The first thousand and ninety-nine chapters of the 闯native tribe

“how can it be?”

Touba Liu Yun exclaimed.

Zhao Fang complexion As usual, there is not much change, eyelid abyss, but flashed a trace surprised.

“What happened?” Lu Tuo asked.

“Already has a Young master on the list!” Touba Liu Yun said.

In this regard, everyone is not surprised.

From leaving Touba City to now, the past more than two hours, even if the Young master is on the list, it is extremely normal.

However, after seeing the eccentric look of Touba Liu Yun, everyone noticed that this list would be somewhat weird.

“Who is on the list?”

“Definitely Touba San Jiao!”

Blood guard and Touba Liu Yun subordinate Divine Monarch, I feel that the list is now the Touba San Jiao level Young master.

But the result is beyond everyone’s expectations.

“Touba Wei Ran ……”

For this name, everyone is extremely strange.

Even Touba Liu Yun, even Touba Liu Yun, is the first time to hear.

“It seems that the black horse has to take the lead.”

Blood Guard Shi San Road.

This situation is not uncommon in the Tuoba family.

Every time Fight for Succession, there will be many dark horses.

In the history of the Tuoba family, this kind of thing has happened.

There was a very loud Young master, but he was finally defeated by the black horse Young master.

and so.

Although the name Touba Wei Ran is unfamiliar, this person can be on the list in such a short time, and there must be something extraordinary!

“Touba Wei Ran, 30,000 Merit points!”

This is equivalent to killing three Merit points of 1-Star God King. Latest fastest update

For other Young masters who are still looking for native, it is already a big point.

“There is another Young master on the list!”

“Touba Bai Tu, 20,000 Merit points.”

“Touba Mu Chen, 10,000 Merit points.”

Then there are a few Young masters of thousands of Merit points.

Just a moment, the top ten in the rankings, occupied by ten strange names.

“It seems that we have to work hard, otherwise, it is not good to be thrown too far!” Zhao Fang grinned, smiled silently, but looked at the small native tribe.


Zhao Fang said, “There are more arrays in the stream, and I am going to lure the enemy with Little Zi.”

“At that time, I dragged the 2-Star God King with Little Zi, Lu Lao, you and Xiao Feng, responsible for solving the five Half-step God King, A’Jiu, thirteen, four seas, night stars, you guys Drag the Divine Monarch Late Stage, Old Wang, you take the rest of the people, all into the array, and give me the death of Native Divine Monarch !”

“Three Battlefields, as long as any Battlefield wins, it can change the whole situation!”

“it is good!”

Touba Liu Yun nod.

And began to arrange array.

With Time, Zi Qianshuang continued to kneel and began to recover Strength.

Two hours later.

Touba Liu Yun’s chain of arrays has taken shape. Due to Touba Liu Yun Strength’s weakness, these arrays can only trap the Divine Monarch Middle Stage, but they cannot kill the Divine Monarch Middle Stage. Latest fastest update

As for the Divine Monarch Late Stage, don’t say that if you let them into the battle, you might even break the array.

and so.

Touba Liu Yun’s serial array can only deal with Divine Monarch Middle Stage lower than Martial Artist.

Within two hours, the Blood List struggled.

The first Merit points has skyrocketed to 50,000.

Continue this way.

The highest Merit points on the first day, it is possible to break through 100,000.

Touba Wei Ran, Touba Bai Tu, Touba Mu Chen, firmly occupy the Blood List Top 3 with 50,000, 40,000, and 30,000 Merit points.

In fourth place is Touba Guan Feng, 28,000 Merit points.

Then there is Touba Yang Yu, 19,000 Merit points.

Below is Touba Yang Chong, 13,000 Merit points.

What is surprising is that.

Touba Di Yi, but never on the list.

Not even ten Merit points.

“It seems that Emperor Yifel, like us, wants to make a big vote.” Touba Liu Yun said.

As the first person recognized by the young generation of the Tuoba family, the natural impulse is so stepped on the under the foot, Touba Liu Yun even pre-feels that if the fellow is on the list, it will definitely fly into the top, directly into the Top 3, even the first !

“it has started!”

Zhao Fang took a serious look at the crowd and flew on the back of Zi Qianshuang, who was transformed into a prototype.

“be careful !”

After everyone told me, they would hide it directly.

Zhao Fang pats Little Zi’s head, Little Zi spreads his wings, and quickly slams into the sky, and when he swoops down again, he directly kills the small native tribe!

When Little Zi appeared, she was spotted by the native tribe Powerhouse, and the mighty 2-Star God King Pressure’s Might came out.

Same as Time.

The Divine Monarchs of the native tribe have also issued warnings.

“Enemy attack, enemy attack DD”

Sharp humming, echoing over the tribe.

Followed by.

Inside the house with its original flavor, a group of hand-held weapons and a fierce black-faced geek!

The reason why they say their geeks is their appearance, different from the orthodox human.

They have six fingers on their hands and feet. They are four fingers more than normal people. They are black and outrageous, and they are covered with wild beast-like aura.

Some people even keep some animal characteristics, such as dog nose, tiger claws, and spikes.

Say that they are human, in fact, it is some mixed Weerbeast.

“Kill it -“

After the group appeared, they saw Zhao Fang and Zi Qianshuang as if they saw the enemy.

This stems from the hate that native can’t wipe out for humans!

Once they see human, they all want to grab them and cook them. It seems that they only eat them to smooth their hatred of human.

Huh DD

Little Zi rolled up the sharp blade wings, sweeping across the native, bringing up a large area of ​​blood rain, and even a few Divine Monarch, dying on the spot!

Native tribes are more excited and angry.

Zhao Fang didn’t take action, and looked at the tribe abyss coldly. He could feel that the tyrannical 2-Star God King aura came from this.

“Purple Lightning Condor ?ha ha… If it’s cooking, it’s delicious!”

In the distance, three flowing lights came from.

Aura extremely tyrannical.

It was actually three Half-step God King.

“Not yet?”

Zhao Fang ignored the Half-step God King and still stared at the location of 2-Star God King.

Little Zi rushed to the three Half-step God Kings, his eyes cold.


These three Half-step God Kings are also not good at all.

The three people teamed up, but the battle of Little Zi, but it will drag, so that she can not threaten others.

Coupled with the source of the constant power of the native Powerhouse, once trapped, even if Little Zi is Tier-4 Divine Beast, there will be no bones left to swallow by the native human skin.

“Since you don’t come out, force you out!”

Zhao Fang looked cold and connected with Little Zi. At the time when Zhao Fang pointed to Body Lock to a Half-step God King, Little Zi made a killing intent.


The head of Half-step God King was immediately captured by Little Zi’s eagle claw into Blood Mist.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’native Elder ‘,obtain nine thousand Experience Points, nine hundred Divine Strength values, nine hundred Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’native Elder ‘,obtain ‘Grand Dao’s Fragment ‘.”


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