The first thousand one hundred and thirty-nine chapters act recklessly

The bell rang and spread throughout Touba City.

All Powerhouses in Touba City.

Even if it was the porch Powerhouse for many years, it was awakened by the bell.

At the same time, open the eyes, the eyelids flashing unusual glow, at the same time, look at the direction of the Touba City Blood List.

at this moment.

Almost everyone’s eyes are on the Blood List above.

“It’s Touba Guan Feng, her name is flashing…”

This represents the arrival of Touba Guan Feng’s Merit points in a rapid upgrade.

“Strange, if it’s just a discipline ranking promotion, impossible makes such a phenomenon, what’s the reason?”

“Look, the name of Touba Lei Feng is starting to flash.”

Someone shouted.

“Two Young masters are promoted to qualify?”

“In this case, the reason is rare, but it has not happened, and it does not cause the Blood List to change.”

Touba Guan Feng’s name stops flashing but disappears from the very beginning.

When it reappears.

Located below the Touba Lei Feng.

Above the Touba Di Yi.


“Touba Guan Feng has risen two places and was promoted to second place?”

“This is not the point, you see her Merit points…”

“Yes, ten, one hundred, thousand… God, I am not mistaken, 3.5 Million?”

“This number is even better than Touba Lei Feng of just now!”

“She is still in the second place, can she say…”

Everyone was in a tight heart and quickly looked at the first position.

Just glanced at it, everyone was dumbfounded.

Under the Blood List, the dead silence.

Previously, the tide of arguments seemed to be forcibly suppressed by a pair of invisible hands, and all faces were horrified and unbelievable.

They looked straight at the first name of the Blood List, as if the simple four words had a magical power that could not be guessed.

If they look at them, they will not be able to look away.

Blood List First, it is still Touba Lei Feng.

But behind the Merit points, but there is a crush of Supreme Talent, proud of peak, master lonely feeling of invincibility!

Touba Lei Feng, 10 million Merit points!


Blood Barbarian Tribe.

Zhao Fang and Xue Wanli teamed up to kill, and most of the Blood Cultivators were killed on the spot.

Only a small number of Blood Cultivator, self-destruct Fleshy Body, seriously injured!

Wait until all the dust settles.

The entire Blood Barbarian Tribe is filled with the smell of blood.

Zhao Fang stands by the arm, sweeping the blood and fire of the Blood Barbarian Tribe, indifferently spoke, “Blood Barbarian Tribe, the end!”

Wen Yan, Touba Guan Feng, Hai Jing, Xiao Feng and others laughed.

At the same time with a relieved smile on his face, it is also mixed with a trace of excitement and excited.

Medium-sized tribe.

Even in the history of the entire Fight for Succession, there are very few people who can win the medium-sized tribe.

Even more paradox is done in such a short Time.


Single-handedly, even if they have ten times more Powerhouse, they won’t be able to kill the Blood Barbarian Tribe.

But because of the existence of Zhao Fang, they did it!

Completed the impossible thing.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Zhao Fang’s gaze, and added a trace of admiration and worship.

Even the 2-Star God King like Zhang Lingmei is no exception.

Touba Guan Shan sighs in his heart, and the expression is extremely complicated.

“Young Lady, what is your ranking now? You should be able to promote Top 3.”

Suddenly, Hai Jing looked to Touba Guan Feng and asked curiously.

Others are looking at Touba Guan Feng.

Touba Guan Feng smiled and shook his head and raised two fingers.


Hai Jing is incredible.

But thinking of the native killing in this battle, I smiled a little relieved.

“It’s not a rare thing to slaughter a medium-sized tribe, Powerhouse, to be promoted to second place.”

Everyone else is deeply convinced that nod is a point.

“What about the first?”

“It’s still him.”

“This is not an accident. However, I am more curious about how many Merit points the Ninth Young master has.”

Touba Guan Feng smiles and raises a finger.

“Young Lady, don’t you tell, is it 10 million Merit points?”

Hai Jing is somewhat unacceptable.

Others have also looked at Touba Guan Feng.

Touba Guan Feng looked at the expression of calm Zhao Fang, thin smile looking at Hai Jing, “congratulations you, have learned to answer.”


“It is true.”

“10 million Merit points Ah! ”

“This value, even in previous Fight for Succession, is enough to rank in the top 10. And this time, we haven’t started in ten days since the beginning.”

“This is going to Defying the Heavens Ah! ”

Everyone exclaimed at the look at Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang expression Calm, it seems that I have not heard everyone’s surprise.

He is slightly frowned.

“Xue Wanli !”Zhao Fang low roaring sound.

“The slave is here.”

Originally, Xuewanli, who swallows the native Tribal Chief Man Jie blood, is healing in Panxi. When he hears Zhao Fang, he immediately squats in front of Zhao Fang like a pug.

Zhao Fang brows again, “I don’t want to move next time, what I need is not the seemingly respectful on the surface.”

Xue Wanli heart trembled, quickly got up and said: “Yes!”

“There was a Blood Cultivator Powerhouse coming in, he was white, silky, and young…”

Zhao Fang described the person’s appearance as a look.

Xue Wanli After listening to the complexion, huge changes, such as the mouse met the cat, the voice has become sharper, “Master quickly go, his name is Lei Qianjue, is a heterogeneous in the Blood Cultivator, Strong powerful, not good to provoke. ”

Wen Yan, the original person who was excited by the elimination of the Blood Barbarian Tribe, the expression suddenly became serious.

“5-Star God King, or Blood Cultivator…”

They can’t forget the thrilling scene of ambush Man Jie.

Even if Zhao Fang casts the secret technique, setting Man Jie in the air, let them attack, they are also abolishing the power of Man Jie, and other native Powerhouse killed.

And now.

Everyone will still have a gasp in the future, and there will be a Powerhouse.

Moreover, it is a more difficult Blood Cultivator God King than Man Jie.

“Ninth Brother…”

Touba Guan Feng looks at Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang nod, “Let’s go!”

He had a great effort to kill Man Jie, although on the surface, he was no different from usual.

But it is unusually tired.

Not to mention 5-Star God King, even 3-Star God King, he does not want to play.

The crowd was taken to the Rising Firmament Palace, and Zhao Fang’s already-healed Purple Lightning Condor quickly left the Blood Barbarian Tribe.

Not long after they left.

A silver-coloured silver silhouette falls into the bloody Blood Barbarian Tribe.

Someone is extremely young.

At first glance.

It is also twenty-five years old.

Someone comes to the ruined Blood Barbarian Tribe , expression as usual, the eyes are very cold.

“It seems that I am late!”

The silver hair is apathy like a knife. Even if thousands of people die, it seems that he can’t let him move.


He is slightly frowned.

“Xue Wanli’s aura? That fellow is still alive?”

He looked at a position, the sword eyebrows slightly picked, turned into silver mans, disappeared in place.

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