Strongest Upgrade
Chapter 1112
Chapter One Hundred and Twelve Chapters Are You Is Is Threatening Me?
Ar€銆€array rays of light 绗 shoulder zombie 屾潵锛屽钖孊ehemoth 寮犲紑澶у彛锛屼笉浠呰钖炰笅Zhao Fang 锛屽 ammonia杩炰粬韬梺镄凥ai Jing涔熸 撶畻鏀 撶畻鏀 撶畻鏀 撶畻鏀 撶畻鏀 撶畻鏀
銆€銆Zhao Fang Jing帮纴Hai Jing in the eyes 闂︼ a a trace 阌欐 阌欐
‘She doesn’t know? ‘Zhao Fang’s eyes are moving.
銆€銆€鐪 array rays of light 瓒婃潵瓒婅繎锛孼hao Fang 闱笂娑屽嚭涓€鎶鎶喎鑹诧纴Barbarian Monarch Bone Staff 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃€
銆€銆array 鍓чiv锛岀敋镊 彂鍑 彂鍑 € 槑钖卞槑钖 槑钖卞槑钖 槑钖卞槑钖 槑钖卞槑钖 槑钖卞槑钖 槑钖卞槑钖 槑钖卞槑钖 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓鍙樼殑Berserk 锛屼Technology
“how can it be?”
The secret God King was shocked and screamed.
Same as Time.
Zhao Fang swayed the bones again, and the bones were even ten times. Every time, the strength was different, or light or heavy, and the seascape was awkward.
銆€銆€Zhao Fang 锅沧鎸ユ锛屾媱妫掕€岀珛锛宑omplexion 鍐风劧镄勬湜镌€array 锛屽彛涓璴ow roaring sound 锛气滃滃穿锛佲€
Words come with!
銆€銆€array 浼犲嚭鍓х儓镄剅umbled 澹 纴闾 h偂Berserk 镄勬剰 纴 纴 纴 姞娴撶儓銆 姞娴撶儓銆
Followed by.
銆€銆€array 鍐呬紶鍑洪椃闂峰法法法鍝嶈捣鍒濆惉鏉ワ纴杩桦緢阆ヨ翻銆
As Time goes on, the bang is getting closer and closer, even in the ear.
When all the sounds come together, all of a sudden, the bang is like a sky crash.
銆€銆Hai Jing 琚 Umbrella key 屾潵镄勫 0鍝嶏纴钖撶殑complexion 鍙戠槠锛岃 鎺╃ 鍞囷纴鐪 鍞囷纴鐪 鍞囷纴鐪 涓湶鍑 涓湶鍑 涓湶鍑 涓湶鍑 涓湶鍑 涓湶鍑Layer
Even if it is a skyrocket, there is a time to end.
銆€銆€绛夊埌涓€鍒囨仮澶嶅鍒囨仮澶嶅 闱欙纴闾g缃? Wo people 镄刟rray rays of light 锛屽叏閮ㄦ秷澶便
A cable cross bridge appeared not far from Zhao Fang.
That God King aura is also gone!
銆€銆€Zhao Fang 鏁忛攼瀵熻鍒帮纴鍦╝rray 宕╃涔嬮台锛岄偅God King aura 変 変 a trace fluctuation 锛屼 鏄鎯娄綇浜嗐
Then, with a vicious cold, quietly retreat.
Zhao Fang stands still, expression is indifferent, and his eyes are extremely ice-cold.
He is thinking about the problem.
銆€銆€鈥沧垜涓嶵ouba Guan Feng 锛岀礌镞犳仼镐纴濂 簲璇ヤ笉浼 簲璇ヤ笉浼 鎴憈 鎴憈 鎴憈 action 锛屽鏋沧槸濂癸纴涔熶笉搴旇濡傛铏庡ご铔囧熬锛佲€
“Not her, that is her God King Powerhouse…”
When I thought about it, there was a silhouette flashing in Zhao Fang mind.
It was a figure, with a shirtless upper body and a one-eyed knife.
“Is it him?”
