The first thousand one hundred and thirty-four chapters

“I don’t believe that trivial Tier-2 Array can trap me!”

Xue Wanli’s eyes are cold and cold, with a bit of domineering world.

He is the Blood Cultivator God King, comparable to 5-Star God King’s Blood Cultivator.

Naturally, I don’t believe that I will be defeated by Heavenly God, even if it is trapped!

But the next development is beyond the expectations of Xue Wanli.

He showed his strongest attack, but he couldn’t help but look at the trace of the array.

Gradually, Xue Wanli also saw some clues.

He looked up and stared at the stars in the Starry Sky. “It turns out that they are the key to the break array!”

“Stars guide the power of the stars, the source is constant, claiming to cycle, loop inside, this line of defense is strong, I can not break, the only way to break, is to destroy the stars, even if it is one, can shake this line !”

“You are right.” Man Kuwu nod, “The stars are indeed the key to running this battle.”

“I also tried to break the stars, but after being close to the stars, they were blocked by a divine Beast phantom, which could not be entered.”

Xue Wanli looked at the moment and turned to Man Kuwu and said, “Man Kuwu, let’s join the break array!”

Man Kuwu hesitated, nod said: “Good! I am trying to stop dragging Divine Beast phantom, you come to break array !”

Man Kuwu perceives Xue Wanli at the moment of Strength.

Knowing that he broke array, is more sure.

Xue Wanli nod, indifferently said: “Get started!”

Man Kuwu also has no nonsense, suddenly roared, with the body Divine Strength Vibration, screaming, muscle blocks bulging, full of explosive power!

“The success or failure is here!”

Man Kuwu turned and said, rushing to Starry Sky.

Ao wu DD

The Heavenly God monkey, which was condensed by the power of the stars, and the Sunflower Dew Mystic Yin Python appeared on the left and right to Man Kuwu.

These two Divine Beast, the original peak cultivation base, are not the opponents of Man Kuwu at all.

But the power of the stars of the Sunday Stars is the ‘power source’ of the two Divine Beasts. As long as the array is not broken, they have the Ability of Immortal Immortal.

This kind of Ability, even the 4-Star God King like Man Kuwu, also has a headache.


After all, these two Divine Beasts are Remnant Spirit transformed into, even if there is a constant blessing of the source of the stars, the Realm itself is lower than Man Kuwu.

It is not easy to want to swallow Man Kuwu.


Because of the characteristics of immortal Immortal, they consume Man Kuwu.

“Come on, I can’t hold it for a long time!”

Man Kuwu fought against the two Beast Souls while screaming at Xue Wanli.

Xue Wanli knows this.

With for a moment, rushing to Starry Sky, the Blood Cultivator Divine Ability broke out and bombarded a ‘star’ closest to him.

Beast Soul roared, wanting to block, but was dragged to death by Man Kuwu, could not attack Xue Wanli.

“ha ha, two beasts, wait until the array is broken, it is your death!”

Man Kuwu is proud of laughing.

Xue Wanli corner of the mouth is also a sneer, “Little bastard, waiting for me to break through this battle, you will not be able to survive without death.”

It can kill all the 4-Star God King’s Blood Cultivator Divine Ability. With the shooting of Xue Wanli, it is as fast as thunder, with a very fast speed, close to the ‘star’.


next moment.

Except for Man Kuwu Xue Wanli.

Starry Sky suddenly darkened, all the stars disappeared, and there was no light.

“what’s going on?”

Xue Wanli was shocked, Divine Strength was running, and he saw the scalp numb at the same time.

A house-sized meteorite, densely packed, covering the sky, across the entire sky.

That is, their existence, covering the faint rays of light of the stars.

Meteorite speed is amazing, even because the flow rate is too fast, the tail has brought flame, like a comet, to Xue Wanli, and Man Kuwu of dumbstruck!

“damn it, this is the real killing move!”

Xue Wanli complexion is ugly, I don’t know where I am being pitted.

Not being pitted by Man Kuwu.

It was pitted by people in the array.

“These meteorites, hidden arrays, are not easy to live in the world. But when someone attacks the stars, they will protect the stars and launch a blow that destroys the earth!”

The more you understand, the more ugly the complex of Xue Wanli is.

“Little bastard, I want to drink your blood, pour your body into a puppet, and burn your soul with endless fire, so that you can never live beyond…”

Xue Wanli hates to go crazy, both eyes are scarlet.

However, the first premise of wanting to do this one step is that he can escape the looting of the eyes and escape from the pitted array.

At the end of Crisis, Xue Wanli can’t take care of that much.

Divine Skill is madly displayed, and the endless Blood Mist squirts from its with the body, forming a path of radiant light cover in front of him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The meteorite squats like a rain.

Instantly drowned Xue Wanli and Man Kuwu two people.

Under Starry Sky, a piece of vibration, terrifying sound waves swept through all directions.

I don’t know how long it took, this Vibration finally dissipated.

On the ground under Starry Sky, there is a deep pit of countless.

On the edge of a deep pit, there is a fleshy body lying.

From the point of view, I can’t see his true colors.

But from his aura’s escape, he is native!

It is Man Kuwu!

Man Kuwu was seriously injured and dying, Aura 奄奄, I hate Zhao Fang in my heart, and hate Xue Wanli.

Xue Wanli is a little better than him, because he burns blood essence, in exchange for powerful defense, he is not flesh and blood.

But because the consumption of too much blood essence, coupled with the sequelae of the blood-staining secret technique, he has no humanity at the moment, shaped like a evil spirit.

Xue Wanli looks at Starry Sky again, the stars are as old as the old, the rays of light are as old as everything is old, and nothing seems to happen.

And he fell to the lowest valley of his life cultivation base.

Can only play the 1-Star God King’s Strength, even more sadly, the loss of blood and blood, not to mention the battle, even how long it can be a problem.

“human , Tuoba family ……”

Xue Wanli clench one’s teeth, but always fierce, but flashed a trace of fear.

He was really scared by Zhao Fang’s endless means.

In particular, just now countless, if it is not timely, I am afraid that it is better than Man Kuwu at this moment.

“Man Kuwu…”

Xue Wanli The faint eye suddenly gave birth to a strange light.

He struggled to move the body and looked at where Man Kuwu was.

Man Kuwu and aura, but aura is weak, can’t move, no different from death!

Xue Wanli clench one’s teeth, walk slowly to Man Kuwu.

Man Kuwu perceives the closeness of Xue Wanli, who has always had a double psychological despising effect on Blood Cultivator, and he wants to be far from Xue Wanli.

But he can’t move!

Xue Wanli was close to Man Kuwu and fell directly on him. At the moment he was close to Xue Wanli, he showed his sharp molars, like the Viper waiting for a long time, and launched a fatal blow to prey!

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