The first one hundred and sixty-six chapters

Starbucks Powerhouses, excited!

The mind is simple, they will expect it, all this is a routine!

Purple Lightning Condor launched speed, a ‘severely dying’ gesture, fleeing toward the Starbucks.

Starbucks Powerhouse trails.

Maybe it is too excited.

Or the performance of Purple Lightning Condor is too real, no one expected, this will be a trap.

When surrounded by the array, the natives are still yelling to catch the Purple Lightning Condor.

Purple Lightning Condor rushed out and killed a Half-step God King in a ‘sickly hurt’ position!

Lu Tuo, Xiao Feng and others show up and surround the Star Power Powerhouse.

this moment.

Starbucks natives, finally wake up.

“Not good, fooled!”

“damned human!i your father wants to eat you!”

“Trail them, as long as Tribal Chief Sir rushes back, we will be saved.”


Natives are stunned, red eyes, like sleepy beasts, unfolding beyond the usual strength of the radical Strike.

Even so.

In the well-planned trap, the morale of the native Powerhouses was greatly hit after Zi Qianshuang Lu Tuo succeeded the two Half-step God Kings!

In this way, it will not take long for the Starbucks Powerhouse to be wiped out.

Tens of thousands of miles away from Battlefield.

Starbucks Tribal Chief and Chu Renxiong two people silhouette appear.

The Starbucks Tribal Chief is a tall man who looks like a Sven, human temperament.

Although tall, but compared with Chu Renxiong shaped like a mad lion, it seems a bit weak.

“Chu Renxiong, what the hell is it, do you have to say it here?”

Starbucks Tribal Chief stares at Chu Renxiong, solemnly asked.

Chu Renxiong face shows The color of grief.

“What happened in the end?” Starbucks Tribal Chief frowned.

“My tribe, it was destroyed!”


Starbucks Tribal Chief eyes miniature, staring at Chu Renxiong, “Who did it?”

Chu Renxiong Road: “Tuoba family !”

“Tuoba family where Touba Guang Sheng is?”

“Well, this time taking the action is the Tuoba family, an 3-Star God King. I use Secret Art and I am still alive. The escape escapes, but the cultivation base suffers from Secret Art backlash and falls to 1-Star God King Realm. “”

For the case of Chu Renxiong, Starbucks Tribal Chief has no doubts.

Chu Renxiong The cultivation base at the moment is indeed 1-Star God King, and it is still filled with weak aura.

Facts speak louder than words!

“When I was lucky enough to escape, I heard that Touba Guang Sheng, in order to avoid the young Young master casualties of the Tuoba family, personally led the troops to the expedition and contained the slaves, and the other Powerhouses of the Tuoba family killed the nearby small tribes, and they went down. One goal is the starblen tribe you are in!”

“After I heard the news, I came here non-stop…”

Starbarian Tribal Chief has a slight gaze, expression as usual, can not see the mood, the sound is calm, “Since it is about my family’s life and death major event, why not say in the tribe, have to say here?”

“Tuoba family, the traitor was placed in the Xingman tribe. The reason why my tribes lost so quickly is because they should be outside, which forced me to go nowhere.”

“If I appear, I will be alerted by the traitor, and I will be alarmed by the Tuoba family Powerhouse. They are prepared for you. If you want to fight back, it is difficult.”

Starbucks Tribal Chief heard, nod, “This Tribal Chief misunderstood you, please forgive me.”

Chu Renxiong waved his hand. “What are you going to do next?”

The Tribal Chief Complexion is awe-inspiring. “Since it is the Tuoba family to destroy my star, this Tribal Chief will naturally not be ready.”

“That’s good, this is what I should wait for the tribe Tribal Chief. I want to take revenge and want to join forces with you. What do you think?”

“I can’t help it!” Starbucks Tribal Chief.

Two people simple reached an alliance and began to return.

Halfway through, Starbucks Tribal Chief seems to receive a message, expression micro-condensation.

“What?” asked Chu Renxiong.

“Nothing, just a Tier-4 Demonic beast attacked the Starbucks, but the Demonic beast was seriously injured. The Half-step God King in my tribe went out to pursue it, and the Demonic beast will die!” Starbucks Tribal Chief Road.

I know, Chu Renxiong Wen Yan, but complexion greatly changed.

“Tier-4 Demonic beast? What kind of, do you know?”

“It seems to be the Purple Lightning Condor of Tier-4?”

“Is there a human on its back?”

“how do you know?”

Chu Renxiong complexion gloomy, “That is the Tuoba family, deliberately showing the enemy weak, in fact, is to lured the tiger away from the mountain. You asked the voice, that chasing out the Powerhouse, did you return?”

Starbucks Tribal Chief asked, and after a while, the complexion was ugly.

He didn’t talk, and the speed he rushed back was faster than just now x2.

After the two people rushed back to the Starbucks tribe, the Starbucks tribe flies and flies, a messy image.

Starbucks clansman, after seeing Starbucks Tribal Chief, as if to find the main heart, the look of awkward, a trace of joy.

“Tribal Chief is back!”

“Tribal Chief…”

Starbucks clansman hula la round up, screaming.

Starbucks Tribal Chief is always sullen. “So, five Great Elder took away most of the Powerhouse in the Horde, and haven’t returned yet?”

“The King of Light Lightning Condor was seriously injured and must not escape. Maybe five Great Elder already on the way back.”

A starbucks clansman shouted.

I know.

That clansman half barely fell, Starbucks Tribal Chief a pair of cold electric eyes, they swept the past, watching the clansman trembled, not dare to confront Starbucks Tribal Chief.

Starbucks Tribal Chief raised his hand, and in the gaze of other starbucks clansman, he slapped the clansman.

“Yes, why…”

The clansman glared at his eyes and couldn’t understand until he died. He said something wrong.


Starbucks Tribal Chief coldly.


The clansman couldn’t argue for himself. After Starbucks Tribal Chief finished this sentence, his body would ‘嘭’ fall to the ground, and the boss eyes rolled!

“There are foreign enemies, tribes activate Level 1 alarm status, and wait for the good to guard the tribe, everything, wait for this Tribal Chief to come back!”


The tribe clansman heard the invasion of foreign enemies, their eyes were twinkling and cold, completely forgetting the death of just now clansman.

After explaining it, Starbucks Tribal Chief left the position along with Five Great Half-step God King and chased it up.

Also leaving, there is Chu Renxiong.

With the Sense clansman method unique to the Starbucks, the Starbucks Tribal Chief came to a jungle in more than 20 minutes.

Not yet in the jungle, a strong smell of blood, drifting out of the jungle.

“not good!”

The Starbucks Tribal Chief Complexion is ugly, but not in a hurry to enter the jungle.

“I’ll go to explore the road!” Chu Renxiong volunteered, in the eyes flashed the color of hatred.

Starbucks Tribal Chief hesitated for a moment, nod, “Good! Everything is careful!”

Chu Renxiong enters the jungle.

More than ten minutes passed, the jungle was silent, and Chu Renxiong did not come out again.

The star-studded Tribal Chief complexion is more and more cold, and it feels uneasy.

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