銆€銆€Zhao Fang 鐪捣鍙岀溂锛屼粬骞 湭涓庣嫭鐪 湭涓庣嫭鐪 湭涓庣嫭鐪 瀹 瀹 二 二 二 uba uba uba uba uba uba uba uba uba uba uba uba uba uba uba瀵 瀵 瀵 粬鎶 粬鎶 粬鎶
“Master ……”
銆€銆Little Zi 绱у紶镄刲ooks at Zhao Fang 锛岀’璁hao Fang 娌°C湁鍙椾 钖庯纴濂 钖庯纴濂 伞 伞 伞 伞 伞 钖庯纴濂
銆 銆 銆 鍒氭墠 鍒氭墠 鍒氭墠 鍒氭墠 hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao Rickets
銆€銆€鈥滆Umbrella Touba Guan Feng 澶︼ 鍙伓锛屽眳鐒 鍙伓锛屽眳鐒 鍙伓锛屽眳鐒 Master 锛佲€
Zi€銆€Little Zi coldly 鐩潃Hai Jing 锛屾樉鐒跺皢濂€篃杩佹€掕繘鏉ャ€
銆€銆Hai Jing 鑻》瑧銆
銆 銆 銆 濂 濂 濂 浜嬶纴姣旷珶鏄疶 浜嬶纴姣旷珶鏄疶 浜嬶纴姣旷珶鏄疶 浜嬶纴姣旷珶鏄疶 浜嬶纴姣旷珶鏄疶 ouba Guan Feng 镄勭浜嬶纴濂 笉鏂 笉鏂 笉鏂 笉鏂 笉鏂Hao Fang Zi Qianshuang
銆 銆 銆 鈥沧垜鍙 鈥沧垜鍙 鈥沧垜鍙 鈥沧垜鍙 ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung 娓呮锛佲€
銆€銆Hai Jing 阆撱€
銆€銆€Zhao Fang 镣 简 简 nod 锛屸€渏ust now array 镄刴ight 锛屼笉瓒砐NUMX% 锛孴his is 涓€涓琛岋纴鍑€熺潃powerful Strength 鑳絘€鑳絘Ctivate 镄勬瀬闄愶纴鑻ュス鎯 浠樻垜锛屾柇鐒 浠樻垜锛屾柇鐒 笉浼氲杩欑鍗婂悐瀛愮殑浜篓 笉浼氲杩欑鍗婂悐瀛愮殑浜篓 笉浼氲杩欑鍗婂悐瀛愮殑浜篓 action 銆傗€
銆€銆€Wen Yan 锛孒ai Jing 澶ф涧浜嗕竴鍙f皵锛屾病鎯冲埌Zhao Fang 鐪嬬殑濡傛阃忓交銆
But at the same time, her heart is also extremely shocked.
銆 銆 銆 hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao
銆 銆 銆 鈥滆帿闱烇纴浠栬缮 鈥滆帿闱烇纴浠栬缮 鈥滆帿闱烇纴浠栬缮 ray 濊 濊 濊 涓︻寽娴嬶纴浠 涓︻寽娴嬶纴浠 hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao
Zhao Fang expression As usual, there is no explanation.
銆€銆€Wen Yan 锛孒ai Jing 铡嬩笅蹇冧腑濂借锛岀户缁湪鍓嶆楠宁矾銆
銆 銆 銆 锲犱 just just now 镄勪簨鎯咃纴Little Zi 璀 “剰澶х敓锛岃蛋鍦╖hao Fang 鍓嶉鍓嶉 all around 鏉ユ潵寰€寰€镄克omen 鐢蜂汉锛屼互鍙奌ai Jing 銆
I am afraid that there will be a sudden killing move waiting for Zhao Fang.
This time, there is nothing wrong with it.
The three people came to the center of the island through the long cable bridge, where they set up rows of simple houses.
銆€銆€闅闅潃潃佽佽锛孼hao Fang 渚 湅鍒 湅鍒 缇や腑镄凾 uba uba uba uba uba uba uba uba uba uba uba uba uba 鍙婇偅濮嬬粓璺熷湪浠朾 鍙婇偅濮嬬粓璺熷湪浠朾 鍙婇偅濮嬬粓璺熷湪浠朾 鍙婇偅濮嬬粓璺熷湪浠朾 鍙婇偅濮嬬粓璺熷湪浠朾 鍙婇偅濮嬬粓璺熷湪浠朾 鍙婇偅濮嬬粓璺熷湪浠朾 鍙婇偅濮嬬粓璺熷湪浠朾 鍙婇偅濮嬬粓璺熷湪浠朾 鍙婇偅濮嬬粓璺熷湪浠朾瀹炲垯 夊嚑鍒嗙洃 夊嚑鍒嗙洃 唂 唂 唂 唂 唂 唂 唂 唂 唂 镄勭嫭鐪 镄勭嫭鐪 镄勭嫭鐪
In addition to the one-eyed knife, her behind, there is also a palace dress young woman, temperament and atmosphere, eyes waved, faint emits with a charming style.
Two God King!
Zhao Fang complexion As usual, I was a little surprised.
銆€銆€闾e瑁呭皯濡囷纴before 鍦═ouba City 锛屼粬镙 湰娌 ° °湁 佽 佽 佽
But for the one-eyed knife, he has a deep memory.
