extremely hot and unbearable.

Everyone snorted and looked at the front.

they know.

The volcano is here.

Zhao Fang stood at the forefront of Battleship, quietly looking at the distance, his brow slightly wrinkled.

In the place where Zhao Fang looks.

Four flame long dragons rushed, Starry Sky vibrated, endless magma aura eruption.

It seems to welcome the arrival of Zhao Fang and others!

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