The first thousand one hundred and thirty-six chapter congratulations, you have learned to answer!

In the valley, outside the array.

Touba Guan Feng and others stood in front of the array.

Thinking of just now, Zhao Fang, under the drink, Icebound’s magnificent and magnificent picture, has been shocked to heaven!

“What secret is there in him?”

Touba Guan Feng murmured.

Not only her, everyone, was stunned by Zhao Fang’s ‘Ice Age’.

A thousand miles of Icebound, under God King, both killing and killing.

Even if you are practicing Divine Monarch of Ice Grand Dao, you can’t do this one step Ah!


Everyone is not optimistic, Zhao Fang ambush Man Kuwu and other five thousand blood brutal coalition.

But when Ice Age came out, everyone was speechless and shocked.

Think of the miracles that Zhao Fang has repeatedly created, Touba Liu Yun, Touba Guanchao and others, all with a sense of excitement and glory.

“Ninth Young master has been in the array for so long, nothing will happen?”

Hai Jing looked worried at the sky and the stars.

There are many miracles in Zhao Fang’s body.

But the one inside the array is the two 4-Star God Kings, even if they are together, they can’t match any of them, let alone two.

I heard this.

Touba Liu Yun and others brows slightly wrinkle, but soon returned to normal, with a calm smile on the lips, it seems that Zhao Fang is fine.

compared with him.

Touba Guanchao and others, but with a touch of worry.

“Ninth Brother is very human. Since he chooses to enter the array, there must be his reason. We wait quietly, he will not have an accident.”

Touba Guan Feng Road.

Others have nod.

Time is passing by.

I do not know how long it has been.

Array rays of light shrinking, the power of amazing stars, feeding back to Outer World, the shocking Touba Guan Feng and others retreat, not too close.

“Aunt Mei, This is what’s going on?” Touba Guan Feng looks at the Zhang Lingmei this array everyone.

“This is being dissipated in a natural way, and it will not take long for Ninth Young master to get out of the array.” Zhang Lingmei said.


Wait until the array rays of light dissipate and shrink.

A white silhouette appears out of the air in the position of the Sunday just now.

“Nine public…be careful!”

Hai Jing and others Surprise, I wanted to call Ninth Young master, but when I saw Zhao Fang behind the bloody silhouette, as if I was a big enemy, someone had already pulled out the weapon and pointed to Xue Wanli.

Xue Wanli looked at the nervous wariness and even the horrified eyes, and the expression was indifferent.

When he saw the people who had drawn his sword, his expression was still indifferent, and in the eyes obviously flashed a trace of undisguised ridicule.

The sarcasm of the goshawk overlooking the mole cricket and ants did not put them in the eye.

Everyone was angry and hate, but did not say anything.

Xue Wanli just now Easily resists the killing of Five Great God King, except for Purple Lightning Condor. He has a serious injury to Xiao Feng Lu Tuo three people and has shown his superb power.

The people present, even if they are together, are not his opponents!

“You are too impudent!”

Zhao Fang, who was walking in front, suddenly stood still, his head was not back, his voice was cold.

Xue Wanli startled , complexion 煞 white.

Then, in the eyes of everyone shocked, he slaps his face.

“I have an eye can’t recognize Mount Tai, offended you, please also ask Haihan, and also ask Master spare the life…”

The face-smacking sound of pā pā pā was spread throughout the audience, and Touba Liu Yun, Lu Tuo and others had wide eyes. A face dumbfounded!

No one expected that things were actually the pace of development.

Until Xue Wanli swollen his face, with a blood-red, Zhao Fang was indifferently said: “Do what you should do!”

“Yes!” Xue Wanli has been waiting for this sentence, respecting Zhao Fang and turning it into a bloody glow, disappearing without a trace.

After Xue Wanli left, the scene was still absolute silence.

Everyone’s eyes are all gathered in Zhao Fang.

Touba Guan Feng hesitated for a long time and asked questions that everyone wanted to ask but could not ask.

“Ninth Brother, This is what’s going on? You don’t tell me, Xue Wanli is also inspired by your personality charm, discarding the dark, and correcting it?”

Before about the things of Chu Renxiong, what Zhao Fang gave them is this statement.

Zhao Fang said with a laugh, “Second sister, congratulating you.”

Touba Guan Feng looks blank and puzzled: “congratulations me?”

“You have learned to answer it!”


Touba Guan Feng rolled the eyes.

“ha ha, a joke is active and the second sister is not angry. However, Xue Wanli was really inspired by a Secret Art. He is now a person in our field.”

“Secret Art ……”

Touba Guan Feng’s eyes are moving.

Touba Guan Shan, Zhang Lingmei and other God King also looked at Zhao Fang deeply and did not speak.

“So what is he doing now?”

“The person who wants to kill my Touba Lei Feng has to pay a price. Xue Wanli goes to the Blood Barbarian Tribe and charges me a price.”

“The Blood Cultivator although is very strong, but he alone can’t help the Blood Barbarian Tribe.”

“He is not alone!”

Zhao Fang smiled and shook his head.

Touba Guan Feng is even more puzzled.

Zhao Fang did not explain in detail, but looks at everyone: “just now battle, everyone is suffering, continue to meditate and resume, the next bloody battle is the most dangerous and fierce battle.”

Touba Guan Shan and others, see Zhao Fang deliberately open the topic, sigh in the heart, did not ask.

Ever since he saw Zhao Fang saying that he had extinguished five thousand bloody squadrons, he knew that no one in this team could suppress Zhao Fang.

Even if he is bold enough to provoke him, this seemingly easy-going, actually deep and unmeasurable fellow.

At the same time in the crowd.

Zhao Fang also has a fake model of the squat practice.


He is refining the big Dao Law.

Just now killed five thousand bloody squadrons, mostly Heavenly God Realm.

Let him keep a lot of Law fragments.

Under the stacking of these Law fragments, Zhao Fang’s Blade Law, Law of FIre, and Slaughter Law are all Great Accomplishment.

As long as he agrees to level up, Law will be turned into Grand Dao.

By then, he will be able to set foot on Divine Monarch Realm.

But Zhao Fang didn’t do that.

“After completing the Fight for Succession, it will be bound to Five Elements Law. If you want to push Five Elements Law to peak, you still need a lot of Law fragments. With System’s urine, as long as I level up to become Divine Monarch, I am afraid that even the Law fragment will be even Can’t burst out, only Grand Dao’s Fragment can be exploded.”

This is also true.

Zhao Fang suppresses the cultivation base without level up.

He wants to have enough Law fragments in Heavenly God Realm to facilitate his derivation of Five Elements Law, or other Law, into Perfection.

One day later.

Zhao Fang took the crowd and left the valley and headed straight to the Blood Barbarian Tribe.

“Is this kind of rampage, is it a bit reckless?”

Zhang Lingmei frowned.

Zhao Fang glanced at her. “Is it in the heart of Aunt Mei, am I a brainless person?”

Zhang Lingmei, “Of course not.”

“Blood Barbarian Tribe will have a big surprise waiting for us.”

Zhao Fang did not say it clearly, but everyone was greeted by his words and raised a deep curiosity.

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