銆€銆€鈥淣inth Brother 锛佲€漈ouba Guan Feng said with a laugh 銆
銆€銆€钖屾牱璧舵钖屾牱璧Touba Guanchao 銆
銆€銆€钖椈Touba Lei Feng 璧 潵锛屼粬浜 潵锛屼粬浜 槸 槸 reme 槸 槸 槸 槸 锛屽ぇ 锛屽ぇ 锛屽ぇ 锛屽ぇ 锛屽ぇ 锛屽ぇ 锛屽ぇ 锛屽ぇ 锛屽ぇ
銆€銆€鍙屾楠salute 瀵掓殑涔嫔悗锛孴ouba Guan Feng 棣栧厛阆掳纴鈥渟omeone comes 锛屾妸浠栧甫涓婃潵锛佲€
Two Half-step God Kings, carrying a rough, handsome-looking man, pushed over and walked over.
銆€銆€浠hao Fang 鎯婅镄勬槸锛孲traightforward Robust man 绔熸槸涓€灏奊od King 锛
“It’s him?”
銆€銆€鍑€焌ura 锛孼hao Fang 绔嬫椂璁ゅ嚭锛孲traightforward Robust man 锛屾鏄埄鐢╝rray 粯镊 粯镊 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 King 銆 King 銆
He narrowed his eyes and his eyes flashed through a cold light.
S€銆Straightforward Robust man 镄勫弻 嬶纴琚竴鍙硾镌 嬶纴琚竴鍙硾镌 GGrand Dao aura 镄勯 愰挛浣忥纴涓 韬獹 韬獹 cultivation King cultivation base 瀹屽叏鏂 睍涓嶅嚭锛岀瓑钖屼簬average person 銆
銆€銆€镫溂鑳屽垁瀹(3)湅鍒癝traightforward Robust man To€Touba Guan Feng 锛屸€滀綘This is 浣曟剰锛熲€
The captured Dahan saw the one-eyed knife, as if he saw the savior, “Big Brother, save me!”
銆€銆€Zhao Fang 绔嬫椂渚胯瀵熷埌锛屾鏄偅Straightforward Robust man 锛屽埄鐢╝rray 绐佽镊繁銆
That aura, he can’t forget!
To€銆Touba Guan Feng 娌°C湁鐞嗕 镫溂鑳屽垁瀹 (3) 殑璐ㄩ棶锛屽彧鏄湜镌€Zhao Fang 锛屽惈said with a laugh 锛屸€淣inth Brother 锛屾槸鎴戝尽涓嬩笉涓ワ纴闄╄浣犻伃姝ゆí绁革纴浜屽鍦ㄨ伞屽悜浣犺禂缃﹂屽悜浣犺禂缃﹂€[€[€
Said, and solemnly apologize for salute.
銆€銆€Zhao Fang 鍗 繛蹇欐壎璧稵ouba Guan Feng 锛屸€滀簩濮愪綍蹇呭姝わ纴姝や簨涓庝綘镞犲叧锛屼綍蹇呮姌杈辫嚜宸便滀簩濮愪綍蹇呭姝わ纴姝や簨涓庝綘镞犲叧锛屼綍蹇呮姌杈辫嚜宸傗€
Uba€銆Touba Guan Feng complexion 绋岖紦锛屾寚镌€Straightforward Robust man 阆掳纴鈥沧垜鎶娄粬浜ょ粰浣犲缃纴浠 墦浠 墦浠 墦浠 墦浠 潃锛屾垜閮 潃锛屾垜閮夋€ㄨ█锛佲€
銆€銆€鈥淭ouba Guan Feng 锛佲€濈嫭鐪难儗鍒€瀹omplexion 鍙戝喎锛岀洿锻叾钖嶃
銆€銆€鈥滀綘链夋剰瑙侊纻鈥漈ouba Guan Feng 娣°C紶looks at 浠栥€
銆€銆€鈥滀粬鏄垜second brother 锛佲€
“so what?”
銆€銆€鈥滀綘锛孴his is 鍦ㄨ嚜姣侀昵鍩庯紒浣犺嫢 剰灏嗏 ф剰灏嗏€楲iu Jingwu 鈥欎氦鍑哄幓锛屾垜浠h〃Liu Family 锛屾斁寮冨浣犵殑鏀彺锛屼綘澶卞幓镄勶纴涓嶅彧鏄袱灏奊od King 锛佲€
銆€銆€镫溂鑳屽垁瀹10€楲iu Jingyun 鈥欑殑璇濓纴浠ゅ湪鍦 墍 墍 変 変 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑
Only the young woman in the palace dress expression is indifferent, if not heard.
Also flat, there is Zhao Fang.
“You This is threatening me?” Touba Guan Feng indifferently said.
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