The first thousand one hundred and forty-five chapters joint pursuit!

Desolate City Ancient Land.

Zhao Fang came to the Vulture Tribe and didn’t meet Xue Wanli.

Circumference hundreds of thousands, there is no aura of Xue Wanli residue.

Zhao Fang slightly frowned.

“Is it that Lei Qianjue is too tight to pursue, he has not yet arrived?”

Immediately, Zhao Fang no longer think about it.

Lei Qianjue is of course powerful, but it is not a simple matter to kill Xue Wanli.


Because of the relationship between Battling Spirit Seal, Zhao Fang vaguely perceives that Xue Wanli is not dead.

The next big thing is to level the Vulture Tribe.

Zhao Fang came to a hidden position and released the Touba Guan Feng and others in the Rising Firmament Palace.

“Where is this?”

“To the Vulture Tribe?”

After confirmation, a complexion expression is a glimpse of the color of the solemn.

“In the name of Vulture Tribe, there is a vulture in the aspect, but there is no vulture in the tribe. But it is also associated with the vulture.”

“It is said that their cultivation technique, which is related to vultures…”

Chu Renxiong is slow.

Zhao Fang listened carefully and looked at it from Touba Guan Shan, Zhang Lingmei and others.

After the bloody baptism of the Blood Barbarian Tribe, most people have become more sophisticated and powerful.

But this kind of powerful, overall, Upgrade is not big.

It is not easy to rely on this ‘powerful’ stepping Vulture Tribe.

“The Vulture Tribe is better than the Blood Barbarian Tribe and barely reaches the level of the High Grade middle ranked tribe, the 5-Star peak God King, the 4-Star God King, the other God King, and the ten…”

Hearing these, everyone expressions are extremely solemn.

Before designing Slaughter Blood Barbarian Tribe, even Man Jie after the mid-volts, almost killed all Powerhouse on the field.

Now, they have to face more 5-Star peak God King than Man Jie!

Chu Renxiong, the scene is quiet for a moment.

Everyone feels depressed.

Zhao Fang expression As usual, the eyes swept over the crowd and slowly recovered. “With our current Strength, it is difficult to confront the Vulture Tribe. However, we cannot stop moving forward…”

“So, I decided to cut off his wings for the small native tribe that attached the Vulture Tribe.”

For Zhao Fang’s combat strategy, everyone agrees extremely strongly.

“Just do what Ninth Brother said.” Touba Guan Feng expressed great support.

“Before here, I am representing the second sister, and I am going to zoom in and win the bloodline’s reward.”

While speaking, he took out a bottle of Pill Medicine.

There are five Pill Medicine in the bottle.

Look at the five Pill Medicine, the complexion slightly changed, especially the Peak Divine Monarch, such as Blood Guard Shi San A’Jiu, is even more excited and excited.

Zhao Fang took out, not ordinary Pill Medicine.

It is Tier-4 God King Pill.

He smashed the vial at random, and Pill Medicine in the bottle turned into five flowing lights, and directed to Blood Guard Shi San, blood guard A’Jiu, Huo Sihai, and Touba Guan Feng’s two blood guards.

Five people took Pill Medicine excitedly in the eyes of others envy envy.

The mood is hard to suppress.

“I hope that you can break through God King Realm in the shortest time, adding five more God Kings to our team.”

Zhao Fang looks at five people, including said with a laugh.

Zhao Fang and Touba Guan Feng, the two people have six God Kings, three of which are 2-Star God King and three 1-Star God King.

If there are five more God Kings…

This amount is only inferior to the medium-sized tribe.

A small tribe that can completely sweep the ordinary.

“many thanks Ninth Young master, many thanks Second Young Master, I will wait and see!”

Blood guard A’Jiu Ten 3rd Rank The man exclaimed excitedly.

Wang Yanzhang saw this scene, and there was pride and faintness in his heart.

He is proud of his proud achievements at Young Master, and his own cultivation base is too weak to help Zhao Fang lose.

Zhao Fang looked at these in the eyes and didn’t speak.

After slaughtering the Blood Barbarian Tribe, he completed the ‘first set a small goal’ Task.

Represented Refining Revolving Spirit Sea Dan Main material, Sea Life Bright Moon.


He is not Divine Monarch yet, and can’t refining Tier-4 Divine Pill.

“Old Wang, don’t worry, I will refining Revolving Spirit Sea Dan for you when I break through Divine Monarch.”

Zhao Fang said.

Wang Yanzhang is almost grateful.

Everyone else has a reward.

Although is Tier-3 Divine Pill, but each one is High Grade.

For their cultivation base upgrade, it is very beneficial.

In addition to Pill Medicine, there are also some Divine Weapon issues.


According to Zhao Fang, these Divine Weapons are theirs in the future.


For someone at the venue, it is an unforgettable day.

The classification is completed.

Everyone should either serve Dan Seclusion or adapt to the new weapon and spread it out.

“Second sister, I also have something.”

Say, take out a whip Divine treasure.

“Tier-4 Divine treasure?” Touba Guan Shan looked stunned and looked at Zhao Fang with some surprise.

To know.

Even God King, not everyone, has Tier-4 Divine treasure.

And Zhao Fang.

You can easily remove a Tier-4 Divine treasure.

Even the Eoba of the Tuoba family can’t do it.


Touba Guan Feng wants to refuse.

after all.

Her subordinate, with too much favor from Zhao Fang, if she accepts this Tier-4 whip, it is really unclear.

After seeing the Tier-4 whip, her eyes could not be moved.

“Things are too expensive! And, I owe you too much, and if I accept it, I don’t know when I can pay off.”

Touba Guan Feng shook his head.

“Hehe, younger brother send Elder Sister gifts, this is a matter of course, you don’t have to quit!”

Zhao Fang put the Whives Divine treasure in the hands of Touba Guan Feng.

Touba Guan Feng is looking at Zhao Fang. For a long time, he laughed. “Well, since it is a gift from the younger brother, then I am doing Elder Sister, and I will accept it.”

Zhao Fang also laughed.

Taking advantage of everyone or cultivation, or familiar with the gap between Divine Weapon, Zhao Fang is also constantly upgrading his own Law.

In the battle with the Blood Barbarian Tribe Powerhouse, Zhao Fang comprehend went to Spear Law, plus the Slaughter Law who completed the ‘small goal’ Task Reward.

Currently, Zhao Fang already has four types of Law.

This is extremely rare in the Divine Monarch.

And I want to push all four Laws to peak.

Even if you are a wizard, you need a lot of Time and resources.

Zhao Fang only needs the Law fragment.


At the same time in Zhao Fang and others Upgrade Strength.

Blood Cultivator God King returns to the Blood Cultivator and announces the things of Zhao Fang killed native and Demon Race.

For a moment.

Three Great Influences are furious.

As the soil Overlord of the Desolate City Ancient Land, their dignity cannot be provoked.

What’s more, the other party is just a Juna family of Heavenly God Realm.

“Manic human, I am like a king to step on death!”

Demon Race sent the best and most cruel mammoth king to let him catch Zhao Fang.

Blood Cultivator and native, after being unwilling, sent their respective Powerhouses and encircled Zhao Fang.

For a moment ,Desolate City Ancient Land, the wind is rising.

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