Chapter 1,114,Blood Barbarian Tribe

“You saw it, I care about the three friendships, let one step, this brat is aggressive!”

“I am ruthless, if I don’t care about this matter, in the future, who will look at my old Liu Family and see my Tyrant Blade Sect!”

Liu Jingyun stares at Zhang Lingmei said solemnly.

In the middle of the scene.

The only thing that made him wariness, and only this, is equivalent to his cultivation base, and the Culture Technique sneaked his Zhang Lingmei.

As for Touba Guan Feng…

As Touba Guan Feng said, he really didn’t care much about her.

This time, it is even more selective!

Zhang Lingmei frowned, but also a bit unhappy.

I don’t know if it is because of Zhao Fang, or because of Liu Jingyun.

She glanced at Touba Guan Feng, her eyes were slightly moving, standing at Touba Guan Feng behind, aura converges, no more action.

Liu Jingyun expression As usual, my heart is overjoyed.

Stride toward Zhao Fang, revealing gloomy killing intent.

“Aunt Mei !”

Touba Guan Feng complexion is ugly.

Zhang Lingmei hesitated and sighed softly: “Big Brother Liu, you leave with the Liu second brother.”

“Do not intervene in this matter!”

Liu Jingyun expression Immediately ugly: “Do you want to be against me?”

“If I really want to be embarrassed with you, Liu second brother now, not only hurt so simple!”

Liu Jingyun took a deep look at Zhang Lingmei, said solemnly, “Well, I will give you this face this time.”

Turning around, Void Hand grabbed Liu Jingwu, and coldly swept Zhao Fang and turned and left.

Zhao Fang did not stop.

With his strength now, although he is confident of killing Liu Jingyun, it is bound to expose some unneeded cards.

“For the time being, let me go. If you don’t know how to be interested, you still want to find me trouble. When you get there, don’t think it’s so easy to get out!”

Zhao Fang expression Indifferent.

Watching Liu Jingyun leave, whether it is Touba Guan Feng or Zhang Lingmei, they are all relieved.

Speaking of it, the three friendships are very close, and the ancestors are the brothers who worship the sons. If they don’t have to, they don’t want to offend Liu Jingyun.


After things are spread out, it is good for both parties.

Especially Touba Guan Feng, the tight charming face, with the departure of Liu Jingyun, is also a trace of a smile.

Only Zhang Lingmei, slightly frowning, in the eyes reveal a trace of worry.

Liu Jingyun Liu Jingwu brother, though not sincerely helping Touba Guan Feng.

But the names of the two God Kings can still shock a lot of thieves.

Today, two people are leaving.

Equivalent to the Touba Guan Feng camp, breaking both arms.

This has dealt a great deal against the Touba Guan Feng camp!

As a result, when Zhang Lingmei looked at Zhao Fang, his eyes were not good.

“I didn’t have enough prestige, couldn’t hold on to the two Uncles, gave birth to these twists and turns, and made Ninth Brother laugh.”

Touba Guan Feng Road.

“The second sister is decisive and crisp, and people admire.”

Two people Nonsense, Touba Guan Feng goes straight to the theme, “Ninth Brother Crouching Tiger Blood List First, you are so busy to come to me, not just to watch the fun?”

“Second sister This is chilling, I am not! I am this Strong, how can the Crouching Tiger Blood List first, but Luck is better than more.”

“One day can be said to be Luck. For four consecutive days, you told me that Luck is good? Your comfort makes me even more hurt…”

Zhao Fang smiled.

“Actually, when I came here, I did have something to do, and I have to discuss it with my second sister.”

“Oh? Let’s listen.”

“I want to invite the second sister to work together to attack the Blood Barbarian Tribe!”

When Zhao Fang spoke, he noticed that someone was hooking himself at himself.

Turning around, it is Zhang Lingmei.

“Blood Barbarian Tribe? I seem to have heard…” Touba Guan Feng frowned, as if recalling.

“It’s a medium-sized tribe.”

Zhang Lingmei retraced, but his eyes were on Zhao Fang.

After this reminder, Touba Guan Feng finally thought about it. At the same time, he thought of all about the Blood Barbarian Tribe Strength. He was shocked and said: “Are you ready to work on the Blood Barbarian Tribe?”


Zhao Fang nod.

Touba Guan Feng expression is complex.

Touba Guanchao and others are looking at Zhao Fang with admiration.

The vast majority of Young masters are still working hard to kill a small native tribe.

Zhao Fang put his goal on the medium-sized tribe.

Not to say anything else, this ambition, timidity, is very comparable.

“Ninth Young master is amazing, I don’t know how much I know about the Blood Barbarian Tribe?”

Asking this is Zhang Lingmei.

Zhao Fang From the previous events, it is clear that Zhang Lingmei is very important in Touba Guan Feng’s mind.

Knowing that I can’t be perfunctory, I smiled and talked about the information that Little Zi explored and the understanding of Chu Renxiong.

Zhang Lingmei is more shocked.

Because the information that Zhao Fang said is more comprehensive than what they have mastered.

In particular, the number of tribal Powerhouses, as well as the cultivation base level, is even clearer.

Did not survive in the native tribe, fundamentally impossible to understand so profoundly.


The first pass has been around for four or five days.

Zhao Fang Even if he sent people to sneak into the native tribe, it is also possible to integrate into the native tribe so quickly…

“Since it is not a temporary placement of a latent spying, it is premeditated, how can it be…”

Zhang Lingmei Some don’t understand.


Compared with this, she is more concerned about how Zhao Fang responds to the Blood Barbarian Tribe.

“Asked, Ninth Young master, how many God King?”


Zhao Fang didn’t hide much.

He believes that the other party asked before, and certainly asked Hai Jing.

Concealed, there is no need at all!

“Can I have 3-Star God King Realm?”


“In this case, what way does Ninth Young master prepare to deal with the Blood Barbarian Tribe with 3-Star God King oversee and the Horde God King?”

“Even if we add our side, there are only five God King no more, regardless of the quantity and quality, it’s far can’t compare with Blood Barbarian Tribe.”

“And. Most importantly, the Blood Barbarian Tribe is a medium-sized tribe that can be used by the summon small tribe Powerhouse.”

“At the time, their nine God Kings can even turn over…”

“We have no chance at all!” Zhang Lingmei hammered.

Zhang Lingmei’s voice is calm, calm analysis of all kinds, without the slightest bias.

But the words revealed in the words, the people on the field, can clearly hear clearly, that is not optimistic about Zhao Fang.

“Senior analysis is very sensible, very correct…”

Zhao Fang is sincerely praised.

Zhang Lingmei expression is dull, and my heart already guesses: Zhao Fang is determined to hold himself up, then slowly negate, and finally throw his own reasons or cards.


She never dreamed of dreaming.

Zhao Fang didn’t talk nonsense at all, just said, “But what about it, the small tribes I killed in the past few days, each of the tribe’s Strength, is more powerful than my team.”

“However, where are they now? But it was yesterday’s yellow flower, and it became a ladder for me to ask for nothing more!”

“Of course, I haven’t lived enough yet, naturally I won’t die. In fact, how to deal with the Blood Barbarian Tribe, I have a very well-planned plan, and the senior wants to hear?”

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