One thousand zero ninety two chapter One blade kills three God Kings !

The young masters of the Tuoba family, the eyes of the simultaneously fall on the White robed Youth.

When you look at the White robed Youth face, everyone looks different.

“This…” Touba Yang Yu was shocked, and complexion quickly added a touch of gloomy.

“I know that you won’t die so easily.”

Touba Guan Feng muttered to himself, as if she thought of something, she turned and looked at behind, the one with a big knife, only one eye left, the upper half of the bronze man, the show eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

“How can it be? How is he still alive?”

Touba Wang Chung looks like a ghost, and he doesn’t want to see the figure more than Touba Huanglong.

As for Touba Liu Yun, it is the most exciting and most exciting of all Young masters.

“I know, Ninth Brother will be fine!” Touba Liu Yun was happy to scream.

“Hey, it’s too early for you to be happy!” Touba Huanglong sneered. “This fellow has nothing else. The skill of this disaster is called the Tuoba family. How long does it take to enter the Desolate City Ancient Land? Actually, the Blood Cultivator I am recruited.”

“Blood Cultivator’s top difficulty and cruel, by this big ticket Blood Cultivator, he died!”

Touba Huanglong Road.

Tuoba family Other Young master, slightly frowned, no one started to talk.

But they all shook their heads slightly. Obviously, in their hearts, they agreed with Touba Huanglong!


Touba Liu Yun would like to refute, but when he saw the expression of Teddy Elder Liu Hao solemn, he knew that even if Zhao Fang appeared, it would be the first big problem.

At the forefront of this group of Young master brothers.

There is a person.


This person is a purple robes, and the arrogance of the instrument is not arrogant, but there is no arrogance of the ordinary young master, but it is covered with a noble temperament!

This person is behind, standing less than two hundred people.

It is the least one of the young masters except Zhao Fang.

But other Young masters look at this person’s eyes, but they are full of vigilance and wariness.


His name is Touba Di Yi!

“He is Touba Lei Feng?” Touba Di Yi stared at Zhao Fang. Under the plain eyes, there seemed to be endless swords.

But soon it was hidden, “cultivation base is too weak to be my opponent!”


“Master, Touba City in front!”

Zi Qianshuang flying at full speed, while passing Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang stared at the majestic Great City ahead, and looked at the beneath’s Blood Cultivator. The brow was twisted into a shackle.

“Where is the problem? How can it lead to so many mad dogs?”

Zhao Fang is depressed.

Forcing Xue Mou to use Undead Blood Family natural talent, self-destruct escape.

Zhao Fang rushed towards Touba City at full speed.

But very quickly, it was targeted by some Blood Cultivators.

If it is one or two, it will be.

Later, I gathered a large group of Blood Cultivators. The number, even if Zhao Fang saw it, some scalp numb.

He is at his own risk, but in the face of two God King Realm Blood Cultivator Powerhouse led by two hundred Divine Monarch Blood Cultivator master, Zhao Fang unceremoniously chose to escape!

The gap between the two sides is too big, totally unequal!

There is no need to kill at all!

“You, by Xue Mou, have the exclusive Pursue and Kill Command of Blood Cultivator.

Little Linzi said.

“Fog grass, how do you say…” Zhao Fang immediately shouted.

“Cough… I just noticed.”

“fuck you.”

Zhao Fang doesn’t know what to say.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer.

At this rhythm, I will definitely be caught up with Blood Cultivators before I have arrived at Touba City before!

“Touba City sent Powerhouse out!”

Zi Qianshuang suddenly cried.

Zhao Fang also saw that the Touba City door was wide open. Under the leadership of a purple man, hundreds of black cavalrymen were like ghosts and quietly drove out of Touba City.

Even if they are far apart, Zhao Fang can feel the terrifying baleful qi of emits on these black cavalry.

Just as it is soaked in blood, the killing intent condenses to a substantial terrifying level.

Often a look, you can make people fight!

“Black Asura of the Tuoba family!”

Blood Cultivator exclaimed.

But after looking at the huge body of Purple Lightning Condor, the Blood Cultivators looked greedy and decided to take risks!

“Blood burning, robbing Purple Lightning Condor!”

A Blood Cultivator God King yells.


Blood Cultivator within the body muffled constantly, Blood Mist surge, these people’s speed, instantly doubled.

Just a few blinks, they are getting closer and closer to Zhao Fang!

“damn it, really when father has no temper?”

Zhao Fang eyes on ice-cold, Void Hand caught, a group of green fog appeared in his hands.

“Hou Xiao, poisonous dragon!” Zhao Fang low roaring sound.

The green mist surged and turned into a green Giant Dragon, rushing toward the rushing Blood Cultivators.

There are several Blood Cultivators that compare bad luck, which are directly penetrated by the green Giant Dragon, and the bloody body turns into green immediately.

One by one spitting foam, the Yintang is black, Divine Strength is cut off, and it falls directly from the air!


Most of these purs are Divine Monarch, and Fleshy Body is extremely powerful.

Even if it falls from the air, it just falls into disability and does not die immediately.

“It’s poisonous! Everyone is careful!”

The first Blood Cultivator God King, with a wave of hand, Blood Mist swells and turns into a light cover, which separates the poison from the light cover.

But other Divine Monarch.

There is no such good luck for him.

Even if he protects himself with a blood light cover, the poison gas will invade the light cover, forcing some Blood Cultivators to stop and run the Cultural Technique, forcing the body poison.


Still chasing Zhao Fang, there are only three God King Blood Cultivators left.

“Unfortunately, Qin Dulong is just Divine Monarch, the poisonous dragon of the explosion, only the third grade of the might, can threaten Divine Monarch, but it is not useful for God King.”

“If it is the fourth grade poisonous dragon, even if it is God King, you can’t eat it!”

Zhao Fang is a bit pity, but the complexion is still very superior.


The most powerful enemy is still there.

The three God King Blood Cultivators are getting closer and closer, only to Zhao Fang but ten li.

But at this time –

Sky suddenly sounded an indifferent iron voice. “Whoever gave you the courage, dare to approach my Touba City?”

Other people listen to this voice and don’t feel different.

Just feel that this sound is extremely dignity!

But the three Blood Cultivator God Kings are complexion greatly changed, and they look at the Touba City hundred zhang (333m) platform. When they see the green figure, in the eyes reveal a trace. “Touba Guang Sheng ? you actually here! “

One of the God King Blood Cultivators, stopped the figure quickly and turned around and ran.

Never dare to greet the blood of Purple Lightning Condor.

The same is true of the other two God King Blood Cultivators!

As the enemy!

Turn around and leave.


In the all of a sudden they turned, a cyan knife, suddenly appeared in the cracked Void.

“If you are here, don’t leave!”

The voice is still indifferent.

But the three Blood Cultivator God Kings are screaming with fear.

It is to show all the hard work and want to struggle.

But after that slash, the three Blood Cultivator God Kings all exploded, turning into endless Blood Mist!

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